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英特尔公司(Intel)日前宣布采用Integrated Device Technology (IDT)的发射器与接收器芯片,用于实现其无线共振能量链接(WREL)技术,并计划进一步使这项无线充电技术成为支持其行动运算与通讯产品发挥市场影响力的重要元素。 IDT预将在2012年底前出样该共振接收器芯片,2013上半年供应发射器IC样片。英特尔与IDT公司并计划针对Ultrabook、 PC、智能手机与独立式充电器等应用推出共振无线充电参考设计。 英特尔一直致力于推动这项无线充电技术的商用化上市,期望用于提高该公司Ultrabook与智能手机等移动系列产品在市场上的吸引力。英特尔从2008年十月起即着手开发这项无线共振充电技术。 多年来,在几公分(或几毫米)的距离内利用磁感应进行无线充电一向被视为是一种具有前景的应用领域,但却一直难以找到一种能够有效转移能量的技术,也迟迟未能针对相关技术标准建立共识。 因此,英特尔此举看来可说是立意甚佳。大多数的人可能会认为外出还必须携带各种不同的有线充电器以及得经常为这些随身设备进行充电实在是落伍了。 然而,英特尔公司的策略一向在于结合技术与商业,因此,不要指望它开发这项技术的目的是为了对世界作出贡献,或甚至只是单纯地在市场上进行销售。我认为,英特尔更着眼于从这项技术中获得更大的影响力。 英特尔是PC处理器的主要供货商,但在手机、智能手机与平板电脑等以ARM处理器架构及其合作伙伴生态为主导的领域却还是个“新手”。英特尔究竟能如何利用其无线充电技术,进一步发挥其于计算机领域的主导地位,使其得以转移到移动领域? 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:与Ultrabook兼容是最大看点


{pagination} 英特尔的无线充电技术预计将在2013下半年出现在几款基于英特尔处理器的超轻薄笔电(Ultrabook)产品中。乍听之下,很多人可能会以为只要将这些计算机放在连接到主电源的无线充电座上,就可以实现无线充电了。的确,有些产品类型可能是这样。 在产品中嵌入英特尔的无线充电性能后,在Ultrabook附近的英特尔智能手机就能自动进行充电与同步,然而,未搭载英特尔技术的其它智能手机制造商却无法连接到这项技术。 因此,透过这种方式,英特尔将可开始利用这种在英特尔计算机上进行手机充电的先决条件,进而提高对于采用英特尔处理器的手机与平板计算机的市场需求度。 只 要把你的英特尔手机放在桌上那台Ultrabook旁边,等你准备好起身离开时,它已经完全充好电,也完成同步作业了。这听起来不错吧?但当你把你的 iPhone 或非英特尔的 Android 智能手机放在你的Ultrabook或甚至是 Mac 笔记型计算机旁边看看,它却完全不会进行充电。这就一点儿也不酷了! 透过其 Atom 处理器加上无线充电接收技术,英特尔计划开始成为智能手机与平板计算机制造商心目中的理想平台,并进一步对ARM及其合作伙伴生态系统带来冲击。 然而,所有这一切都是基于一项假设:英特尔具有充分的资源足以达到目的,而苹果(Apple)、ARM、 Android 的支持者及其它厂商则否,或是缺乏更有利的资源。但值得注意的是,高通(Qualcomm)和三星(Samsung)已经形成一个“无线电力联盟” (Alliance for Wireless Power;A4WP)了,而业界多家厂商也已经组成“无线充电联盟”(Wireless Power Consortium;WPC),正试图建立 Qi 作为全球性的标准,所以,这一场无线充电战才刚刚开始。 显然地,这场无线充电战将会带来标准化的问题,而且也将引发对于“强制搭售”(tied selling)的法律争议。不过,由于无线充电技术目前的市场还不是十分明确,因此,如果英特尔这项技术真的能带来好处的话,那么在管理机构责令迈向开 放以前,英特尔应该还有几年的大好时光。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Susan Hong 参考英文原文:Intel energizes wireless charging effort、How Intel can use wireless charging to attack ARM,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} Intel energizes wireless charging effort Peter Clarke LONDON – Intel Corp. has selected mixed-signal fabless chip company Integrated Device Technology Inc. to make transmitter and receiver ICs to implement Intel's resonant wireless energy transfer technology. Intel (Santa Clara, Calif.) is pushing hard to bring the technology to market to improve the attractiveness of mobile offerings based on its processors such as Intel-based ultrabooks and smartphones. Intel has been developing resonant wireless charging since before October 2008. IDT (San Jose, Calif.) said it plans to be able to provide samples the resonance receiver IC by the end of 2012 and the year, and of the transmitter IC sometime in the first half of 2013. Intel and IDT also plan to deliver resonant wireless charging reference designs for use in Ultrabooks, PCs, smartphones, and standalone chargers. Wireless charging over distances of a few millimeters or centimeters using magnetic induction has been seen as a promising application area for a number of years but has been difficult to find an efficient means of energy transfer and consensus on standards has been slow to build. "Our extensive experience in developing the innovative and highly integrated IDTP9030 transmitter and multi-mode IDTP9020 receiver has given IDT a proven leadership position in the wireless power market,” said Arman Naghavi, vice president and general manager of the analog and power division at IDT, in a statement. "We think the ability to have a wire-free charging experience with a broad ecosystem of devices like keyboards, mice, storage devices, cameras and smartphones will be realized in the near future," said Gary