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微软博客披露Windows 8部分细节和发布时间

微软公司为配合Windows8的推广,专门新开了一个博客,用于发布与Windows8有关的新闻或者介绍该操作系统的新功能。Windows8是微软自Windows 95以来最大的一次更新。

微软公司为配合Windows8的推广,专门新开了一个博客,用于发布与Windows8有关的新闻或者介绍该操作系统的新功能。Windows8是微软自Windows 95以来最大的一次更新。 目前还没有这款操作系统的功能细节公布,但官方已经确定将能够应用于各种新的移动设备,Web和基于ARM的设备。 在微软开发Windows7的时候也曾经采取这种手段进行宣传,当时的博客名称为Engineering Windows 7。 微软此举很大一部分原因在于,移动设备的兴起造成PC增长放缓。谷歌的Android和苹果的iOS已在智能手机和平板领域占据重要位置。Android在智能手机甚至已经获得了高达48%的市场份额,苹果超越诺基亚成为智能手机的领先供应商。 “该操作系统为新一代计算设备重新规划了Windows系统,以适应终端日益增加的需求。”微软Windows和Windows Live集团总裁Steven Sinofsky在他的Blog中说。 具体来说,Windows 8将支持: 芯片:传统x86以及ARM SoC,预期将包括高通的Snapdragon,NVIDIA的Tegra和德州仪器的OMAP; 输入:触摸屏以及键盘/鼠标接口; 终端:平板电脑以及传统PC; Web:HTML5,Javascript和层叠样式表; 一个新的应用模式,可以让一个应用程序既能运行在ARM上,又能运行在x86系统上; 一个新的用户界面(已经在6月份发布了预览); 与以前的Windows个人电脑兼容。 在六月的Computex上演示,微软一位发言人说Win8“支持任何形式的超便携电脑,不只是平板。”他说, “至于下一代的电脑长什么样子,你来决定。”


在博客中,Sinofsky指出,现在移动设备已经占电脑总数的2/3,几乎所有的电脑都有无线网络。屏幕尺寸范围从10英寸到墙面大小不等,储存能力爆炸性增长,触摸屏已变得很普遍,他补充说。 微软表示,在Windows 8这一代操作系统中,它要更加紧密地与原始设备制造商(OEM),芯片制造商和应用程序开发商合作。 本文下一页:发布时间 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载


{pagination} 发布时间    Windows 8系统已经为众多用户所期待,但微软对发布一事只字不提。昨天Windows部门主管Steven Sinofsky终于通过MSDN博客透露了Windows 8 Beta版发布的时间。 与之前的风格一样,Steven Sinofsky有所保留,只是说“Windows 8 Beta版将在未来几个月内应该是指2011年秋季了。微软将于2011年9月份举行BUILD大会,有消息称微软会在这次大会上释放Windows 8的Beta版本。但是微软并没有给予回应。 Steven Sinofsky还对公布Windows 8内容太少引起粉丝不快进行了道歉,声称这是微软吸取过去经验教训的做法。因为在很多事情不确定前贸然在公众面前谈论,一旦事情突变会导致大规模的批评。 在本次博客的结尾,Steven Sinofsky还强调了与用户沟通、采纳用户意见的重要性,称微软的开发团队将积极与用户展开对话并读取他们的评论以便开发出更好的Windows 8。 读者可以从博客页面,给Sinofsky发送电子邮件。博客支持七种语言,包括巴西葡萄牙语,中文和俄罗斯文。 编译:Luffy Liu 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Microsoft blog primes Windows 8 pump,by Rick Merritt


{pagination} Microsoft blog primes Windows 8 pump Rick Merritt SAN JOSE, Calif. – Microsoft has launched a new blog to preview features of Windows 8, billed as the biggest overhaul of the PC operating system since Windows 95. There are no details on the new capabilities of the OS yet, but plenty of promise on how it will extend the Windows franchise into new kinds of mobile, Web and ARM-based systems. The effort comes as PC growth is slowing amid a rise in mobile systems. Google's Android and Apple's iOS have taken commanding positions in smartphones and tablets. Android has grabbed as much as 48 percent market share in smartphones, and Apple surpassed Nokia as the leading provider of smartphones. "Windows 8 reimagines Windows for a new generation of computing devices," said Steven Sinofsky, president of Microsoft's Windows and Windows Live group and author of the first blog. Specifically, Windows 8 will support: ARM SoCs expected to include Qualcomm's Snapdragon, Nvidia's Tegra and Texas Instruments' Omap Touch screens as well as keyboard/mouse interfaces Tablets as well as traditional PC form factors HTML5, Javascript and Cascading Style Sheets A new applications model that lets a single app run on ARM- and x86-based systems A new user interface previewed in June Compatibility with prior Windows PCs In a Computex presentation in June, a Microsoft spokesman said Win8 "enables ultraportable computers of any form factor, not just tablets," he said. "It's up to you want the next generation of PCs look like," he said. In the blog, Sinofsky noted that today more than two out of three PCs are mobile, and nearly all PCs have wireless networking. Screen sizes range from 10-inch to wall-sized screens, storage is exploding and touch-screens have become widespread, he added. Microsoft said it wants to work more closely with OEMs, chip makers and app developers in the Win8 generation. Readers can send emails from the blog page that go to Sinofsky's inbox. The blog supports seven languages including Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese and Russian. Microsoft put out no real news on Win8 in the new Building Windows 8 blog aka B8. However, it is expected to release new details at its Build conference in Anaheim in September.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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