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图文报道:去DESIGN East上看新鲜玩意儿

在美国波士顿举行的2012年DESIGN East大会上,可以看到了各种在计算机视觉、个人医疗照护以及嵌入式系统技术领域的最新创意与产品展示;此外还有DIY装置、机器人、电动车…等等未来科技产物现身展场;以下是我们来自现场的第一手影像报导。

在9月17~20日于美国波士顿举行的 2012年 DESIGN East 大会上,可以看到了各种在计算机视觉、个人医疗照护以及嵌入式系统技术领域的最新创意与产品展示;此外还有DIY装置、机器人、电动车…等等未来科技产物现身展场;以下是EETimes美国版编辑Rick Merritt来自现场的第一手影像报导。

DESIGN East-未来主义者、Tomorrow CEO Mike WalsheEyesmc

未来主义者、Tomorrow CEO Mike Walsh 在一场演说中丢出四颗“心灵手榴 弹”希望工程师们思考:“如果你明天得在乔布斯(Steve Jobs)面前展示你的设计,哪件事是你想要改变的?”

DESIGN East-CogniVue展示一套手势识别系统eEyesmc


DESIGN East-德州仪器(TI)的脸部识别系统eEyesmc

德州仪器(TI)的脸部识别系统用画卡通胡须的方式显示编辑的脸已经通过认证 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:机器人、脉搏仪、视觉系统
• 第1页:心灵手榴 弹、手势识别、脸部识别• 第2页:机器人、脉搏仪、视觉系统
• 第3页:工程师表演、Snapdragon、JTAG• 第4页:8位MCU、开赌桌、Google Maps
• 第5页:PC板卡、医疗量测• 第6页:车辆碰撞侦测、PC板软件



DESIGN East-Berkeley Design Technology 用iRobot 设计套件结合微软的Kinect 与一台笔记本电脑,制作出机器人eEyesmc

Berkeley Design Technology 用iRobot 设计套件结合微软的Kinect 与一台笔记本电脑,制作出一台展示用机器人

DESIGN East-飞思卡尔半导体(Freescale)的研讨会场脉搏测量装置参考设计eEyesmc


DESIGN East-NI的计算机视觉系统eEyesmc

NI的计算机视觉系统能辨识生产线上的彩色蜡烛,而且速度比人眼还要快 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:工程师表演、Snapdragon、JTAG
• 第1页:心灵手榴 弹、手势识别、脸部识别• 第2页:机器人、脉搏仪、视觉系统
• 第3页:工程师表演、Snapdragon、JTAG• 第4页:8位MCU、开赌桌、Google Maps
• 第5页:PC板卡、医疗量测• 第6页:车辆碰撞侦测、PC板软件



DESIGN East-TI与Allied Electronics的工程师参与DIY Gadget Freak表演eEyesmc

TI与Allied Electronics的工程师热情参与DIY Gadget Freak表演

DESIGN East-Intrinsyc CEO Tracy Rees 展示采用高通(Qualcomm) Snapdragon 应用处理器的设计套件与模块eEyesmc

Intrinsyc CEO Tracy Rees 展示采用高通(Qualcomm) Snapdragon 应用处理器的设计套件与模块,锁定嵌入式开发市场

DESIGN East-瑞萨将合作伙伴的JTAG测试dongle 缩进最新MCU参考设计版上的一颗芯片里eEyesmc

瑞萨将合作伙伴的JTAG测试dongle 缩进最新MCU参考设计版上的一颗芯片里 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:8位MCU、开赌桌、Google Maps
• 第1页:心灵手榴 弹、手势识别、脸部识别• 第2页:机器人、脉搏仪、视觉系统
• 第3页:工程师表演、Snapdragon、JTAG• 第4页:8位MCU、开赌桌、Google Maps
• 第5页:PC板卡、医疗量测• 第6页:车辆碰撞侦测、PC板软件



DESIGN East-Microchip 的Wayne Freeman 展示整合型8位MCU与参考设计eEyesmc

Microchip 的Wayne Freeman 展示整合型8位MCU与参考设计

DESIGN East-会场开赌桌,ADI用骰子示范其Black Fin 数字信号处理器能赋予计算机判别赌场赢家的视觉能力eEyesmc

DESIGN East 会场并没有开赌桌,是ADI用骰子示范其Black Fin 数字信号处理器能赋予计算机判别赌场赢家的视觉能力

DESIGN East-计算机视觉OpenCV 链接库开发者Gary BradskieEyesmc

计算机视觉OpenCV 链接库开发者Gary Bradski 在大会上探讨目前Google Maps 等软件所采用的软件趋势展望 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:PC板卡、医疗量测
• 第1页:心灵手榴 弹、手势识别、脸部识别• 第2页:机器人、脉搏仪、视觉系统
• 第3页:工程师表演、Snapdragon、JTAG• 第4页:8位MCU、开赌桌、Google Maps
• 第5页:PC板卡、医疗量测• 第6页:车辆碰撞侦测、PC板软件



