如果说在填补数字落差的鸿沟时,中国无晶圆厂半导体公司能发挥任何影响力的话,那么,低成本产品就是中国最大的优势。以中国的无晶圆应用处理器供货商瑞芯微 (Rockchip)为例,该公司为中国制7英寸平板电脑提供CPU,另外,泰国政府的“每个儿童一部平板电脑”计划也采用了该公司的处理器。
此外,我也不认同中国为拓展市场空间而成为非洲“新殖民 主义者”的概念。


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• X-FAB发布业界首个3D MEMS平台,助无晶圆厂快速切入3D惯性传感器市场
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本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译: Joy Teng
参考英文原文: Yoshida in China: Whither the neglected 6 billion?,by Junko Yoshida
• X-FAB发布业界首个3D MEMS平台,助无晶圆厂快速切入3D惯性传感器市场
• 本土无晶圆厂业者们真正需要的策略
• 无晶圆厂经营模式在14nm的鸡血下仍将坚挺uTDesmc
Yoshida in China: Whither the neglected 6 billion?
Junko Yoshida
BEIJING – It’s hard to argue against the widely held notion that the weaknesses of China’s fabless companies lies in their inability to go beyond the Chinese market. Put more bluntly, Chinese companies are content with making cheaper products for the domestic market.
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Yiming Zhu, CEO and president of fabless company GigaDevice, takes the argument to another level: The target market for Chinese fabless chip companies should extend beyond the 1.3 billion people in China and reach out to the 6 billion inhabitants of the the developing world.
Of the earth’s current population of more than 7 billion, Zhu points out, “one billion people in the developed countries have already had a chance to try or buy iPhones. There are six billion people in the pool who also want digital life, but can’t afford iPhones.”
If China’s fabless companies can play a role in filling the digital divide with low-cost products, more power to China. (Rockchip, China’s fabless apps processor vendor, for example, is supplying its CPU to 7-inch media tablets made in China. They are being purchased by Thai government for its “One Tablet Per Child” program.)
Zhu also stressed that this strategy might actually buy time for China to buy time, hone its digital skills and catch up with the West. Pursuing a market of 6 billion poor consumers over the next decade “will give China time to grow,” he said.
The view may be a little too utopian.
Moreover, I don’t subscribe to the notion of China being Africa’s "new colonialists" cultivating a new geopolitical market.
China's investment in Africa, Brazil, India and South East Asia
It is true that Chinese goods (cell phones; telecom infrastructure, etc.) are already making deep inroads in Africa. Chinese products are also being pitched aggressively in Brazil, Southeast Asia and India.
China's outward foreign direct investment
Zhu believes China has a good chance to grab a chunk of this overlooked 6 billion who would love to have a smartphone. Much of what these potential consumers want, after all, is mirrored by the desires of the Chinese consumers.
Zhu vehemently disagreed that China can succeed in the developing world by sacrificing quality. Aiming for the low end of the market isn't sustainable for China, nor will it be tolerated in Africa, Brazil, Southeast Asia or India.
I’ve heard from several Chinese sources that a lot of first-generation smartphones and media tablets flooding the Chinese market didn’t work properly. They were merely cheap knock-offs. In the past year, many vendors have learned their lesson and improved their products. The quality of second-generation tablets and smartphones sold in China has improved.
Addressing the needs of the developing world buys China time to learn, improve and innovate.
Chinese industry sources predict a wave of consolidation over the next few years. A passel of me-too product companies beating up one another on price isn’t just a caricature of today’s China fabless industry. It’s also the reason why some must die.
GigaDevice’s Zhu agreed, saying he there are too many fabless companies backed by easy government money. “These little investments didn’t help them get anywhere.”
Setting aside consolidation of the China fabless industry, we ask: What is the strategy of U.S. chip and system companies for cornering those 6 billion potential consumers? Do they even have a rough outline, beyond paying the usual vaguely colonialist lip service to "BRIC" countries?
For that matter, do they pay attention to them?