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网络搜索巨头谷歌周一(8月15日)宣布,已签署最终协议,将以125亿美元左右收购手机厂商摩托罗拉移动(Motorola Mobility)。这是迄今为止谷歌在进军移动领域方面所采取的最为大胆和激进的行动。

网络搜索巨头谷歌周一(8月15日)宣布,已签署最终协议,将以125亿美元左右收购手机厂商摩托罗拉移动(Motorola Mobility)。这是迄今为止谷歌在进军移动领域方面所采取的最为大胆和激进的行动。 谷歌(美国加州山景城)表示,将以每股40美元现金收购摩托罗拉移动,相比摩托罗拉移动股份的8月12日收盘价24.47美元溢价63%。受上述消息影响,摩托罗拉移动的股票价格在午后初段飙升56%。 摩托罗拉移动是安卓开放手机联盟的成员。谷歌表示,上述收购将使谷歌能够“增强”安卓生态系统,并加强移动计算领域的竞争。谷歌表示,摩托罗拉将继续获得Android的授权,Android将维持开放。谷歌还表示,摩托罗拉移动将作为独立业务继续运营。 “摩托罗拉移动全面支持安卓系统,为双方创造了合作良机,”谷歌的共同创始人兼首席执行官佩奇在声明中表示,“双方合并之后,将创造惊人的用户体验,增强整个安卓生态系统,从而为消费者、合作伙伴和开发者创造新的机会。我热烈欢迎摩托罗拉员工加入谷歌大家庭。” 佩奇在博客中表示,这次收购将增强谷歌的专利组合,使其能够更好地使安卓免受“微软、苹果和其它公司的反竞争威胁。”佩奇指出,微软和苹果上月牵头一些公司组建了一个联盟,将以45亿美元联手从北电网络手中收购多项专利。谷歌声称,此举属于反竞争行为,企图扼杀安卓操作系统。据市场调研公司Canalys Ltd.,安卓系统目前是智能手机的主流操作系统,第二季度被48%的智能手机所采用。 谷歌最初以9亿美元竞购北电网络的专利。一些分析师曾表示,谷歌急需专利。据报道,针对安卓和安卓设备生产商的专利诉讼已超过45个。 摩托罗拉移动目前在全球持有24500项得到批准和正在申请中的专利。其中包括其Mobile Devices 部门持有的14600项得到批准的专利,以及6700项待批准的专利,这些专利涉及包括4G和近场通信等关键的行业无线标准。这些专利可以帮助谷歌在与其它移动设备开发商的知识产权之争中捍卫自己的利益。 “从知识产权角度来看,这次收购可以增强谷歌与苹果谈判时的地位。苹果正在对基于安卓的产品发动进攻,比如在欧洲对三星采取的行动,”市场调研公司IHS iSuppli的无线通信首席分析师Francis Sideco表示,“谷歌起码将能够声称摩托罗拉的3GPP和3GPP2手机规格知识产权属于自己,iPhone和iPad都使用了这些规格。” 苹果指控三星侵犯其专利权,声称三星的Galaxy媒体平板和智能手机抄袭了苹果产品的设计。上周,欧盟一名法官裁定支持苹果的请求,在多数欧洲地区暂时禁止销售三星Galaxy Tab 10.1。 本文下一页:想收购MOTO的不止Google一家?


{pagination} 可能爆发并购战? Google所谓的“supercharging”Android生态系统,暗示着Google计划与Motorola团队进行特别紧密地合作。这对于Google而言是很微妙的平衡:其它重要的Android供货商并不乐意Google对Motorola有任何一丝偏袒,让它得到不公平的优势,我们可能会见到Samsung、HTC、LG、Sony Ericsson和其它公司再度投 向其它手机平台的怀抱,它们最有可能选择微软的Windows Phone生态系统,藉此让Google老实一点。 此笔收购肯定会强化Google的专利组合,在一波未平一波又起的手机产业专利诉讼战中跨出重要一步,对于瞄准Android和其供货商伙伴的诉讼而言意义重大。 Motorola有强大的专利组合和制造先进装置与技术的长远历史,但是最近几年身陷财务状况不佳,让它成为一个具有吸引力的收购目标。 技术投资快报Next Inning Technology Research的编辑Paul McWilliams表示,另一家公司,有可能是微软,可能加入并购战,提出比谷歌更高的出价来竞购摩托罗拉移动。 “我认为,如果只是为了迫使谷歌出更高的价钱,其它公司完全可能参加竞购,”McWilliams周一在写给订户的报告中表示,“我预计,谷歌显然可以从许多角度来利用摩托罗拉移动,而摩托罗拉移动的专利资产几乎是必争之地。” McWilliams表示,谷歌的举动也可能促使微软收购全球最大的手机生产商诺基亚。 亿万富翁伊坎周一发表声明,对谷歌的收购行动表示欢迎。伊坎是摩托罗拉的大股东,在北电网络出售专利之后,上月公开敦促摩托罗拉移动考虑出售其专利资产。 伊坎表示:“这对于摩托罗拉移动的全体股东来说是极好的结果,尤其是考虑到目前的市场形势。” 摩托罗拉移动的首席执行官杰哈在单独声明中表示:“此次收购为摩托罗拉移动的股东创造了巨大的价值,并为我们的全球员工、消费者和合作伙伴创造了诱人的新机会。” 谷歌表示,谷歌与摩托罗拉移动的董事会都已一致同意上述收购计划,还需获得美国、欧洲和其它国家监管部门批准和摩托罗拉移动股东的批准。预计该交易将于2011年底或2012年初完成。 本文下一页:业界专家的看法


{pagination} 业界专家的看法 国际电子商情首席分析师孙昌旭: “经过二十几小时的飞行,刚一落地,就被谷哥与MOTO这一重要消息刺激了。虽是预料之中,但是情感承受之难。苹果、微软+诺基、谷哥+MOTO,三家如垄断,亚洲厂商的出路在哪儿?下一步棋猜想:高通、英特尔找HTC、三星等亚洲厂商联盟?这三个阵营显然对高通、英特尔不利。” 奇虎360董事长周鸿祎与金山董事长雷军的观点颇为一致: 周鸿祎认为,谷歌此次收购再学苹果垂直整合,逼得微软收购NOKIA,然后苹果、谷歌、微软三大阵营角力。雷军则表示,谷歌的收购意味着智能手机的竞争就是“硬件、软件和服务的铁人三项赛”,下一步就是微软收购Nokia了。 李开复:此举是为了专利 谷歌是个信仰开放的公司,提供免费开源手机操作系统是为了推广生态系统,并增加后台搜索地图等服务;谷歌收购Nortel专利受挫,决定收购摩托专利;此举是为了专利,而非软硬件整合。 Ovum分析师Tim Renowden : “此笔收购肯定会强化Google的专利组合,在一波未平一波又起的手机产业专利诉讼战中跨出重要一步,对于瞄准Android和其供货商伙伴的诉讼而言意义重大。” 野村证券全球技术专家 RICHARD WINDSOR: “我认为Google醉翁之意在专利。Google希望保护Android社区,但其它手机厂商会感到自己的权力被剥夺。摩托罗拉发挥的作用并不太大,Google此举实际上会摧毁整个社区。125亿美元出价不菲,我们的估值低于该收购价格。Google对制造手机赚钱没兴趣,而是对广告感兴趣。” 市场研究公司GARTNER高级消费设备分析师 CAROLINA MILANESI: “Google收购摩托罗拉移动并非只是收购一家硬件公司。摩托罗拉部分核心专利可通过收购获得。此次收购交易不会阻止苹果追逐摩托罗拉专利,但为摩托罗拉专利增加了一个讨价还价的筹码。收购交易有助于Google拓展平板电脑市场。125亿美元出价的确不菲,但却能够节省大量专利费。对摩托罗拉而言,这笔交易很划算。