根据业界消息,私募股权投资公司德太投资(TPG)与中国北京的弘毅投资(Hony Capital)正在联手竞购日本芯片制造商尔必达(Elpida)。另外,包括美光(Micron)、海力士(SK Hynix)与东芝(Toshiba)等内存厂商,也都加入了竞标的行列。
日本仅存的 DRAM 供货商尔必达在上个月初因无法筹措到资金、也未取得日本政府的援助而宣告破产,该公司目前正在征求潜在投资者的出价,试图挣扎求生脱离破产保护。
日本产经新闻(Nikkei)日前报导,在尔必达宣告破产之前放弃了一次投资该公司机会的东芝,现在决定要出价收购尔必达;据了解,东芝将寻求来自政府背景 的“日本企业再生支持机构(Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corp)”之财务援助。在今年1月,业界消息传出日本政府原本试图说服东芝投资尔必达,但该提议被早已退出变动剧烈DRAM市场的东芝拒绝。
至于据说已针对投资议题与尔必达协商数周的美光,也打算出价收购尔必达;路透社(Reuters)引述不具名消息来源报导指出,美光已委请高盛(Goldman Sachs)担任这项竞标的财务顾问。但美光发言人以该公司政策为由,拒绝对此传言发表评论。
弘毅投资全名为北京弘毅远方投资顾问有限公司(Beijing Hony FutureInvestment Advisor Ltd),成立于2003年,是联想控股有限公司成员企业中专事股权投资及管理业务的公司,主要投资于成熟行业中的成型企业和新兴行业中的成长型企业,关注适合并购投资和改制的国有企业,关注快速成长的民营企业。
美国德太投资集团管理的承诺股本总计超过450亿美元,在全球不同地区均设有分支机构。其投资组合中拥有 50多家公司,合计雇佣员工总数超过58万人,合计年收入达650亿美元。德太投资重视在东亚尤其是中国的投资机会。
编译:Luffy Liu
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
参考英文原文:Reports: Toshiba, Micron, Hynix to bid for Elpida,by Dylan McGrath;Reports: China's Hony and TPG team to bid for Elpida, by Peter Clarke
• 海力士正式更名为“SK海力士”
• 尔必达破产重整有望修正DRAM供过于求
• 日本震后一年中国电子业可从中得到的经验与教训tvCesmc
Reports: Toshiba, Micron, Hynix to bid for Elpida
Dylan McGrath
SAN FRANCISCO—Micron Technology Inc., SK Hynix Inc. and Toshiba Corp. are all in the process of throwing their hats in the ring to acquire all or part of bankrupt Japanese DRAM vendor Elpida Memory Inc., according to media reports.
Elpida, Japan's only remaining DRAM vendor, filed for bankruptcy last month after failing to find investment or get a second injection of government funding. Elpida is soliciting bids from potential investors in an effort to pull itself out of bankruptcy protection.
Japan's Nikkei newspaper reported Thursday (March 29) that, after initially turning down an opportunity to invest in Elpida prior to the company filing for bankruptcy, Toshiba had decided to make a bid for Elpida. The report said Toshiba could seek financial assistance from the government-backed Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corp of Japan.
The Japanese government reportedly urged Toshiba to invest in Elpida in January, prior to the company's bankruptcy filing. But Toshiba, which itself excited the volatile DRAM industry years ago, reportedly declined.
Micron, which has reportedly been in negotiations with Elpida for several weeks about possible investment, plans to make a bid for Elpida, according to a report by the Reuters news service, which cited unnamed sources. Goldman Sachs is acting as Micron's financial advisor on the bid, according to the Reuters report.
In an email exchange with EE Times, a spokesman for Micron declined to comment on reports of Micron bidding for Elipda, citing a company policy against commenting on rumors.
SK Hynix, the South Korean memory chip vendor formerly known as Hynix Semiconductor, said in a regulatory filing Friday that it had filed an initial bid for Elpida, according to a separate Reuters report. The report, which indicated that the deadline for initial bids fell Friday, said Hynix indicated it would decided whether or not to make a formal bid for Elpida after conducting due diligence.
Reports: China's Hony and TPG team to bid for Elpida
Peter Clarke
LONDON – Chinese investment firm Hony Capital is teaming up with U.S. private equity firm TPG to bid for Elpida Memory Inc., the DRAM maker that filed for bankruptcy protection in February, according to reports.
Hony Capital, founded in 2003 by John Zhao, has specialized in the buy-out of China state-owned enterprises and now has $6.8 billion in assets under management. TPG, formerly Texas Pacific Group, has $49 billion of capital under management.
The two firms bid jointly in the first round of the auction for Elpida and are expected to submit a joint bid in the second round, which is due to close on April 27, the reports in the Financial Times and Wall Street Journal said, citing unnamed sources.
Rival DRAM makers Micron Technology Inc. (Boise, Idaho) and SK Hynix Inc. (Seoul, South Korea) are both expected to bid for Elpida although fellow Japanese chipmaker Toshiba has reportedly dropped out of the running.