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苹果在东京地方法院控告三星的案件内容涵盖范围不像美国那么广,主要聚焦在产品的同步化功能;尽管如此,该案件还是可能阻止三星Galaxy 系列手机在日本市场销售……

一项东京法院的判决指出并未发现三星(Samsung)侵犯苹果(Apple)知识产权的事证,与不久前美国加州法院陪审团裁定三星需支付苹果10.5亿美元侵权赔偿的结果大相径庭──在8月底,东京地方法院法官Tamotsu Shoji驳回了苹果对三星产品违反与多媒体档案同步化(synchronization of media files)相关专利的控告。 在上述东京地方法院判决之前一周,美国联邦法院的9人陪审团发现三星手机侵犯苹果设计与实用专利的多项事证;不过美国陪审团也表示三星的平板装置并未侵犯苹果的iPad设计专利。而针对东京地方法院的判决结果,三星表示:“我们对该项法院的判决表示欣慰,这确认了我们长久以来主张我们的产品并未侵犯苹果知识产权的立场。” 苹果在东京地方法院控告三星的案件内容涵盖范围不像美国那么广,主要聚焦在产品的同步化功能;尽管如此,该案件还是可能阻止三星Galaxy系列手机在日本市场的销售,虽然苹果锁定的是比较旧的型号。 英国伦敦《金融时报(Financial Times)》指出,这项判决让三星得以继续在日本市场销售智能手机,而且三星在该市场的销售量已经打败苹果;苹果在这桩诉讼中要求三星需支付金额相对较低一些的1亿日圆(约130万美元)赔偿金。 但根据《朝鲜时报(Korea Times)》的报导,不同于韩国与美国的法律制度,日本的判决是逐案进行;还有其它六个案件东京地方法院还未做出判决。除了日本,三星与苹果在德国、意大利、英国、法国与荷兰都有官司要打。 日本法院做出对三星较有利的判决,也可能激励该公司在美国提出上诉;美国法官预定在9月20日举行听证会,以决定是否发出禁止三星产品在美国市场销售的禁令。那些产品包括约12款的Samsung Galaxy S与S II系列机种。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Judith Cheng 参考英文原文:Tokyo court hands Samsung a win over Apple,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} Tokyo court hands Samsung a win over Apple Peter Clarke LONDON – A Tokyo court has found Samsung not guilty of infringing Apple's intellectual property, in contrast to a jury decision and a $1.05 billion damage award in Apple's favor in a California court last week. Tokyo district court judge Tamotsu Shoji rejected on Friday (Aug. 31) Apple's claim that Samsung's products infringe patents related to synchronization of media files. A week before a nine-person U.S. federal jury had found that many of Samsung's phones infringe most of two design and three utility patents held by Apple. However, the U.S. jury found that Samsung's tablets do not infringe Apple's iPad design patent. "We welcome the court's decision, which confirmed our long-held position that our products do not infringe Apple's intellectual property," Reuters quoted Samsung as saying in a statement following the verdict from the Tokyo court. The court case in Japan was not as broad as that conducted in the U.S., focusing only on a synchronization feature. Nonetheless it could have prevented the sale of Samsung Galaxy mobile phones, albeit older ones targeted by Apple, in Japan. The ruling leaves the way open for Samsung to continue selling smartphones in the Japanese market where it has been beating Apple in volume, the Financial Times said. Apple had been asking for comparatively modest damages of 100 million yen (about $1.3 million) the report said. Unlike in South Korea and the United States, Japan rules case-by-case. Six other issues are yet to be ruled on by the Tokyo court, according to a Korea Times report. Samsung and Apple are also fighting in courts in Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands. The Japanese decision in favor of Samsung in Japan is likely to provide further encouragement for Samsung to appeal the U.S. decision. The U.S. judge set Sept. 20 as the date for hearing to determine whether to set an injunction against Samsung selling in the U.S. any of the products that court found to be infringing. Those products are generally a set of about 12 Samsung Galaxy S and S II handset models.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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