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闪存记忆体供应商SanDisk公司周三(2月15日)宣布将收购缓存软件提供商FlashSoft公司,目前暂未公开收购价格。 SanDisk公司表示,它计划把FlashSoft的软件当作单独的产品出售的同时,也提供给Sandisk自己的SAS,PCIe和SATA总线的企业固态硬盘(SSD)使用。 FlashSoft的软件主要针对Windows,Linux和VMware平台,并将提供基于SanDisk和第三方合作伙伴的SSD软件优化解决方案,SanDisk表示。 SanDisk总裁兼首席执行官桑杰·梅赫罗特拉(Sanjay Mehrotra),在一份声明中说,“FlashSoft的软件产品,丰富和完善了我们不断增加的SAS,PCIE和SATA企业级SSD产品线,我们很高兴FlashSoft加入SanDisk大家庭。”  在同一天,SanDisk还表示,它正与Diskeeper公司洽谈一份全球性的独家协议,希望后者授权其缓存软件解决方案给Sandisk的SSD。 该公司表示,根据该协议的条款,SanDisk将可以把这些解决方案当作独立的软件产品出售,或者与SanDisk的SSD产品绑定。 由此产生的硬件/软件捆 绑解决方案将有助于为消费类电子的OEM客户提供优化的计算存储设备,如Ultrabooks和其他超薄外形产品,新的SSD产品可以提供给世界各地的消费者更高的响应速度,更高的性能和整体更好的用户体验,SanDisk表示。 编译:Luffy Liu 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:SanDisk buys caching software firm, by Dylan McGrath


{pagination} SanDisk buys caching software firm Dylan McGrath SAN FRANCISCO—Flash memory vendor SanDisk Corp. Wednesday (Feb. 15) announced the acquisition of FlashSoft Corp., a provider of caching software, for an undisclosed purchase price. SanDisk (Milpitas, Calif.) said it plans to sell FlashSoft's products as standalone software, as well as offer them in combination with SanDisk’s portfolio of SAS, PCIe and SATA enterprise solid-state drives (SSDs). FlashSoft's software is targeted for Windows, Linux and VMWare platforms, and will form the basis of a of SSD-optimized software solutions from SanDisk and third party partners, SanDisk said. "FlashSoft’s software products complement our growing family of SAS, PCIe and SATA enterprise SSDs, and we are pleased to welcome FlashSoft to the SanDisk family," said Sanjay Mehrotra, president and CEO of SanDisk, in a statement. Also Wednesday, SanDisk said it entered into a worldwide, exclusive agreement with Diskeeper Corp. to license its caching software solutions for SSDs. Under the terms of the agreement, SanDisk will provide these solutions both as standalone software products as well as bundled with SanDisk's SSD products for client computing applications, the company said. The resulting hardware/software bundled solution will help consumer OEM customers build optimized computing devices, such as Ultrabooks and other ultra-thin form factor products, that provide greater responsiveness, higher performance and an overall better user experience to consumers worldwide, SanDisk said.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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