根据英国电信服务供货商BT日前进行的一项测试显示,超过三分之一的 Google Android 应用软件,都包含着某种形式的恶意软件。BT的专家表示,他们将会对其他几种移动操作系统上的应用软件进行测试,但预计会有类似的结果。
“我们分析了1,000多个Android应用软件,发现其中超过三分之一都包含某种主动或处于休眠状态的恶意软件,”BT的全球安全实践主管Jill Knesek说。“几乎每一部设备都遭到了恶意软件的破坏,不过损坏幅度往往不甚明确,很难判断这些恶意程序代码正在主动做些什么,”她在 NetEvents 美洲会议上表示。
主持该会议的记者Wayne Rash表示,他曾经检查过三星(Samsung)的 Galaxy S3 手机,在其中便发现了由 Google 提供的 Android 应用软件中包含着恶意程序。“这还是许多人认同的当前市场上最先进的智能手机之一,”Rash 说。
“虽然有许多可用在 Android 和其它行动操作系统平台上的反恶意程序软件,但一般企业并不常使用它们,”Rash说。
恶意程序代码只是移动系统中众多安全漏洞的例子之一。事实上, GPS 也可能被骇客攻破, Knesek 表示。
“人们必须体认到 GPS 安全的重要性,以避免年轻女子被跟踪、杀害或强 奸这类悲剧发生,”Knesek说。Knesek曾是美国 FBI 的网络安全专家,负责侦办过史上头号骇克 Kevin Mitnick 的案件。
事实上,美国研究人员上周证实了民用GPS的安全漏洞。而稍早前的 Black Hat大会中,也至少有十几场会议谈到了移动通讯系统中的漏洞。
好消息是包括思科系统(Cisco Systems)、Juniper Networks和Palo Alto Networks等大型企业已开始采用最新的深度封包检测(DPI)芯片,以及新的应用感知防火墙。该芯片可以检测和阻止个别申请,Spirent Communications公司测试专家暨行销总监Jurrie van den Breekel说。
“我们看到了一个庞大的市场,我们也收到许多测试技术需求,”van den Breekel表示。“你可以选择自己想要的应用程序,你可以封锁Dropbox和Skype,以防止企业资料遭到这些服务清盘。
van den Breekel 表示,一家拉丁美洲的服务供货商已开始使用 DPI 来为电子邮件和社交网站如脸书(Facebook)或 Twitter 等建立独立的行动资料封包。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译: Joy Teng
参考英文原文:More than a third of Android apps host malware,by Rick Merritt
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More than a third of Android apps host malware
Rick Merritt
MIAMI – More than a third of all Google Android applications contain some form of malware, according to tests conducted by BT. A security expert for the U.K. telecom service provider said it expects to test apps for other mobile operating systems and find similar results.
“We analyzed more than 1,000 Android applications and found a third compromised with some form of active or dormant malware,” said Jill Knesek, head of the global security practice at BT. “Almost every device is compromised with some kind of malware, although often it’s not clear if that code is active or what it is doing,” she said in a panel discussion at the NetEvents Americas conference here.
Wayne Rash, a technology journalist moderating the panel, said he was reviewing a Samsung Galaxy S3 handset and found malware in an Android applications provided by Google. “This is a device considered by some people to be the best smartphone on the market right now,” Rash said.
“There’s plenty of anti-malware software available for Android and other mobile operating systems, but companies don’t often insist on using it,” Rash added.
Malicious code is just one example of the many security vulnerabilities in mobile systems. GPS devices can also be hacked, said Knesek.
“It’s going to take one young woman to be stalked, raped and killed before people realize the need security on GPS,” said Knesek a former cybersecurity expert for the U.S. FBI who worked on the Kevin Mitnick case.
Indeed, a U.S. researcher testified before Congress last week about the security holes in civilian GPS. At least a dozen presentations at this week’s Black Hat conference talked about vulnerabilities in mobile systems.
Even security technologies working their way out of the lab, such as biometrics, have their vulnerabilities. “I think hackers will steal biometrics with man in the middle hacks--handsets need to be encrypted end-to-end as the Backberry does,” she said.
The good news is thanks to the latest deep-packet inspection (DPI) chips, a new wave application-aware firewalls is emerging from companies including Cisco Systems, Juniper Networks and Palo Alto Networks. The chips can detect and block individual applications, said Jurrie van den Breekel, a director of marketing for test specialist Spirent Communications (Calabasas, Calif.).
“We see this as a very big market, and we get a lot of demand for testing the technologies,: said van den Breekel, speaking on the panel. “You will be able to select what kind of app you allow--you can block DropBox and Skype, for example, to prevent corporate data from winding up on those services.
One Latin America service provider already uses DPI to create separate mobile data packages for email and social networking apps such as Facebook and Twitter, said van den Breekel.
“Service providers will have the option to allow access to only certain apps—they will offer one thing and block the rest,” he said. “We are just at the very start of this trend,” he added.