Google曾试图推出Nexus智能手机,结果却大出所料。” GABELLI & CO分析师 HENDI SUSANTO: “Google和摩托罗拉联手,将成为一个强大的硬件-软件整合体,同苹果、三星和宏达电竞争。我认为其交易不会遭遇监管机构的挑战。其他Android用户如三星、LG、宏达电等或担忧摩托罗拉获得其硬件与Android软件密切整合的优势,更熟悉未来的Android平台。Google已经明确表示,摩托罗拉将作为一家独立企业运营,其态度将缓和其它厂商的担忧。总之,我仍然期待收购交易能够顺利完成。” CCS INSIGHT分析师 BEN WOOD: “Google收购摩托罗拉可减少对硬件厂商和运营商的依赖性,但会在Android社区引发大的担忧,或提升Windows Phone 7地位。获得摩托罗拉移动专利也是Google收购摩托罗拉的最大动力。对摩托罗拉移动和CEO桑杰•贾而言,这是一项丰功伟绩。” STRAND咨询机构创始人兼CEO JOHN STRAND: “我认为Google不希望同三星、宏达电、LG和索尼爱立信竞争。我认为Google会退出硬件市场,在获得专利、软件、熟悉移动产业的人力后,Google会将摩托罗拉品牌出售给一家中国厂商。” BGC PARTNERS分析师 COLLIN GILLIS: “该收购交易需要时日才能见效。Google拥有巨额现金、希望追逐利润,目前Android尚未盈利。Google曾表示希望提供类似苹果的硬件和软件体验。RIM要错过一个潜在买家。Google无需收购摩托罗拉,其目的就是在追逐新的利润渠道。摩托罗拉移动不值得收购,仅依靠硬件无法赚钱。” IDC分析师 FRANCISCO JERONIMO: “三星和宏达电将继续推动Windows Phone平台的发展,因为Google收购摩托罗拉使三星和宏达电意识到自己必须实行平台差异化战略。另外,由于摩托罗拉是GSM领域的先锋,Google将因此获得大量专利组合。” 编译:Luffy Liu 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Google to buy Motorola Mobility for $12.5B,by Dylan McGrath


{pagination} Google to buy Motorola Mobility for $12.5B Dylan McGrath In its boldest and most ambitious step yet into the mobile handset space, Web search giant Google Inc. said Monday (Aug. 15) it signed a definitive agreement to acquire handset vendor Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. for about $12.5 billion. Google (Mountain View, Calif.) said it would pay $40 per share for Motorola Mobility, a premium of 63 percent over the handset makers Aug. 12 closing price of $24.47. Motorola Mobility's stock surged up 56 percent in early afternoon trading Monday on the news. Google said the acquisition of Motorola Mobility, a member of the Android Open Handset Alliance, would enable Google to "supercharge" the Android ecosystem and enhance competition in mobile computing. Motorola Mobility will remain a licensee of Android and Android will remain open, Google said. Google will run Motorola Mobility as a separate business, Google said. "Motorola Mobility’s total commitment to Android has created a natural fit for our two companies," said Larry Page, Google co-founder and CEO, in a statement. "Together, we will create amazing user experiences that supercharge the entire Android ecosystem for the benefit of consumers, partners and developers. I look forward to welcoming Motorolans to our family of Googlers." In a blog posting, Page said the acquisition would strengthen Google's patent portfolio, enabling the firm to better protect Android from "anti-competitive threats from Microsoft, Apple and other companies." Page noted that Microsoft and Apple last month led a consortium of companies that banded together to buy a load of patents from Nortel Networks Corp. for $4.5 billion. Google claims this acquisition is part of anti-competitive behavior meant to squash the growth of the Android operating system, which is now the leading smartphone OS, found in 48 percent of smartphones in the second quarter, according to market research firm Canalys Ltd. Google initially bit $900 million for the Nortel patents. Some analysts have said Google is in desperate need of patents. There are reportedly more than 45 patent