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一年前华硕推出“PadFone”,笔记本电脑、上网本、智能手机、平板…还会有哪些新种类的装置或是混合了现有装置的新产品等着被发现?苹果(Apple) CEO库克(Tim Cook)断然表示,装置之间的“混血”趋势不会很显著,但我并不这么认为……

笔记本电脑、上网本(netbook)、智能手机、平板装置…还会有哪些新种类的装置或是混合了现有装置的新产品等着被发现? 以上的问题是一年前华硕推出“PadFone”── 那是一款可以藏进配备平板装置大小屏幕基座里的智能手机产品──时所衍生出的问题;该产品的目标是要给予使用者更多东西,因为该种配备基座的产品能透过 软件进行同步,而且电池寿命也比两种分开的系统来得长。对于华硕的实验精神、以及试图寻求一种具创造力的方式在行动世界发挥其笔记本电脑专长,笔者深感佩 服,但还无法确定这种特别的实验是否会成功。 苹果(Apple) CEO库克(Tim Cook)断然表示,装置之间的“混血”趋势不会很显著,但我并不这么认为;早在很久以前,Palm创办人Jeff Hawkins就创造出可做为平板/笔记本电脑两用的装置,而且其设计概念还早于号称史上唯一成功的PDA产品Palm Pilot。从那个时候开始,工程师们就一直汲汲于设计“混血”产品。 华硕的PadFone 到目前为止最大的问题是无法取得足够的高通(Qualcomm) Snapdragon处理器芯片;不过到今年秋天,该款处理器就会因为高通取得更多28nm制程来源而可大量供应,届时像是华硕这样的新客户就能继续进行那样的“混血”产品实验。

华硕在2011年Computex 期间推出结合平板装置与智能手机的“PadFone”
华硕在2011年Computex 期间推出结合平板装置与智能手机的“PadFone”

实际上,台湾的笔记本电脑工程师仍然在持续挖掘很早就开始使用的ARM架构处理器、以及Android与Windows 8 RT操作系统之价值,我相信他们的实验会有一些创新成果。苹果也有很多很棒的想法,当然还有全球其它各地的工程师也是一样。 不知道工程师朋友们对于PadFone这样的产品有什么样的看法?像这样的“混血”产品设计概念是否已经越来越普遍了呢?大家一起来讨论吧! 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Judith Cheng 本文下一页:参考英文原文:Is there a mobile hybrid in our future?,by Rick Merritt


{pagination} Is there a mobile hybrid in our future? Rick Merritt SAN JOSE – Notebooks, netbooks, smartphones, tablets…what other sorts of systems or combinations of existing systems are out there to be discovered? That’s the question Asustek posed about a year ago with its PadFone, a smartphone that docks into a tablet-sized screen. It aims to give users something more because the docked device is completely synched in software and has more battery life than two separate systems. I give Asus kudos for experimenting, trying to find creative ways to leverage its notebook expertise into the new mobile world. But it’s not clear how successful this particular experiment will be. Apple’s Tim Cook flatly says hybrids will not be significant, but I am not so sure. Engineers have been tinkering with hybrids since the days when Palm founder Jeff Hawkins created the convertible tablet/notebook. The convertible design predates Hawkins’ development of the Palm Pilot, arguably the only successful PDA. The big problem for the Asus PadFone to date is that the company can’t get its hands on enough Qualcomm Snapdragon chips. Come this fall those chip should start to flow as Qualcomm brings on more 28 nm sources, so new customers like Asus can continue these kinds of experiments. Indeed, Taiwan’s notebook engineers are still cutting their teeth on a wealth of ARM-based SoCs, the deep details of Android and Windows 8 RT. I believe something novel will come from their experiments. Apple has a lot of great ideas, but so do other engineers all around the world. Engadget just posted an amazingly comprehensive review of the PadFone. I’d love to hear what smart mobile engineers think of their review and of the concept of hybrids in general. So please chime in.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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