微软(Microsoft)日前发表 Windows Phone 8 操作系统,其中最令笔者印象深刻的一句标语是:“我们重新发明了你周遭的智能手机(We reinvented smartphones around YOU)”。
我的疑问是,谁才是那个微软锁定的“你”?从微软官方提供的 Windows Phone 8 不同使用者情境来看,他们所谓的新一代智能手机是为以下族群量身打造:
●视力逐渐退化、需要“大字版”智能手机的战后婴儿潮世代;微软表示,Windows Phone 8的用户界面是由超大尺寸的“动态砖(live tiles)”所构成,能显示微博的最新信息以及其它可用的应用程序信息。
●担心某些特定应用程序可能会让他们通信费用超支的小气资深使用者;微软的新操作系统整合了“Data Sense”数据流量监测功能,能协助这类使用者最佳化其数据流量规划。该技术会压缩每个网页,自动切换Wi-Fi上网,并让使用者的数据流量使用情况与其规划相符。
●那些在孩子们要求玩他们的手机时无法说“不”的宽容父母;微软表示,这类爸妈会喜欢新操作系统所提供的“Kid’s Corner”(儿童安全锁)功能,可让他们在小朋友专注于把玩智能手机的时候,安安静静吃顿饭。
●想看贴在Facebook上孙子们照片集锦的祖父母;Windows Phone 8智能手机可在屏幕进入锁定时自动显示那些图片。
●要与家人分享其行事历与采购清单的忙碌父母;微软提供的“Family Room (家庭聊天室)”应用程序能开辟一个其它非家庭成员无法进入的空间,让那些父母随时更新信息、让家庭成员在购物清单上添加物品,或是藉由贴上的图片在回家路上顺便帮妈妈买某种最爱的面包。
●那些所谓的“我世代(me-generation)”族群;Windows Phone 8能让他们客制化用户界面,让他们只看到他们想看的标题。
●希望能更容易连结到微博与其它社交网络PO照片的“拍照控”;Windows Phone 8能将那些高分辨率照片档案自动储存到微软的云端储存空间“Sky Drive”。
●不想花电话费、想透过Skype打电话的小气鬼;Windows Phone 8直接整合了Skype程序,而且号称在不占用系统资源与耗电的前提下永远保持联机。
●常常找不到老花眼镜的银发族群;Windows Phone 8的应用程序如“Urban Spoon”,支持语音辨识功能,如此一来年长使用者就不用透过一堆按键来搜寻想找的餐厅或是最便宜的优惠信息。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
• 恩智浦为微软Windows Phone 8提供NFC功能
• 2016年,安卓将取代Windows晋身为操作系统王者
• 宏达电:Windows手机将提前为HTC带来销量cu0esmc
Windows Phone项目经理Joe Belfiore一再重复的,Windows Phone 8是“以人为中心(people at the center)”。微软开发了一种与iPhone、Android手机的标准化图标清单截然不同的用户界面,这对微软来说是好的。
但问题仍在──而且是个大问题:Windows Phone 8把企业用户放哪儿去了?微软对Windows Phone 8的企业应用透露不多;不论是有意或无心,微软似乎为合作伙伴RIM (Research In Motion)留了一扇门。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Judith Cheng
参考英文原文:Windows Phone 8 targets everyone but business users,by Junko Yoshida
• 恩智浦为微软Windows Phone 8提供NFC功能
• 2016年,安卓将取代Windows晋身为操作系统王者
• 宏达电:Windows手机将提前为HTC带来销量cu0esmc
Windows Phone 8 targets everyone but business users
Junko Yoshida
NEW YORK – The most memorable tag line for Windows Phone 8 announced by Microsoft on Monday (Oct. 29) is: "We reinvented smartphones around YOU."
The question is, who exactly among the "YOU" is Microsoft targeting? Judging from a variety of use-case scenarios for the Windows Phone 8 discussed by Microsoft officials, the new smartphone is tailored to the following demographics:
· Baby boomers with failing eyesight who need “large print” smartphones. Microsoft is bringing to the Windows Phone 8 user interface super-sized “live tiles” that show the latest updates on Facebook posts and other available apps.
· Penny-pinching senior citizens who worry about whether their use of certain apps may exceed a data quota. Microsoft is integrating “Data Sense” to optimize a user’s data plan. It compresses every Web page, automatically takes advantage of Wi-Fi and matches data usage to a user’s data plan.
· Permissive parents who can’t say no to kids when they beg to play with their phones. These hypothetical moms and dads will love Microsoft’s “Kid’s Corner," an isolated space created in the Windows Phone 8 that allows them to eat dinner in peace while the kids mess around on the smartphone.
· Grandparents who want to see mash-up pictures of their grandkids posted on Facebook, which automatically shows up when a lock screen appears.
· Busy parents want to share calendars or a shopping list within the family. The “Family Room” app is cordoned off from the otherwise universal contact list on a parent’s smartphone. Entries made in the “Family Room” can be updated live so that any family member can access the shopping list and volunteer to pick up Mom’s favorite brand of organic bread – pictured onscreen – on the way home.
· So-called “me-generation” members who want to tailor “titles” on their user interface screen to stuff only they care about.
· Photo enthusiasts who want easy access to Facebook and other social networks when they take pictures. Windows Phone 8 will automatically save the photos in the original high resolution using Microsoft’s Sky Drive.
· Cheapskates who want to talk on Skype instead of using cellphone minutes. Skype is now integrated with Windows Phone 8 so that it is always on, but without running code and consuming power.
· Seniors who can’t find their reading glasses. Windows Phone 8 has apps like “Urban Spoon” that allows voice questions, sparing oldsters from pushing a lot of buttons as they search for the local restaurant with the cheapest “early bird special.”
Windows Phone 8 user interface
Microsoft provided a clear and focused presentation on a good-looking consumer smartphone.
As Joe Belfiore, manager of Microsoft's Windows Phone program, said repeatedly, Windows Phone 8 puts “people at the center.” Microsoft developed a user interface that departs radically from the standard list of icons used on iPhones and Android phones. Good for Microsoft.
The remaining question, though -- and this is a big one -- is: Where Windows Phone 8 leaves business users? Microsoft said little about the corporate use of Windows Phone 8. Intentionally or unintentionally, Microsoft is leaving the door open for Research In Motion. This depends, of course, on whether RIM, now struggling, can come up with a better smartphone that targets business users -- and do it fast.