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预估内含 ARM 核心的处理器,将在2014或2015年拿下10%~20%的笔记本电脑市场。而这个数字,将比英特尔(Intel)进军智能手机市场打算拿下的部份还高。

据Dow Jones报导,处理器IP授权商 ARM 公司CEO Warren East 表示,预估内含 ARM 核心的处理器,将在2014或2015年拿下10%~20%的笔记本电脑市场。而这个数字,将比英特尔(Intel)进军智能手机市场打算拿下的部份还高。 大众对英特尔处理器架构的认知普遍是高性能;而 ARM 则代表着更好的功耗,多年来,二者分别在PC和移动电话市场居主导地位。现在,这两家公司开始向对手擅长的领域发起挑战。英特尔的业务模式包含了提供芯片,以及主导芯片架构的定义;ARM则是授权处理器核心给芯片厂商,这些芯片商与OEM厂商密切合作。 该报导称ARM希望能在2014或2015年拿下10%-20%的笔电市场,但ARM也预估,英特尔在智能手机仅能拿下小量市占率,大约只有5%~10%左右。该报导援引 East 的谈话指出:“对英特尔来说,这家公司已经很难像在PC市场那样占据统治地位,但它仍将是非常值得信任的厂商。” 在PC市场,East认为ARM架构处理器的成本要比英特尔架构的低。ARM处理器供货商从每一颗用于智能手机的芯片通常可以获得20美元。就算他们为满足PC的需求量身定制芯片功能,使价格提高到25美元,也远比英特尔处理器芯片强制规定的80到200美元有竞争力。 编译: Joy Teng 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:参考英文原文:Report: ARM aims to take 20% of notebook PC market ,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} Report: ARM aims to take 20% of notebook PC market Peter Clarke LONDON – Warren East, CEO of processor IP licensor ARM Holdings plc, has said he expects companies making processors based on the ARM cores will take between 10 and 20 percent of the notebook PC market in 2014 or 2015, according to a Dow Jones report. That would be much higher penetration than Intel would make into the smartphone market, the report also quoted East saying. Processor architectures from Intel, known for performance, and from ARM, known for power efficiency, have dominated in PCs and mobile phones, respectively, for many years. Now the two companies are starting to make inroads into the other's traditional home turf. While Intel supplies chips and does much to define system architecture, ARM licenses the processor core to chip making partners and leaves them to work with OEMs. While ARM aspires to get between 10 and 20 percent of the notebook PC market by 2014 or 2015 ARM expects Intel will have some success in smartphone but only achieve about 5 to 10 percent penetration of the smartphone market, the report said. "It's going to be quite hard for Intel to be much more than just one of several players. But they'll be a perfectly credible player," the report quoted East as saying. In the PC market East argued that ARM-based processors will be lower cost than those coming from Intel. ARM processor suppliers are used to receiving about $20 for a chip going into a smartphone. Even if they increased the price to about $25 as they tailor their chips' features to address PCs, this would provide stiff competition to Intel, which has commanded prices of $80 to $200 for its processor chips, the reported quoted East as saying.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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