该委员会主席、共和党人罗杰斯(Mike Rogers)和委员会高级成员、民 主党人鲁珀斯伯格(Dutch Ruppersberger)在致华为和中兴高层的信中称,正调查“可能与中国政府有关的公司对我们的关键基础设施和反情报工作构成的威胁”。
路透社引用了网站Smoking Gun的报道,称中兴有一系列的产品包含在1.2亿美元合同中,包括由微软、惠普、甲骨文、思科和戴尔生产的软硬件产品。根据美国出口限制,美国公司不允许向伊朗出售此类设备。
Smoking Gun在其网站上公布了FBI一份机密证词的部分内容,该证词基於5月与中兴电讯旗下美国德州子公司总法律顾问Ashley Kyle Yablon的面谈.这些内容显示,Yablon告诉两名FBI特工,中兴通讯人员曾讨论过粉碎文件、窜改装箱单和否认是真品,试图破坏商务部对中兴通讯向伊朗出售美国设备的调查。
华为驻华盛顿发言人普拉默(William Plummer)称:“我们打算作出回应。”中兴发言人David Dai Shu通过电邮称,中兴致力於“保持透明、坦荡和配合”。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
• 2012年华为中兴联想与酷派智能机出货均将破千万
• 平衡:华为在智能手机市场上的策略
• ‘公寓房’到‘高档小区’,中兴、华为积极布局高阶智能手机市场Q5Pesmc
这两家中国公司很清楚自己在西方越发严重的外界认知问题——既是政治也是营销问题——因为两家公司都面向全球市场。华为这周雇佣了美国军方合同商CSC的前网络安全战略家Donald Andy Prudy作为其首席安全官。根据《华盛顿邮报》,近年来,华为为改变其形象下了很大功夫,包括在华盛顿雇佣说客、顾问和公关公司。
违法出口行为"被视为美国政策的优先事项,因此相关机构的执法权力已获得加强。他们正在检查及处理更多案件,"一名企业谘询律师Edward Rubinoff称。
Allied Telesis Labs Inc的案子与中兴通讯有一些类似。美国政府2008年指控这家公司企图避开制裁措施,取得伊朗一笔9,500万美元电信合约。这家公司在联邦法院认罪,支付一笔50万美元刑事罚锾,遭判处两年缓刑。
"美国企业不会和你作生意。美国的银行不会和你往来,"华盛顿贸易法律师Eric McClafferty指出."这就是政府机关用来迫使非美国企业支付美国民事罚款的工具。"
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
本文下一页:参考英文原文:Investigators zeroing in on China’s ZTE, Huawei,by George Leopold, Junko Yoshida
• 2012年华为中兴联想与酷派智能机出货均将破千万
• 平衡:华为在智能手机市场上的策略
• ‘公寓房’到‘高档小区’,中兴、华为积极布局高阶智能手机市场Q5Pesmc
Investigators zeroing in on China’s ZTE, Huawei
George Leopold, Junko Yoshida
NEW YORK – With multiple investigations already underway in the U.S. and Europe targeting illegal sales to Iran by Chinese telecom giants ZTE and Huawei, reports surfaced in Friday (July 13) that the FBI is now probing whether ZTE sold U.S. computer equipment to Iran in violation of U.S. trade sanctions.
Citing a report on the Web site Smoking Gun, Reuters reported that a list of ZTE gear that was part of a $120 million contract included hardware and software made by Microsoft, HP, Oracle, Cisco, and Dell. The U.S. companies are not allowed to sell gear to Iran under U.S. export restrictions.
A Justice Department spokesman declined Friday to comment on the probe. Calls to the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security, which enforces U.S. export controls, were not returned. The agency’s Web site lists several enforcement actions related to illegal technology exports to both China and Iran.
Separately, the House Intelligence Committee has been investigating possible threats posed to U.S. national security by ZTE and Huawei. Lawmakers are concerned that the Chinese government could access Huawei or ZTE telecom equipment and track phone calls and e-mails or hack U.S. networks and disrupt a communications. Among the subjects being considered in the congressional probe are questions about work the two Chinese companies have done in Iran and their funding arrangements with the Chinese government.
The committee did not return phone calls for comment on the status of the probes.
Meanwhile, European Union investigations into Huawei and ZTE are largely focused on illegal government subsidies to the companies. The EU is said to be slowly gathering evidence regarding an anti-dumping case. Officials suspect Huawei and ZTE are using illegal government subsidies to sell products in the EU below cost in a bid to trump competitors by charging lower prices for equipment being marketed to service providers.
China, however, has maintained that the companies are innocent. Last month, Beijing called the EU's claims "groundless." Earlier this week, China threatened to retaliate for the EU probes by launching its own investigation into the business dealings of EU countries in China. Beijing cited EU’s subsidies given to European agriculture, automotive, renewable energy and telecoms companies.
The possibility of dueling trade probes underscores a combination of economic, trade and security issues that are coming to a head. The view here and in Europe is that China’s telecom gear vendors are making the most of government subsidies. The key national security concern is that equipment from Huawei and ZTE might contain trap doors that would allow the Chinese military to spy on U.S. and European communications.
Huawei’s founder and CEO, Ren Zhengfei, was an engineer in the People’s Liberation Army before setting up the company in 1987.
Both Chinese companies appear to be well aware of the growing perception problems they face in the West– both political and marketing -- as they target global markets. Huawei said this week it had hired Donald “Andy” Purdy, former chief cyber security strategist at U.S. military contractor CSC, as its chief security officer. According to the Washington Post, Huawei in recent years “has mounted an aggressive effort to change its image. It has hired lobbyists, consultants and a public relations firm in Washington.”
ZTE, China’s second largest telecom equipment vendor, holds a 4.2 percent global market share in the worldwide mobile device sales (in units) to end users, and is ranked in the first quarter as the number four – after Samsung, Nokia and Apple , according to Gartner.
Compared to Huawei – privately held and traditionally more focused on China’s domestic market, ZTE is publicly traded and it has been more aggressive in cultivating business abroad. In recent years, however, both Huawei and ZTE have been rapidly growing their presence in the global market.