来势汹汹的平板专利战正严重冲击韩国三星电子公司(Samsung Electronics)。该公司继先前在澳洲的诉讼败给了苹果公司(Apple)后,如今,德国地方法院也裁定──禁止三星Android版Galaxy Tab 10.1平板电脑在荷兰以外的欧盟国家贩售。
三星公司的竞争对手们必须特别注意了,千万不要因为该公司迄今在专利战中的一点失败而得意,因为这一专利战已经将各主要无线手机和平板市场的重要厂商都牵扯进来了。苹果公司在澳大利亚和欧洲用来牵制三星的相同策略手法也正等着他们,因为苹果公司还锁定了其它平板制造商。例如苹果公司已经对位于德国的摩托罗拉公司(Motorola Mobility Inc.)提出诉讼,想要透过法院禁制令来限制摩托罗拉销售XOOM平板产品。
由于苹果公司处心积虑地避免其所声称的设计侵权,使得像台湾宏达电子(HTC)等多家公司也同样出现在全球各地的法院被告席中。这场战争终将带来更多长久的、旷日费时的诉讼战,而受理上诉的法院是否支持苹果公司最近一连串的胜诉,目前也还不得而知。然而,可以肯定的是,这种情况已经为产业带来了一种“寒蝉效应”──制造商们越来越关注的是他们是否可继续开发基于Google Android操作系统的产品。
编译:Susan Hong
本文授权编译自EBN Online,版权所有,谢绝转载
参考英文原文:This Apple Win Should Not Stand,by Bolaji Ojo
• 三星Galaxy平板电脑在欧洲被禁卖
• Apple另控告HTC侵害5项专利权
• 2011年平板电脑将推动移动设备出货达1.58亿个NRaesmc
This Apple Win Should Not Stand
Bolaji Ojo
The raging tablet patent war is going very badly for Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (Korea: SEC). It lost against Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) in Australia, and now a German court has barred the sale of its Android Galaxy Tab 10.1.
Although Samsung will likely appeal the ruling, the setback in Germany could delay the company's plans to overtake Apple in the tablet PC market. It also could slow down the adoption of Android by other wireless handset/tablet manufacturers. (See: Brawling OEMs & a Broken Patents System.)
Samsung rivals need to pay attention and not rejoice over its losses so far in the patent war, which has pulled in combatants from all the major wireless handset and tablet markets. The same strategy Apple has used to tie up Samsung in Australia and Europe awaits them, too, because the company has other tablet makers in its sights. It has filed suit against Motorola Mobility Inc. (NYSE: MMI) in Germany and wants an injunction preventing the sale of the company's Xoom tablet.
Companies like Taiwan's HTC are similarly in the dock in various courts globally as Apple fights to prevent what it alleges is the theft of its designs. The war will play out in many long, drawn-out battles, and it's not clear whether appellate courts will back up Apple's recent victories. What's certain, however, is that the situation is already having a chilling effect on the industry as manufacturers grow concerned about whether they can continue developing products based on Google's Android operating system.
The successful injunction against Samsung's Galaxy is based on Apple's Community Design Patent No. 000181607. Several industry observers have said the patent -- if upheld -- could prevent other companies from making tablets. After reviewing the design on which Apple is basing its patent defense, I couldn't help but agree that the entire situation is deeply disturbing. (See the images and associated documents here.)
Obviously, the design is similar to many other tablet designs currently in the marketplace. If Apple's latest court victory against Samsung is upheld globally, it should then be applicable against all other manufacturers. In that case, they should simply leave the market to the Cupertino, Calif., company.
Is this really what we want in the marketplace, and is this the purpose patents are meant to serve?
I might be wrong, but it seems wrongheaded that the courts would allow a company to put so many of its competitors out of business on the basis of a generic design concept. If Apple's patent defense is based solely on this or any similar concept, then the entire OEM world should be worried. If the participants in the wireless handset and tablet markets want to gain a competitive advantage, they need to look beyond silly tactical maneuverings.
Apple is already a winner in this sector. It doesn't need the black eye it will likely get from the current patent war.