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埃森哲最近一项针对北美制造的调查显示,北美制造商对2012年的行业增长情况十分乐观。其它同期对美国专业采购人士和制造商的调查也揭示了同样的结果。 埃森哲在关于此项调查的新闻稿中指出,有89%的北美制造商的高级管理人员预计公司2012年的营业收入将增长,有50%预计增长幅度不低于6%。至少有2/3的制造商表示他们对2012年全球经济增长持乐观态度。 调查还发现,制造商期望将有更多本土制造和供应。有43%的制造业受访者表示,他们计划在2012到2013年间进行制造和供应业务的迁移。有65%的制造商表示他们在过去的两年间已随着制造迁移风潮安排了部分业务转移。多数高管表示,他们的业务迁移方向是:美国(40%),中国(28%)还有墨西哥(21%)。 埃森哲的制造业系统常务董事Richard Bergmann在谈到此次制造业迁移的动机时说:“明显的迹象表明,北美制造商迁移业务的目的不仅是为了降低成本,更是为了抓住业务增长的机遇,并保持顾客满意度。” 此项调查并不是特定于电子产业——受访者来自汽车、消费及工业产品,电子和高科技,还有航空及国防等领域。 编译:Mayze Ye 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文,Manufacturers Remain Upbeat


{pagination} Manufacturers Remain Upbeat Barbara Jorgensen, EBN Community Editor North American manufacturers remain optimistic about their growth prospects for 2012, according to a recent survey by Accenture. The results underscore sentiments in similar surveys among US purchasing professionals and manufacturers. (See: US Buyers Optimistic for 2012 and Data Points to More Onshoring.) Eighty-nine percent of senior executives at North American manufacturers expect their company’s revenue to grow in 2012, and 50 percent expect growth of at least 6 percent, Accenture said in a press release on its survey. Almost two-thirds of manufacturers said they are optimistic about global economic growth. The survey also provides additional evidence that manufacturers are looking to onshore more operations. Forty-three percent of the manufacturing respondents said they expect to move operations through 2012 and 2013, according to Accenture. These moves would follow a flurry of activity that occurred in the last two years, during which 65 percent of the manufacturers said they had moved some operations. Executives most frequently said they moved operations to the United States (40 percent), China (28 percent) and Mexico (21 percent). Richard Bergmann, managing director for manufacturing at Accenture, said this in the release about motivations for such moves: "We see a strong indication that North American manufacturers are relocating not just to drive down costs, but to seize growth opportunities and maintain customer satisfaction." The survey was not electronics-specific -- respondents represented the automotive, consumer and industrial products, electronics and high technology, and aerospace and defense sectors -- but the IPC is conducting a survey that is. (See: IPC Survey to Measure Onshoring Impact.) That survey is open to both members and nonmembers and will be available until May 25.
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