尽管微处理器出货量创出最高纪录,AMD公布的第二季营业收入仍然低于分析师预期。外界猜测该公司将于本周任命一位新的首席执行官(CEO),但AMD表示,CEO尚未找到,同 志仍需努力。
此前有人猜测,AMD可能在周四宣布其新任CEO。自从Dirk Meyer于1月突然辞职以来,该职位一直空缺。
AMD高级副总裁兼总法律顾问Harry Wolin表示,寻找新CEO仍然是头等大事,AMD董事会对于面试过的候选人很满意。但Harry Wolin表示,寻找CEO不能规定期限,重要的是找到合适的人选。Harry Wolin说:“董事会感到高兴的是,高级管理团队在此期间执行情况良好。”

Pal Gelsinger(现任EMC信息架构部门总裁。前英特尔高级副总裁兼数字企业事业部总经理,数字企业事业部是英特尔集团最大的事业部,它贡献了英特尔集团总收入的一半以上。)ZO4esmc

Tim Cook(苹果现任COO以及代理CEO,被认为是“乔布斯被卡车压扁时”接班的第一人选)ZO4esmc

Mark Hurd(现任甲骨文联合总裁及董事会成员。前惠普CEO,他上任后1年,惠普超越IBM,成为全球最大的IT企业。)ZO4esmc
而在此之前,包括世通公司(WorldCom Inc.)和康柏电脑公司(Compaq Computer Corp.)前任CEO迈克尔•卡佩利亚斯(Michael Capellas)、NCR公司CEO威廉•诺迪(William Nuti)、杀毒软件公司McAfee的前CEO大卫•德沃特(David DeWalt)、现任私募基金公司凯雷集团常务董事格雷格•萨默(Greg Summe)在内的多位高管都已拒绝了AMD的邀请。
评级机构MKM Partners的分析师丹尼尔•贝伦鲍姆(Daniel Berenbaum)称:“在一家前任CEO被董事会罢免的公司里任命新CEO总是困难的。而且,新任CEO能有多少自主权是肯定会涉及到的问题。”
知情人士称,如果AMD董事会寻找CEO时间拖延过长,现任AMD CFO、临时CEO的托马斯•赛菲特将被任命。
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• Computex:AMD发布9系列芯片组和Z系列APU
• 分析师:AMD在ARM身上看不到未来
• 评论:为什么ARM与AMD合作有意义?ZO4esmc
据Yahoo Finance ,AMD第二季营收低于分析师预期的15.8亿美元。非GAAP净收益为每股0.09美元,高于分析师预期的0.08美元。
“今天的计算体验,越来越多地取决于提供出色的多媒体与视频内容的能力,而且电池续航时间要长达一整天,”AMD的首席财务官及临时首席执行官Thomas Seifert在声明中表示,“Fusion加速处理单元最适合满足这种需求,使得AMD能够在移动计算领域扩大出货量市场份额。”
Luffy Liu
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
参考英文原文:No new CEO as AMD's Q2 sales slip,by Dylan McGrath
• Computex:AMD发布9系列芯片组和Z系列APU
• 分析师:AMD在ARM身上看不到未来
• 评论:为什么ARM与AMD合作有意义?ZO4esmc
No new CEO as AMD's Q2 sales slip
Dylan McGrath
SAN FRANCISCO—Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) Thursday (July 21) reported second quarter sales that fell short of analysts' expectations despite record microprocessor shipments in the quarter. Amid speculation that the company would also appoint a new CEO Thursday, AMD said the search for a new top executive remains ongoing.
AMD (Sunnyvale, Calif.) reported revenue for the second quarter of $1.57 billion, down 2 percent from the previous quarter and down 5 percent from the second quarter of 2010.
The company posted a net income in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for the quarter of $61 million, or 8 cents per share, compared to a net income of $510 million in the previous quarter and a net loss of $43 million in the year ago quarter.
AMD's sales for the quarter fell short of consensus analysts' expectations, which called for revenue for the period of $1.58 billion, according to Yahoo Finance. The company's non-GAAP net income of 9 cents per share exceeded consensus analysts' estimates of 8 cents per share, according to Yahoo Finance.
Some had speculated that AMD might also Thursday announce its next CEO. The position has been vacant since Dirk Meyer abruptly resigned in January.
Harry Wolin, AMD senior vice president and general counsel, said the search for a new CEO remains a top priority and that AMD's board is pleased with the quality of the candidates it has interviewed. But Wolin said meeting a timeline is not the driving force for the CEO search—finding the right person is. "The board is pleased that the senior management team has executed well throughout this timeframe," Wolin said.
On Wednesday, Intel Corp., AMD's much larger rival in the microprocessor market, posted its fifth consecutive quarter of record sales, thanks in part to new revenue from recent acquisitions.
Shipments of Fusion accelerated processing units (APUs) drove record microprocessor unit shipments and record mobile microprocessor unit shipments for AMD in the second quarter, the company said. AMD's gross margin for the quarter was 46 percent, the company said.
AMD said computing solutions segment revenue was flat sequentially and year-over-year. Sequentially, higher mobile microprocessor revenues were offset by lower desktop and server revenue, the company said. The year-over-year decrease was primarily driven by lower server revenue, the company said.
Graphics segment revenue decreased 11 percent sequentially and 17 percent year-over-year, AMD said. The sequential decrease was driven primarily by lower discrete mobile unit shipments and seasonality in the desktop discrete graphics add-in board market, the company said, while the annual decrease was primarily driven by lower unit shipments.
"Today's computing experience is increasingly being defined by the ability to deliver brilliant multimedia and video content with all day battery life," said Thomas Seifert, AMD's chief financial officer and interim CEO, in a statement. "Fusion APUs are ideal to meet this need, positioning AMD to gain unit market share in the mobile computing space."
For the current quarter, AMD said it expects revenue to increase sequentially by 8 to 12, percent, reaching between $1.7 billion and $1.76 billion. Seifert said AMD expects gross margins to increase by 1 percent to 47 percent in the current quarter.