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在媒体不断报导与苹果的专利战败诉后不久,三星公司(Samsung)最近又被爆料在中国的八家代工厂发生“剥削劳工”权益的情形。 根据《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)和英国广播公司(BBC)的报导,美国劳工团体China Labor Watch在三星在中国的代工厂中发现强迫加班、使用童工以及工作环境差的情况。三星在中国拥有几家厂房,同时也有部份业务外包。 这些指控就好象是那些曾经针对苹果的指控一样,苹果外包其制造业务给富士康公司(Foxconn Electronics)。在种种针对富士康“血汗工厂”的指控浮出台面后,苹果同意让第三方组织进入富士康进行稽查。这明显犯了一个错误。三星本来就是一家备受瞩目的公司,加上决定再针对与苹果的诉讼判决提出抗告,在可预见的未来,三星的所作所为都将成为媒体追逐的焦点。就算三星已经公开否认了这项虐 待劳工指控,但却不会因此就凭空消失,针对不人道的指控展开稽查绝对是正确而且必要的。 我觉得很奇怪的是三星并没有像苹果那样引起众怒,我不明白为什么。难道是因为苹果是一家美国公司,本来就应该知道得更清楚吗?因为苹果公司是一家更大的目标吗?或者是因为人们对于存在这种压榨劳工的现象已经不再感到惊讶了? 我想应该是最后这个原因吧!对于苹果现正努力解决的劳工工作条件问题,我觉得似乎周遭已围绕着一种冷漠的气氛。其中有一点,富士康都已经提高工资了。就算我 们接受美国加州法院的判决──三星的产品就像苹果的产品一样,也不能就延伸解读为这些产品的制造厂房情况也会和苹果的情况一样。 在EBN上次讨论到这个问题时,有一位读者提出了一个很好的想法。与其批评这些公司,难道不应该对于中国政府施加压力吗?由于所有的这些报导都来自于中国,这绝对不是个巧合。如果你的观察够深入的话,你就会发现许多被指控压榨劳工的厂房都和知名品牌有关。 因此,舆论也应该对三星公司施加压力,使其尽力改善劳工的工作环境。至少,应该让第三方组织进入厂房进行稽查。 本文授权编译自EBN Online,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Susan Hong 参考英文原文:Worker Abuse Reported at Samsung Factories,by Barbara Jorgensen, News of the Day


{pagination} Worker Abuse Reported at Samsung Factories Barbara Jorgensen Samsung Corp. has to be feeling a little picked on these days. Mere weeks after it lost a patent battle with Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL), a watchdog agency has reported that Samsung is violating workers' rights. According to Wall Street Journal and BBC reports, China Labor Watch found incidents of forced overtime, underage workers, and poor working conditions in a number of Samsung factories. Samsung owns several factories in China and outsources to others. The charges are similar to those that have been directed at Apple, which outsources much of its manufacturing to Foxconn Electronics Inc. After its accusations surfaced, Apple agreed to let a third party audit Foxconn's facilities. The BBC says Samsung has not agreed to third-party audits. This is clearly a mistake. Already a high-profile company, Samsung will be in the spotlight for the foreseeable future as it battles the Apple verdict. The labor charges won't just disappear. Even if Samsung weren't in the spotlight, investigating these allegations would be the right thing to do. Samsung hasn't faced nearly as much outrage as Apple did, and I have to wonder why. Is it because Apple is a US company and should know better? Is it because Apple is a bigger target? Or is it because people are no longer surprised these conditions exist? I'm going with the last reason. There seems to be a kind of apathy around the topic now that Apple is fixing its problems. (For one thing, Foxconn has raised its wages.) But if we are to accept the California court's decision that Samsung's products are just like Apple's, it's not a stretch to assume they are built in factories just like Apple's. The last time EBN was covering this issue, a reader made a good point. Instead of haranguing companies, shouldn't we be putting pressure on the Chinese government? It's no coincidence that all these reports are coming out of China. If you look hard enough, you'll find workers being abused at a lot more factories that are associated with brand names. As bad as things look for Samsung, the company should be pressured to improve its working conditions. At the very least, it should let a third party inspect the factories.
Barbara Jorgensen
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