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彭博信息( )引述匿名消息来源指出,日本大厂富士通(Fujitsu)已经聘请瑞士财务顾问公司UBS协助处理出售半导体业务事宜。富士通也是景况不佳的日本科技公司之一,正试图进行组织重整。 除了富士通之外,由日立(Hitachi)、NEC与三菱(Mitsubishi Electric)的半导体部门合并成立的瑞萨电子(Renesas Electronics),正在拟定组织重整计画;还有DRAM制造商尔必达(Elpida Memory)准备被美国同业美光(Micron)收购,夏普(Sharp)则在为组织重整计划寻求财务援助。 富士通在最近宣布将特定LSI封测厂转手 J-Devices 时曾经引发一些困惑,还被误报成该公司要退出半导体制造市场。富士通与很多日本半导体同业一样,是被表现不佳的日本品牌平板电视销售业绩,以及消费性电子产品买气转向Samsung、Apple等对手的状况所拖累。 彭博信息的报导估计,富士通的芯片业务价值约2,000亿日圆(约26亿美元)。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Judith Cheng 参考英文原文:Fujitsu said to want out of chip business,by Peter Clarke

第二季度全球半导体市场,Top 10厂商增长以高通领衔
富士通、NTT DoCoMo和NEC联手成立智能机芯片公司9C2esmc

{pagination} Fujitsu said to want out of chip business Peter Clarke LONDON – Information and communications technology company Fujitsu Ltd. (Tokyo) has hired Swiss financial services firm UBS AG to help with the sale of its semiconductor business, according to a report, which cited unnamed sources. Fujitsu is one of a number of troubled Japanese technology companies that are seeking to re-organize themselves. Renesas Electronics Corp.--formed from the semiconductor businesses of Hitachi, NEC and Mitsubishi Electric--is struggling as it tries to implement a restructuring plan. DRAM company Elpida Memory Inc. is set to be acquired by Micron Technology Inc. (Boise, Idaho) and Sharp Corp. is also seeking financial support to implement a restructuring plan. Some confusion was caused recently when Fujitsu Semiconductor Ltd. announced that certain LSI assembly and test facilities were being transferred to J-Devices Corp., which was mis-reported as an exit from semiconductor manufacturing by Fujitsu. Like many other Japanese semiconductor companies, Fujitsu has been hurt by a slump in the sales of Japanese flat screen televisions and as the consumer electronics business has migrated towards Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and Apple Inc. Fujitsu's chip business could be worth 200 billion yen (about $2.6 billion), according to the report.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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