据路透社报导,隶属阿布达比官方Mubadala投资基金旗下的Advanced Technology Investment Co. (ATIC),过去两年来都呈现亏损状态,且截至2011年底,累积赤字已达到11.2亿美元。
ATIC是GlobalFoundries Inc.的母公司。这家晶圆代工厂是由超微(AMD) 的芯片制造部门独立而出,去年,AMD与Globalfoundries正式分道扬镳,AMD除了放弃手上拥有的Globalfoundries股权外, 也另寻28nm合作伙伴,从而让ATIC成为这家的晶圆代工厂的唯一拥有者。在此之前,AMD和GlobalFoundries曾签署晶圆供应协议,依照 协议,AMD的28nm芯片必须由GlobalFoundries供应。
许多业界观察家们都认为,与AMD新签署的供应协议对Globalfoundries而言无异是一大打击。然而,AMD表示,尽管已经修改了晶圆供应协议, 但该公司预计2012年在Globalfoundries投产的晶圆数量将高于2011年。也有人认为,与AMD分手对Globalfoundries反而是好事,因为这将扫除部份客户对于过去Globalfoundries和AMD之间关系的疑虑。Globalfoundries计划今年稍晚扩增其纽约 Fab 8厂的产能。
编译: Joy Teng
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参考英文原文: Report: Abu Dhabi's chip unit still in the red ,by Dylan McGrath
• 英特尔:无晶圆厂经营模式已穷途末路
• 台积电上海松江厂成大陆晶圆代工三哥
• GLOBALFOUNDRIES德国厂32纳米HKMG晶圆累计出货25万Iezesmc
Report: Abu Dhabi's chip unit still in the red
Dylan McGrath
SAN FRANCISCO—Advanced Technology Investment Co. (ATIC), the semiconductor unit of the Abu Dhabi government's Mubadala investment fund, lost money in each of the last two years and has accumulated a deficit that stood at about $1.12 billion at the end of 2011, according to a report by the Reuters news service that cited a regulatory filing.
In the filing, Mubadala said there can be no assurance that ATIC will be profitable in 2012 or subsequent years, according to the Reuters report.
ATIC is the parent company of Globalfoundries Inc. The firm became the sole owner of the former chip manufacturing unit of Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) last year, when AMD gave up its remaining stake in Globalfoundries in exchange for the right to have 28-nm products built by other foundries. Previously a clause in the wafer supply agreement between AMD and Globalfoundries required that AMD have certain 28-nm chips built by Globalfoundries.
In addition to Globalfoundries, ATIC is also one of several investors in Calxeda, a developer of low power server chips.
Globalfoundries, which does not report financial results, agreed to amend the wafer supply agreement with AMD after a tumultuous period in the relationship between the two companies. AMD said last year that low yields on 32-nm products built by Globalfoundries hurt AMD's sales.
Many observers interpreted the new supply agreement with AMD as a blow to Globalfoundries. However, AMD has said that, despite the amended wafer supply agreement, it expects to spend more on wafers with Globalfoundries in 2012 than it did in 2011. Others have speculated that the decoupling from AMD will enable Globalfoundries to land deals with customers who were previously wary of doing business with a foundry partially owned by a competitor.
Globalfoundries plans to significantly increase its production capacity later this year when its Fab 8 in upstate New York ramps to volume production. U.S. President Barack Obama was to have visited Fab 8 Tuesday (May 8), but the visit was moved to the nearby CNSE NanoTech Complex at the State University of New York in Albany for what the White House termed "logistical reasons."