DESIGN East-Kontron 的掌上PC内含英特尔(Intel)核心处理器以及COM Express板卡eEyesmc

Kontron 的掌上PC内含英特尔(Intel)核心处理器以及COM Express板卡;在英特尔的摊位上有数家PC板卡厂商展示相关产品

DESIGN East-Freescale的掌上型医疗量测装置eEyesmc


DESIGN East-Freescale 工程师Jose Fernandez VillasenoreEyesmc

Freescale 工程师Jose Fernandez Villasenor说明工程师能如何协助疾病的诊断 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:车辆碰撞侦测、PC板软件
• 第1页:心灵手榴 弹、手势识别、脸部识别• 第2页:机器人、脉搏仪、视觉系统
• 第3页:工程师表演、Snapdragon、JTAG• 第4页:8位MCU、开赌桌、Google Maps
• 第5页:PC板卡、医疗量测• 第6页:车辆碰撞侦测、PC板软件



DESIGN East-CogniVue可利用一款车辆碰撞侦测应用程序追踪车辆的整合式计算机视觉模块eEyesmc


DESIGN East-Altium 的Chris DonatoeEyesmc

Altium 的Chris Donato 表示,该公司正在重新设计一款加强线上储存与资料分享功能的PC板软件 编译:Judith Cheng 参考英文原文:Slideshow: Vision, medtech in focus at DESIGN East,by Rick Merritt
• 第1页:心灵手榴 弹、手势识别、脸部识别• 第2页:机器人、脉搏仪、视觉系统
• 第3页:工程师表演、Snapdragon、JTAG• 第4页:8位MCU、开赌桌、Google Maps
• 第5页:PC板卡、医疗量测• 第6页:车辆碰撞侦测、PC板软件


{pagination} Slideshow: Vision, medtech in focus at DESIGN East Rick Merritt We offer a few post cards from the DESIGN East conference that served up talks and demos on computer vision, personal health care along with the nuts and bolts of embedded systems. BOSTON – For four days this town of Founding Fathers was treated to a smorgasbord of engineering and design spanning the latest ideas and demos in computer vision, personal health care along with the nuts and bolts of embedded systems technology. [Get a 10% discount on ARM TechCon 2012 conference passes by using promo code EDIT. Click here to learn about the show and register.] DIY, robotics, automotive electronics, Star Trek sensors and the future of engineering rounded out the confab. What follows is a few post cards from our trip to DESIGN East. Futurist Mike Walsh threw out four “mind grenades” to get engineers thinking, including, “If you had to show your design to Steve Jobs tomorrow, what one thing would you change?” Open sesame! CogniVue demonstrated a gesture recognition system for opening a car trunk with a wave of your computer-recognized hand. Oui, oui, c’est moi! Texas Instruments proved it recognized my face by drawing an animated mustache on it. DIY robot Berkeley Design Technology Inc. cobbled together a demonstration robot from an iRobot dev kit, a Microsoft Kinect and a laptop. Freescale checks attendees’ pulse Attendees at Freescale’s talk on medical electronics had a chance to check their vital signs using a reference design the chip maker gave away. NI eyes the factory National Instruments promoted a computer vision system that could identify colored candles coming off an assembly line much faster than the human eye. DIYs get their freak on Engineers from Texas Instruments and Allied Electronics get pumped up for the DIY Gadget Freak show. Qualcomm dials embedded Intrinsyc CEO Tracy Rees shows the design kit and module for Qualcomm’s Snapdragon apps processor aimed at the embedded market. JTAG, you're it Renesas reduced a partner's JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) test dongle to a chip on its latest MCU reference design board. Wayne's board Microchip's Wayne Freeman came to DESIGN East with a new line of integrated 8-bit MCUs and a reference board. Ignore the crystal on the last-generation board design. The new chips have one built in. High rollers There were no craps tables at DESIGN East, but Analog Devices used dice to show its Black Fin had the computer vision chops to calculate its winnings. Insights from Mr. Computer Vision Gary Bradski, the man behind the OpenCV library for computer vision, discussed the outlook for the software which is now used in products like Google Maps. Kontron's hand-sized PC Kontron packed an Intel Core processor on a COM Express card. Kontron was one of a dozen board makers on display at the Intel booth. Medical goes mobile Freescale handed out hand-held devices that can track at least five health and fitness metrics. House call for engineers Dr. Jose Fernandez Villasenor, an physician and engineer at Freescale, addressed the most lethal diseases and what design engineers can do to help diagnose them. Cars watching cars CogniVue demoed its integrated computer vision module used to track cars for a popular automotive collision-detection app. Board design online Altium’s Chris Donato said it is gearing up for a major redesign of its pc-board software, focusing on enhancing online storage and data sharing capabilities. Beam us up, McCoy XPrize contenders Graham Ewing (left) and Anita Goel talked with XPrize Foundation director Mark Winter (right) about their work on the Qualcomm Tricorder XPrize.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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