infringement lawsuits against Android and makers of Android devices. Motorola Mobility currently holds 24,500 approved and pending patents around the world. These include 14,600 approved and 6,700 pending patents held by its Mobile Devices unit covering key industry wireless standards including 4G and near-field communications. Together, this treasure trove could aid Google in defending itself in ongoing intellectual property fights with rival mobile device developers. "From an intellectual property standpoint, the acquisition bolsters Google’s negotiating position with Apple, in the event that Apple goes after Android-based products the same way it did with Samsung in Europe," said Francis Sideco, principal analyst for wireless communications at market research firm HIS iSuppli. “If nothing else, Google will be able to assert Motorola’s IP for the 3GPP and 3GPP2 cellphone specifications, which are used in both the iPhone and iPad." Apple has filed patent infringement lawsuits against Samsung, claiming that Samsung's Galaxy media tablets and smartphones copy the design of Apple products. Last week, a European Union judge granted an Apple request to temporarily halt the sale of Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1 in most of Europe. Possible bidding war? Paul McWilliams, editor of technology investment newsletter Next Inning Technology Research, said that another company—perhaps Microsoft—might enter the fray and top Google's bid for Motorola Mobility. "I think there is a reasonable enough chance we'll see someone else come in with a counteroffer if for no other reason but to force Google to dig a little deeper," McWilliams wrote in a report to subscribers Monday. "As I see it, Google can clearly leverage Motorola Mobility from many perspectives, and the armor of Motorola Mobility's patent portfolio is nearly a must-have." McWilliams said Google's move might also spur Microsoft to acquire Nokia Corp., the world's largest handset maker. Billionaire financier Carl Ichan, a large Motorola shareholder who last month publicly urged Motorola Mobility to explore options for selling its patent portfolio in the wake of the Nortel patent auction, issued a statement Monday applauding the Google deal. "This is a great outcome for all shareholders of Motorola Mobility, especially in light of today's markets," Icahn said. In a separate statement, Sanjay Jha, CEO of Motorola Mobility, said, "This transaction offers significant value for Motorola Mobility’s stockholders and provides compelling new opportunities for our employees, customers, and partners around the world." Google and Motorola Mobility's' boards have already unanimously approved the transaction, which is subject to customary closing conditions, including the receipt of regulatory approvals in the U.S., the European Union and other jurisdictions, and the approval of Motorola Mobility’s stockholders, Google said. The transaction is expected to close by the end of 2011 or early 2012, Google said.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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