Huang, director of PC growth and innovation at Intel, in the same statement. How Intel can use wireless charging to attack ARM Peter Clarke LONDON – Intel is gearing up to make its wireless resonant energy link (WREL) technology a supporting element to its mobile computing and communications offering. IDT has announced that it has been selected by Intel to design and deliver transmit and receive ICs and to help deliver wireless charging reference designs for use in ultrabooks, PCs, smartphones, and stand-alone chargers. That is well and good. Most of us probably think that carrying all those different wired chargers around and having to continually plug gadgets in to juice them up seems a little bit last century. But Intel has always combined technology with business so, assuming that what the company has is any good, do not expect it to develop the technology and donate it to the world – or even to simply sell it to the world. It is my belief that Intel will be looking to obtain additional leverage from this technology. Intel is the dominant supplier of processors for personal computers but is very much the Johnny-come-lately in mobile phones, smartphones and tablet computers where the ARM processor architecture, and ARM's ecosystem partners dominate. So how could Intel use its wireless charging technology to leverage its leading position in computers and transfer it into the mobile sector? The gadget swarm is the gadget Intel's wireless charging technology is expected to arrive in the second half of 2013 in a few models of Intel-based thin notebook (ultrabook) computers. A casual glance might lead one to think that these computers would be charged wirelessly by sitting on some plate that is plugged into the main electricity supply and indeed for some models that might be so. But the leverage comes when Intel embeds the ability to charge nearby Intel-based smartphones from the ultrabook and denies access to the technology to other smartphone makers. In this way Intel could start to use the provision of mobile charging capability on Intel-based computers to enhance the desirability of mobile phones and tablet computers also based on its processors. Plonk your intel-phone down on the desk next to your ultrabook and it is fully charged and synched up when you are ready to go walkabout. Does that sound good? But if you put your iPhone or non-Intel Android smartphone down next to your ultrabook, or even next to your Mac notebook, it doesn't charge up. How uncool is that? And in this way Intel Atom processors plus wireless charging receiver technology could start to become the basis of a desirable platform for smartphone and tablet computer makers at the expense of ARM and its ecosystem partners. All this assumes that what Intel has is sufficiently energy efficient to be justifiable in use and that Apple, ARM, Android supporters and others do not have something as good or superior. It is notable that Qualcomm and Samsung formed a wireless power consortium called the Alliance for Wireless Power (A4WP) and there is also the Wireless Power Consortium trying to set Qi as a global standard so the battle lines are being drawn. Obviously such a battle would prompt issues over standardization but it could also prompt legal arguments over "tied selling." But as wireless charging is not a distinct market as yet Intel should have a few years in which to benefit, if its technology indeed provides a benefit, before the authorities would enforce moves to open access.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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