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根据市调公司IC Insights预计,车用IC市场将在2012年成长8%,达到196亿美元的年产值。

根据市调公司IC Insights预计,车用IC市场将在2012年成长8%,达到196亿美元的年产值。 该公司表示,2008年汽车工业萧条已经造成汽车制造商转向生产电动车(EV)与油电混合车(HEV),并促进绿色计划的普及。IC Insights并补充说,由于美国的汽油价格已经提高到每加仑4美元,使得许多车主购买更具燃料效率的省油车种,以取代高油耗的旧式汽车。 IC Insights预期这一趋势将会历经长期发展,并带动车用IC市场在2011年到2015年间以11%的年平均市场成长,预计可在2015年时将达到273亿美元的市场规模。 同时,2012年每辆汽车中所用的半导体组件平均将增加到380美元,较2011年的350美元加9%。从2009年到2015年间,每部汽车所用的芯片预计将以11%的年成长率增加,预计将在2015年时增加到495美元。 尽管就美国与全球的所有新车出货量来看,油电混合车和电动车目前仅占不到2%,但每部汽车中的半导体组件却较这些汽车更高许多。IC Insights预计,到了2015年时,纯电动车中的半导体组件将较一般标准汽车更高两倍之多。


编译:Susan Hong 本文授权编译自EETIMES,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Higher gas prices drives car, automotive IC sales,by Peter Clarke {pagination} Higher gas prices drives car, automotive IC sales LONDON – The market for automotive ICs is set to grow 8 percent in 2012 to an annual value of $19.6 billion, according to market research company IC Insights Inc. (Scottsdale, Ariz.). The crash of 2008 has caused automobile makers to shift production towards electric and hybrid electric vehicles and increased the prevalence of green initiatives, the firm said. It added that the price of gasoline in the U.S. topping $4 per gallon is prompting many to replace older cars with newer fuel-efficient models. This trend is deemed to be long-term and IC Insights forecasts the annual market will grow to be worth $27.3 billion in 2015, representing an average annual growth of 11 percent over the period 2011 to 2015. At the same time the average semiconductor content per vehicle is forecast to rise to $380 in 2012, up 9 percent from $350 per vehicle in 2011. Over the period 2009 to 2015 the chip content per vehicle is expected to increase 11 percent annually to reach $495 per vehicle in 2015. Although hybrid-electric and electric vehicles (HEVs and EVs) currently account for less than 2 percent of total new vehicle shipments in the U.S. and around the world, the semiconductor content per vehicle is much greater in these vehicles. IC Insights forecasts that in 2015, full electric vehicles will contain about twice as much semiconductor content compared to a standard car.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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