稍早前的英特尔开发者论坛 (Intel Developer Forum, IDF)揭示了全新的Ultrabook和英特尔即将发布的 Haswell x86 架构;另外,英特尔也借着这个一年一度的活动,同时更新了该公司的智能手机、嵌入式系统、微型服务器到闪存和USB 3.0等技术的发展蓝图。
英特尔架构部门总经理 Dadi Perlmutter 在IDF的主题演讲中谈到了上述产品和技术的最新发展。当与会的分析师问及 Ultrabook是否会是该公司成长趋缓时的“英雄”产品时,Perlmutter表示,英特尔正在推动超越Ultrabook的多项创新应用,包括创新的使用者接口、崭新的产品外形设计等。 (相关报导请见: Ultrabook下一步──英特尔加紧开发UI )
确实,本届 IDF 中英特尔展示了多款 Windows 8 Ultrabook。以下我们汇整了此次活动中展出的 Atom 版智能手机、服务器和嵌入式系统;另外我们还能看到使用 NVMe 协议的固态硬盘 (SSD),以及多样化的 USB 3.0 芯片及开发工具──包括针对手机应用的 USB 3.0 控制器在内。

Dadi Perlmutter在主题演讲后回答观众问题。

华硕(AsusTek)的 Windows 8 Ultrabook 采用可旋转设计,向后折叠即可隐藏键盘,成为一款平板计算机。

惠普(HP)展示的 Windows 8 平板。
惠普(HP)展示的 Windows 8 平板采用英特尔 Atom 处理器,可与键盘分离而为独立平板计算机,并配备了二个较大的电池。该产品预计十月随 Win8 发布出货。HP表示目前还没有推出 ARM 版 Win8 产品的计画。
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仁宝 Win8 Ultrabook。
英特尔在IDF开幕日为台湾伙伴仁宝(Compal)预留了展示 Win8 Ultrabook 的位置,该产品的屏幕可拆下来成为独立的平板计算机。

联想(Lenovo)展示的 Atom 版 Win8 平板。
联想(Lenovo)展示的 Atom 版 Win8 平板可使用触控笔,并内建指纹辨识功能。
Sony Ultrabook可“滑行”变身平板

Sony 的 Ultrabook。
英特尔展示了 Sony 的 Ultrabook ,该产品的屏幕采取可滑动设计,当盖在键盘上以后,就变身为平板计算机。
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本文下一页:中兴x86手机和Atom SoC服务器
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ZTE的 Android (Ice Cream Sandwich) 手机。
中兴通讯(ZTE)的 Android (Ice Cream Sandwich) 手机是英特尔最新公布的六款 Atom 版智能手机之一。
Atom SoC的服务器
广达(Quanta)展示采用 Atom 版 SoC – Centerton 的服务器。

广达Atom版 SoC服务器。
采用PCI Express的闪存磁盘设计

本届IDF也展示了采用 NVMe协议的全新固态硬盘,预计明年问世,支持厂商包括 SanDisk在内。
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本文下一页:手机专用USB 3、PC也能手势操作
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为手机设计的USB 3.0

用于智能手机的 USB 3.0。
Cypress的工程师展示用于智能手机的 USB 3.0。

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Atom 走进车用信息娱乐系统

采用 Atom 的车用信息娱乐系统。
深圳航盛电子(Hangshen Electronics of Shenzhen)展示采用英特尔 Atom 的车用信息娱乐系统。
大尺寸all-in-one PC

搭载27英吋触控屏幕的 all-in-one PC。
联想(前面)和宏基(acer)都展示搭载27英吋触控屏幕的 all-in-one PC。
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Haswell 处理器设计团队。
IDF 2012的重头戏之一是 Haswell 处理器。其设计团队自左边起依序为Ronak Singhal, Per Hammarlund, Hong Jinag 和 Tom Piazza。

Haswell 板执行功率低于8W。
英特尔展示的 Haswell 板执行功率低于8W。而32nm Ivy Bridge芯片则达17W。
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编译: Joy Teng
参考英文原文:Slideshow: Intel on Ultrabooks, Haswell and more,by Rick Merritt
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Slideshow: Intel on Ultrabooks, Haswell and more
Rick Merritt
Win8 Ultrabooks and Haswell dominated attention at the Intel Developer Forum, but Atom-based smartphones, embedded systems, microservers and more also were on tap.
SAN FRANCISCO -- Ultrabooks and Intel's upcoming Haswell x86 architecture were the stars of the Intel Developer Forum. But the annual event also included updates on everything from smartphones and embedded systems to flash memory, servers and USB 3.0.
Dadi Perlmutter, general manager of the Intel Architecture Group, kicked off the event with a broad keynote on everything from smartphones to servers. Afterwards, he jousted with reporters, facing off with their questions on issues of the day.
For example, one analyst asked if the Ultrabook still looks like a hero product despite slow uptake to date. Perlmutter said Intel is "keeping its foot on the gas," noting innovations in user interfaces, form factors and more.
Indeed Intel brought many diverse Windows 8-based Ultrabooks to IDF. The pages ahead show a sampler of them as well as some Atom-based smartphones, servers and embedded systems.
We also saw upcoming solid state drives using the NVMe protocol and a diversity of USB 3.0 chips and tools--including a USB 3.0 controller for handsets.
Dadi Perlmutter fielded questions from the press after his keynote.
Asus shows convertible
This AsusTek Windows 8 Ultrabook is a convertible, featuring a hinge that lets it fold back into a tablet, disabling the keyboard.
HP tablet docks to the keys
Hewlett-Packard showed a Windows 8 tablet based on an Intel Atom processor. It detaches from a dock that contains a keyboard and second, larger battery. The product should ship with Win8 launches in October. HP has no plans for ARM-based Win8 products, a spokesman said.
Compal shows detachable
Intel gave Taiwan's Compal a place in the spotlight during the opening day keynote for its Win8 Ultrabook with a detachable display that serves as a tablet.
Lenovo tablet packs styles, fingerprint recognition
Lenovo showed an Atom-based Win8 tablet that can use a stylus and embeds a fingerprint recognition device, something long a part of its ThinkPad line.
Sony Ultrabook is a slider
Intel showed a Sony Ultrabook with a display that slides over the keyboard to create a tablet.
ZTE latest of x86 smartphones
ZTE's Android (Ice Cream Sandwich) handset is the latest of six announced using Intel's Atom.
Server packs Atom SoC
A division of Taiwan's Quanta showed a server using Centerton, an Atom-based SoC.
Flash drives board PCI Express
IDF showed a new class of solid-state drives using the NVMe protocol that will debut next year, including this one from SanDisk
USB 3.0 for handsets
A Cypress engineer showed a USB 3.0 controller for smartphones.
Gesture at your PC
A $150 3-D camera brings gesture recognition to PCs thanks to a novel time-of-flight image sensor from SoftKinetic of Brussels.
Atom rides China infotainment box
Hangshen Electronics of Shenzhen showed car infotainment systems using Intel's Atom.
Playing the big all-in-one PC
Lenovo (foreground) and Acer showed all-in-one PCs with 27-inch touch screens.
Haswell's many fathers
IDF 2102 was a coming out party for Haswell, Intel's next-gen 22-nm CPU family. Describing its architecture were designers (from left) Ronak Singhal, Per Hammarlund, Hong Jiang and Tom Piazza.
A 7W wonder
Intel showed a Haswell board running jobs at less than 8W. On a 32-nm Ivy Bridge chip, they drained 17W.