我对于调查结果显示的中国学生开放性(openness)颇感惊讶──中国有本土公司如中国移动(China Mobile)、国家电网公司(State Grid Corporation of China,SGCC)、中国石油天然气(PetroChina)等位居全球前二十大企业的公司,但中国学生还是热衷于于进入Apple、Google、 GE、Microsoft、Volkswagen等跨国公司任职。难道西方资本主义的糖衣炮弹太猛烈?
如果你的国家也有像是德国Audi、BMW、Siemens等大型企业,以及Franhofer、Max Planck等顶尖研究机构,你一定也会想待在离家近的地方。相反的,在中国还是比较缺乏能与美国获德国并驾齐驱的本土知名研究机构,也是因为如此,当地 工程师会渴望进入跨国公司。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
• 2012大学生职业倾向调查:工科生最爱苹果、华为和电网
• 劳动力不是万能的——美国全新生态系统重振制造业
• 中国工资涨了,跨国公司慌了是什么心态?hC4esmc
不过,Synopsys亚太区副总裁潘建岳(Jian-Yue Pan)告诉我:“跨国网络社交网站如eBay、match.com与Amazon (这些网站并没有被禁用)等无法在中国成功,是因为改变的速度不够快。”他进一步指出:“中国的网络服务业者是因为决策迅速才茁壮成长,他们对本地使用者的反应迅速回馈,这些本土业者能在一夕之间就做出改变,但跨国公司却需要三个月。”
汽车制造商也是中国学生心目中的理想雇主,包括Volkswagen集团(拥有Audi、Porsche品牌),以及中国本土车厂一汽(FAW Group),后者生产包括轿车、巴士、轻/中/重型卡车以及汽车零件。拥有汽车已经快速成为中国中产阶级的象征,因此中国的准工程师们也会认为进入汽车业会是职业生涯的不错选择。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Judith Cheng
参考英文原文:Yoshida in China: Why its engineering grads love multinationals,by Junko Yoshida
• 2012大学生职业倾向调查:工科生最爱苹果、华为和电网
• 劳动力不是万能的——美国全新生态系统重振制造业
• 中国工资涨了,跨国公司慌了是什么心态?hC4esmc
Yoshida in China: Why its engineering grads love multinationals
Junko Yoshida
NEW YORK -- A survey of engineering grads focusing on their "most attractive employers" underscores the importance of global branding for multinational tech companies like Google and Apple.
The global survey by Stockholm-based Universum also broke out responses by country, thereby providing a glimpse into the state of national industries, economies, consumer culture and the mindset of engineering students about to enter a global industry.
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Let’s dissect a list of the most attractive employers for 2012 as voted on by Chinese engineering students.
I was struck by the openness of Chinese students. While China’s state-owned companies such as China Mobile, State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), and PetroChina have a solid footing in the top 20 list, Chinese students are also eager to work for multinationals like Apple, Google, General Electric, Microsoft and Volkswagen. One could conclude that blandishments of capitalism are casting their spell.
Compare this with the survey results of German engineering students where largely ignored Google nor Apple as potential employers. In fact, not a single U.S. company appears on the German list.
The situation is similar for Japanese engineering students. While the survey found that Japanese students ranked Apple at No. 15, they overwhelmingly preferred to work for Japanese companies.
Does this reflect an insular attitude among German and Japanese students, or are they simply guided by an innate sense of "patriotism" that domestic companies are better than multinationals?
Such a facile analysis is tempting, but I’d have to say no. The trend in Germany and Japan, I believe, reflects the state of industrial development in each country.
If your country has already produced such great companies and research institutes as Germany's Audi, BMW, Siemens along with the Franhofer or Max Planck institutes, naturally you'd want to stay close to home.
China, by contrast, still lacks homegrown, prestigious engineering institutions equivalent to those available in the United States or Germany. Hence, the desire to work for multinationals.