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为了反映对稀土(rare earth)材料供应日益短缺的忧虑,美国稀土材料制造商、使用者与相关研究人员组成了一个产业联盟,期望在针对稀土短缺问题共同拟订应对策略的同时,也能合作提升稀土相关技术。

为了反映对稀土(rare earth)材料供应日益短缺的忧虑,美国稀土材料制造商、使用者与相关研究人员组成了一个产业联盟,期望在针对稀土短缺问题共同拟订应对策略的同时,也能合作提升稀土相关技术。 这个新成立的稀土技术联盟(Rare Earth Technology Alliance)日前已举行首次集 会,订定了教育与推广策略;推动该联盟组成的力量主要来自于对各种电子、能源产业所应用的稀土材料短缺之忧虑。此外专家们也担心,包括中国等稀土矿产丰富的国家,可能会采取某些行动使得全球供应链中断。 “在接下来几年,稀土产业将面临许多挑战,包括推动市场成长、创造新供应链,以及需要学术单位供应新技术与产业经营人才。”联盟成员、来自Avalon Rare Metals Inc.的Pierre Neatby 表示,该联盟将藉由个别厂商越来越难独力完成的各项成果,协助产业达成目标。 稀土技术联盟成员还包括Boulder Wind Power、GE Global Research、Molycorp Inc.、Quest Rare Minerals与Rare Element Resources等业者;美国化学协会(American Chemistry Council)也是该联盟的支持者之一。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Judith Cheng 参考英文原文:Rare earth alliance seeks to avert supply shortfalls,by George Leopold

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{pagination} Rare earth alliance seeks to avert supply shortfalls George Leopold WASHINGTON – Responding to growing concerns about shortages of rare earth materials, a U.S. industry alliance is bringing together rare earth producers, users and researchers to forge a strategy for coping with shortages while advancing technologies that rely on the materials. The Rare Earth Technology Alliance held its inaugural meeting here on Wednesday (Oct. 17) to map out an education and outreach strategy. The group’s formation was driven largely by concerns about shortages of rare earth materials used in a wide range of electronics and energy production. Experts worry that rare earth-rich nations like China could act to disrupt global supply chains. “The rare earth industry will be facing many interesting challenges over the next few years, including growth of the markets, the creation of new supply chains, and the need for universities to develop technical and business leaders,” Pierre Neatby of alliance member Avalon Rare Metals Inc., said in a statement. The alliance “will help the industry meet its goals by achieving results that individual companies would have more difficulty achieving on their own.” Other alliance members include Boulder Wind Power, GE Global Research, Molycorp Inc., Quest Rare Minerals and Rare Element Resources. The alliance is also supported by the American Chemistry Council.
George Leopold
ESM China姊妹网站EE Times特约编辑。自1986年以来,George Leopold一直在华盛顿特区撰写有关科学和技术的文章。除了EE Times,Leopold的作品还出现在《纽约时报》(New York Times),New Scientist和其他出版物上。 他住在弗吉尼亚州雷斯顿。
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