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芯片及太阳能电池板设备供应商应用材料公司(Applied Materials)于5月10日宣布将裁员250个职位,并把太阳能精密硅片系统制造业务从瑞士搬至亚洲。 应用材料在一份监管文件中表示,为应对目前极具挑战性的光伏及LED设备市场环境,董事会已批准公司关于能源与环境解决方案(EES)部门的重组计划。这个计划与公司此前的既定目标是一致的,即在2013财年,EES部门保持在5亿美元的盈亏水平。 作为该计划的一部分,应用材料表示,将把原设于瑞士Cheseaux的太阳能精密硅片系统(PWS)的制造业务搬迁至亚洲;相关的商业运营和客户支持部门将搬至意大利的Treviso(应用材料Baccini电池系统总部)以及中国西安(应用材料太阳能技术中心);PWS业务总部和新产品开发中心则继续留在瑞士。《国际电子商情》 需要注意的是,应用材料表示,此重组计划还包括大幅削减LED设备的研发资金。 应用材料表示,员工的安排计划将按照当地的法律要求,在与员工及员工代表协商后定稿并实施。 应用材料预估本次重组计划将耗资7000万到1亿美元,历时12-18个月。 编译:Mayze Ye 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Applied to cut jobs, move solar manufacturing to Asia


{pagination} Applied to cut jobs, move solar manufacturing to Asia Dylan McGrath SAN FRANCISCO—Chip and solar panel equipment supplier Applied Materials Inc. will cut about 250 jobs and relocate manufacturing for its solar wafer systems from Switzerland to Asia, the company said Thursday (May 10). In a regulatory filing, Applied (Santa Clara, Calif.) said its board of directors approved the plan to restructure its Energy and Environmental Solutions (EES) unit in light of challenging industry conditions affecting the solar photovoltaic (PV) and light-emitting diode (LED) equipment markets. The actions undertaken are consistent with the Applied's previously-stated goal to reduce the EES segment’s annual revenue breakeven level to $500 million in fiscal 2013, the company said. As part of the plan, Applied said it expects to relocate manufacturing for its Precision Wafering System (PWS) solar business based in Cheseaux, Switzerland, to Asia. PWS business operations and customer support functions will be relocated primarily to Treviso, Italy, the headquarters for Applied’s Baccini Cell Systems, and Xi’an, China, the site of Applied’s Solar Technology Center, the company said. PWS’s headquarters and new product development will remain in Switzerland, Applied said.. The plan also includes significant reductions in development activities for LED, the company said. Workforce-related actions will be finalized and implemented in accordance with local legal requirements and in consultation with employees and employee representative bodies, as required, Applied said. The estimated pre-tax cost of implementing the restructuring plan is expected to be between $70 million and $100 million, Applied said. The cost will be incurred over the next 12 to 18 months, the company said.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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