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奇梦达的破产管理人在慕尼黑一家地方法院提起诉讼,要求德国芯片厂商英飞凌支付至少17.1亿欧元(约合22.5亿美元)。奇梦达原来是英飞凌的子公司,生产DRAM。 在此之前,破产管理人在2010年12月提起诉讼,要求判决英飞凌赔偿奇梦达的损失,但未给出要求赔偿的具体金额。该诉讼声称,在成立奇梦达公司的过程中,英飞凌通过与此有关的空壳公司转移企业资产,未将此情况告知企业注册主管部门。 破产管理人Michael Jaffe指控,英飞凌创立DRAM业务,把它从一个部门变成一个子公司,然后向该公司提供了某些资源,上述做法影响了估值,因此英飞凌仍欠破产企业大量资金。


该破产管理人提出的大部分赔偿要求,基于所谓的资产减损责任。Jaffe认为,在2006年春季进行的两次增资行动中,作为非现金贡献交给奇梦达的内存业务价值低于当时所宣称的6亿欧元(约为7.9亿美元),实际上价值为负。 英飞凌据称针对此项行动可能引发的任何责任问题而拨备了3亿欧元(约合4亿美元),但它继续声称,有关“在经济上重建”空壳公司的说辞纯属无稽之谈,而且违反了两项独立审计结果,其中一项审计是代表英飞凌做的,另一项是由法院完成,专门用于确定非现金贡献的价值。 编译:Luffy Liu 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Qimonda admin hits Infineon with $2.25 billion demand,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} Qimonda admin hits Infineon with $2.25 billion demand Peter Clarke The insolvency administrator of Qimonda AG, the former DRAM making subsidiary of chipmaker Infineon Technologies AG (Munich, Germany), has filed a request for payment of at least 1.71 billion euro (about $2.25 billion) in a lawsuit pending in a Munich District Court. The request for payment is in addition to an action for a declaratory judgement in an unspecified amount that was filed in December 2010. That action asserts that Infineon failed to make certain necessary declarations to the German company registrar as it moved assets through shell companies in association with the setting up of Qimonda as a subsidiary company. Michael Jaffe, the insolvency administrator is alleging that the manner in which Infineon carved out its DRAM business, from a division into a subsidiary and then provided certain resources to that business had an impact on the valuations, which thereby means that Infineon still owes the bankrupt estate these considerable amounts of money. The insolvency administrator is basing a substantial part the claim on so-called liability for impairment of capital. Jaffe claims that the value of the memory business contributed to Qimonda AG as a non-cash contribution in connection with two capital increases in the spring of 2006 was worth less than the 600 million euro (about $790 million) ascribed to it at the time and was in fact of negative value. Infineon has reportedly set aside 300 million euro (about $400 million) against any possible liabilities arising from the action, although it continues to maintain that the claims of alleged "economic re-establishment" are unjustified and that the argument run counter to two independent audits, one conducted on behalf of Infineon and one conducted by the court specifically set up to value non-cash contributions.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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