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高通(Qualcomm)日前承认,正在寻求其它的晶圆厂产能,以弥补其长期代工伙伴台积电(TSMC)在28nm产能方面的短缺。 高通的高阶主管日前在第二季财报分析师电话会议上讨论了28nm产能问题,短缺情况超过分析师预期。高通也承认,28nm产能短缺很可能会在接下来两季造成不利影响。 高通主席兼CEO Paul Jacobs表示,该公司的Snapdragon S4应用处理器和其它28nm产品需求强劲,但28nm产能却不足。




“是的,我们确实在28纳米节点上有一些困难,但主要困难是没有足够的产能,而不是良率,”张忠谋说。 结交新朋友,不忘老搭档 “虽然制造良率符合预期,但28nm产能仍然短缺,”Jacobs说。也同时指出,高通无法获得足够的28nm产能来满足该公司日益增加的28nm产品需求,这将对高通今年度的营收带来影响。 Jacobs 承认,高通正针对28nm产能寻求“几个替代的代工来源”。Jacobs并未明确指出谁会是替代代工厂,但最可能的名单大概包括了 Globalfoundries、联电(UMC)和三星(Samsung Electronics)。Jacobs表示,高通也将增加营运支出,以满足更多的28nm产品需求。(截止发稿时,联电已经确定拿下高通订单) Jacobs也表示,高通仍将持续与台积电合作制造28nm组件。 “我们正在与合作伙伴紧密合作,希望增加额外的产能,”Jacobs说。他表示,高通不希望到本次会计年度结束前才看到28nm产能问题获得改善。 高通高层承认,28nm产能不足可能对其第三季和第四季带来负面影响。 高通稍早前公布了截至3月25日的第二季销售成果,销售额49.4亿美元,较前一季上升6%,比前一年同期成长28%。该公司本季净利23.3亿美元,较前一季成长59%,比去年同期提升117%。 在预估基础上,扣除费用和特殊项目,高通净利17.6亿美元,较上一季成长5%,比去年同期成长21%。该公司预估EPS 1.01美元,较上一季增长4%,比去年同期增长17%。 高通本季达48.4亿美元的销售额和预估每股超越分析师预期。而针对即将在六月份截止的本季度,高通表示,预估销售额将下降至44.5亿美元至48.5亿美元之间,环比下降约2%~10%。但与去年同期相比大约增长23~24%。 而针对2012会计年度,高通预期整体销售额约在187亿至198亿美元之间,比2011年成长25~32%。该公司同时预做每股盈余可达3.61至3.76美元,较2011会计年度成长13~18%。 编译: Joy Teng 本文为《国际电子商情》原创,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文: Qualcomm engages other foundries amid 28-nm capacity shortage ,by Dylan McGrath

Globalfoundries CEO:我们已经重归正轨

{pagination} Qualcomm engages other foundries amid 28-nm capacity shortage Dylan McGrath SAN FRANCISCO—Fabless chip vendor Qualcomm Inc. acknowledged Wednesday (April 18) that it was turning to other foundry suppliers amid a shortage of 28-nm capacity at its longtime foundry partner, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (TSMC). Qualcomm executives discussed the 28-nm capacity shortage in a conference call with analysts after reporting sales and profit for its fiscal second quarter that exceeded analysts' expectations. But Qualcomm executives acknowledged that the 28-nm capacity situation may adversely impact its numbers in the next two quarters. Paul Jacobs, Qualcomm's chairman and CEO, said the company was seeing very strong demand for its Snapdragon S4 applications processor and other 28-nm products, but that 28-nm capacity is constrained. "Although the manufacturing yields are progressing per expectation, there's a shortage of 28-nanometer capacity," Jacobs said. He added that Qualcomm could not secure enough 28-nm capacity to meet the increasing demand for its 28-nm parts and that the constraints to supply are expected to limit Qualcomm's revenue potential this year. Jacobs acknowledged that Qualcomm was engaging with "several alternative sources" for 28-nm capacity. Jacobs did not identify the alternative sources, but possibilities would presumably include Globalfoundries Inc., United Microelectronics Corp. and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Jacobs said Qualcomm would increase its operating expenses to facilitate additional 28-nm supply. Jacobs said Qualcomm would also continue to use TSMC as a foundry for 28-nm devices. "We're working closely with our partners to bring additional capacity online," said Jacobs. He said Qualcomm doesn't expect to see a significant improvement in 28-nm capacity until the final calendar quarter of this year. Taiwanese IT publication Digitimes said in a report Tuesday that Qualcomm and another stalwart TSMC customer, Nvidia Corp., approached other foundries about producing 28-nm chips for them because of tight 28-nm capacity at TSMC. The report cited unnamed sources at semiconductor tool makers. Also Tuesday, TSMC Chairman and CEO Morris Chang acknowledged that the foundry giant had issues with capacity shortage at 28-nm, but said that with new capacity coming online, "I do believe the worst is behind us." Though Qualcomm left its sales guidance for the fiscal year unchanged, executives acknowledged that the 28-nm capacity shortage would have a negative impact on its outlooks for Qualcomm's fiscal third and fourth quarters. Qualcomm (San Diego) reported sales of $4.94 billion for the quarter ended March 25, up 6 percent from the previous quarter and up 28 percent compared to the year-ago quarter. The company reported a net income of $2.33 billion, up 59 percent from the previous quarter and up 117 percent from the year ago quarter. On a pro forma basis, excluding charges and special items, Qualcomm reported a net income of $1.76 billion, up 5 percent from the previous quarter and up 21 percent from the year-ago quarter. The company reported pro forma earnings per share of $1.01, up 4 percent sequentially and up 17 percent year-to-year. Qualcomm's results for the quarter exceeded consensus analysts' expectations, which called for sales of $4.84 billion and pro forma earnings per share of 96 cents, according to Yahoo Finance. For the current quarter, which closes in June, Qualcomm said it expects sales to decline to between $4.45 billion and $4.85 billion, which would represent a sequential decline of 2 percent to 10 percent. The range would represent an increase of 23 to 34 percent compared to the year-ago quarter. The low end of Qualcomm's outlook for the current quarter came in below consensus analysts' expectations, which called for $4.8 billion, according to Yahoo Finance. For the fiscal year 2012, which closes late this year, Qualcomm continues to project sales of $18.7 billion to $19.7 billion, an increase of 25 to 32 percent from fiscal 2011. The company increased its estimates for pro forma earnings per share for the fiscal year of $3.61 and $3.76, which would be up 13 to 18 percent from fiscal 2011.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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