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最近中国官方计划扫除那些可能成为国家经济成长新动力引擎之阻碍的任何因素;最新的一个案例是,中国政府正打算透过智能运输系统(intelligent transport system,ITS)的研发,来整顿各大城市越来越拥挤的交通。

中国有个计划(呃…中国何时曾中断过推出“国家计划”?)──应该说最近的中国官方计划目标,是扫除那些可能成为国家经济成长新动力引擎之阻碍的任何因素;最新的一个案例是,中国政府正打算透过智能运输系统(intelligent transport system,ITS)的研发,来整顿各大城市越来越拥挤的交通。 透过ITS来提供运输管理服务的构想并不新鲜,使用者只要用手机就可以叫出租车、或是查看最近一班公车的位置;而中国的ITS计划不同之处,就在于其政府的目标是境内数量达十亿的手机使用者。中国正在改善智能手机专用的ITS应用程序──该程序能协助使用者取得火车、巴士或是飞机的班次与转乘信息。 不久前,中国的交通运输部公布了一项2012~2020的国家计划,目标就是推动ITS的开发,并鼓励更多的私人投资。中国各大城市的交通壅塞是个严重问题;有预测数据指出,到2020年,中国境内的汽车数量将超过2亿辆。 HTC陷泥淖? 说到智能手机,最近排名全球第四大智能手机供货商的台湾大厂宏达电(HTC)公布了第二季财报,该公司预告第三季的销售额与毛利恐将出现季衰退。 HTC的第二季营收为新台币910.4亿美元(30.4亿美元),与预期目标相符,当季的毛利率与营业利润率则分别为27.01%与9%。让股东们感到不安的是,HTC今年的营收数据与去年相较,呈现了衰退的趋势。 与上一季相较,HTC第二季营收成长了34.3%,但与去年同期相较则衰退了26.8%;同时该公司的毛利率与营业利润率也较上一季成长,但较去年同期衰 退。此外HTC在2012年第二季净利润为74亿新台币(每股8.9元新台币),虽较上一季增加了60%,但与去年同期相较减少了五成。 展望未来,HTC的前景并不乐观;该公司估计第三季营收为700~800亿新台币,毛利率与营业利润率分别为25%与7%。


本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Judith Cheng 参考英文原文: Yoshida in China: Leveraging one billion smartphones,by Junko Yoshida


{pagination} Yoshida in China: Leveraging one billion smartphones Junko Yoshida China has a plan. Well, since when hasn’t China had a “national plan”? Lately, the Chinese planning fixation is aimed at anything that might pose a hindrance to the nation’s new economic growth engine. The latest example is China’s effort to conquer its increasing urban traffic congestion by developing an intelligent transport system (ITS). The idea of offering traffic management services through ITS is not new. You want a user to see — just by looking at his mobile phone — how close is the cab he ordered, or how long he must wait for the next bus. The difference with China’s ITS ambitions is the government’s focus on a billion mobile phone users in the country. China is refining ITS applications for smartphones – applications meant to help users transfer between trains, buses and planes. Last week, the Ministry of Transport in China unveiled a national plan for the transportation sector in 2012-20, aiming to promote ITS development and fostering more private investment. Traffic jams are a serious issue. Some forecast that the number of vehicles in China will exceed 200 million in 2020. HTC: Not exactly a falling sky, but… HTC, the world’s 4th largest smartphone manufacturer (in terms of units, by IDC; see the table below), told its shareholders last Friday that it expects to post sequential decreases in both sales and gross margin in the third quarter. HTC reported second-quarter consolidated revenues of NT$91.04 billion (US$3.04 billion), in line with its targeted NT$91 billion, which had been cut from an original target of NT$105 billion. Gross margin and operating margin for the second quarter came to 27.01% and 9%, respectively.' Troubling is a dwindling pattern for HTC’s numbers when compared to those of a year ago. Second-quarter sales represented a 34.3% increase, but were 26.8% lower than those posted in the second quarter a year ago. Meanwhile, gross margin and operating margin showed improvement from the prior quarter, but decreases compared to the same period of 2011. HTC generated net profits of NT$7.4 billion, or NT$8.90 a share, in the second quarter of 2012. Profits declined more than 50% from a year earlier, but rose more than 60% between quarters. Things aren’t exactly looking up for HTC, either. HTC estimated third-quarter sales at NT$70-80 billion. Gross margin and operating margin are forecast to reach 25% and 7%, respectively. Worldwide smartphone unit shipments and market share in Q2, 2012
Junko Yoshida
ASPENCORE全球联席总编辑,首席国际特派记者。曾任把口记者(beat reporter)和EE Times主编的Junko Yoshida现在把更多时间用来报道全球电子行业,尤其关注中国。 她的关注重点一直是新兴技术和商业模式,新一代消费电子产品往往诞生于此。 她现在正在增加对中国半导体制造商的报道,撰写关于晶圆厂和无晶圆厂制造商的规划。 此外,她还为EE Times的Designlines栏目提供汽车、物联网和无线/网络服务相关内容。 自1990年以来,她一直在为EE Times提供内容。
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