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安森美半导体周三(8月22日)表示,将裁减大约250个岗位。这是其先前宣布的成本削减计划组成部分。 安森美半导体在监管备档文件中表示,将于第三季度完成此次裁员的大部分,并预计将在第三季度产生1100万-1400万美元的解雇费用等相关开支。 安森美还表示,取消高管的年度现金奖励计划,以削减成本。该公司表示,在宏观经济不景气和客户订单趋于保守的情况下,这些削减成本措施旨在让支出符合收入预期。 安森美半导体本月稍早的时候表示,计划裁减数量不详的岗位,帮助公司每年节省1000万至1500万美元的成本。 第二季度,安森美半导体在其2011年收购的三洋半导体部门裁员10%。安森美半导体去年宣布计划关闭在日本的三家工厂,在泰国的两家后端测试与装配厂。该公司今年正在着手关闭上述日本三家工厂,而在2011年泰国洪灾中遭到破坏之后,上述泰国后端工厂从未重新启动。 据安森美半导体的网站,它在全球拥有大约2万名员工。 编译:Luffy Liu 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:ON Semi cuts 250 jobs


{pagination} ON Semi cuts 250 jobs Dylan McGrath SAN FRANCISCO—ON Semiconductor Corp. said Wednesday (Aug. 22) it would eliminate about 250 jobs as part of a previously disclosed plan to reduce costs. ON Semi (Phoenix) said in a regulatory filing that most of the job cuts would be complete by the end of the third quarter. The company said it expects to incur severance and related costs of between $11 million and $14 million in the third quarter. In another cost-cutting move, ON Semi said it cancelled its annual cash bonuses for senior executives. The company said it cancelled the cash incentive program as part of a number of cost-cutting measures designed to bring spending in line with revenue projections in light of a sluggish macroeconomic environment and conservative order trends from customers. ON SEMI said earlier this month that it planned to cut an unspecified number of jobs as part of a plan to save the company between $10 million and $15 million per year. In the second quarter, ON Semi cut 10 percent of jobs from its Sanyo Semiconductor division, which was acquired in 2011. ON Semi last year announced plans to close three fabs in Japan and two back-end test and assembly facilities in Thailand. The fab closures are taking place this year, while the back-end facilities never reopened after being damaged during the Thai floods in 2011. According to ON Semi's website, the company has about 20,000 employees worldwide.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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