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Semicast研究公司的分析师Colin Barnden基于最新研究结果表示,英飞凌科技是2011年最大的工业半导体芯片厂商。 Semicast的研究报告显示,在这个约值324亿美元的市场上,英飞凌居首,德州仪器,意法半导体,ADI公司和瑞萨电子排在其后。 过去两年来,工业半导体市场增长了50%,主要受益于模拟IC,LED及功率分立元件营收的高额增长。Semicast报告指出,自2008年来,工业芯片领域的销售额已超过汽车电子领域。 Barnden指出,2011年,英飞凌以约26亿美元的销售额占8%的市场份额。其它的前五名厂商营收均超过16亿美元,市场份额均超5%。德州仪器之所以领先于意法半导体,主要是因其收购了国家半导体。另外,值得注意的是,工业半导体领域的前20名厂商的市场份额总和不超过整体的60%。 Barnden补充:“实际上,工业半导体市场是集多个领域于一体的,其涵盖了包括视频监控,心率监测和农业机械等大为不同的多个市场。这种应用领域和客户群多样化的特点使得市场趋于平稳,在其它垂直细分市场大起大落时仍能保持平稳增长。因此,虽然工业半导体领域分散且复杂,但它的增长也是可期的。” 编译:Mayze Ye 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:参考英文原文:Infineon leads industrial chip vendor ranking, says analyst


{pagination} Infineon leads industrial chip vendor ranking, says analyst Peter Clarke Infineon Technologies AG was the leading vendor of chips for industrial applications in 2011, according to analyst Colin Barnden at Semicast Research Ltd. Infineon was ahead of Texas Instruments, STMicroelecronics, Analog Devices Inc. and Renesas Electronics in a market worth about $32.4 billion, Semicast said. The industrial sector has grown by 50 percent over the last two years, with highest revenue growth for analog ICs, LEDs and power discretes. Industrial chip sales have exceeded those of the automotive sector since 2008, Semicast said. Barnden reckons Infineon had a market share of about 8 percent (about $2.6 billion in sales) in 2011. The top five companies all had more than 5 percent market share (about $1.6 billion). TI rose to second place with its acquisition of National Semiconductor. The top 20 companies accounted for less than 60 percent of the total. Barnden commented “In practice the industrial sector is a collection of markets within a market, encompassing areas as diverse as video surveillance, heart rate monitoring and agricultural machinery. This diverse application and customer base tends to smooth the ups and downs seen in many other verticals resulting in steady growth. Thus while the industrial sector is fragmented and complex, it is also dependable”.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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