NPD Group 指出,去年在美国每购买10部智能手机中,大约有一部会遭到退货,而退货的原因往往是因为使用者认定它有缺陷,因而把智能手机当成像其它消费性产品般地退回店家。
研究发现,过去一年内美国购买消费电子产品后退货的消费者大约有1,800万名,而其中约有一半表示已经有一些产品开始采用预防退货的措施了。 NPD Group表示,前三名的防退货措施分别是:服务计划或保修;由零售商提供的更佳售后支持;以及在店内时便由销售人员详细解释。
NPD Group 指出,大约有57%曾经退回小型商品的受访者表示,他们之所以退货是因为产品有缺陷,这也是退货的最主要理由。
NPD Group的研究显示,诸如触控屏幕,传感器和连网等新功能,都让电子设备更加复杂,很难设定,因而让很多人误以为产品有缺陷,其实只是不会用。
“高退货率再加上消费者在使用产品时希望得到帮助,为零售商提供了一个良好的发展机会,”NPD的产业分析总监Ben Arnold说。“确保消费者如何使用他们的新装置,包括智能手机或PC在内,而且要在他们离开商店前就确定他们已经会用了,这将有助于提高产品和零售商的满意度。”
NPD Group稍早前进行的一项研究也发现,多数消费者需要技术支持来排除故障以及维修产品,Arnold说。他指出,多数情况下,这些设备都能正常运作,但问题在消费者不会用它们。
研究也发现,平板电视是退货率最低的消费电子产品,仅有4%,NPD Group表示。
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编译: Joy Teng
参考英文原文:One in 10 smartphones returned ,by Dylan McGrath
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One in 10 smartphones returned
Dylan McGrath
SAN FRANCISCO—Roughly one out of every 10 smartphones purchased in the U.S. last year was returned, often because of perceived defects, making smartphones the most commonly returned consumer electronics items, according to a new study by the NPD Group.
About 60 percent of those who returned a smartphone said they exchanged it for another of the same brand or model, according to the study, compiled by polling a representative sample of nearly 2,000 U.S. adults back in May.
In all, the study found that roughly 18 million U.S. consumers returned a consumer electronics product in the past year, with nearly half saying something could have been done to prevent the return. Among the top three preventative measures cited: a service plan or warranty, better after-purchase support from the retailer and more explanation from an in-store sales person, NPD Group said.
Roughly 57 percent of respondents who returned a gadget said it was defective, the mostly commonly cited reason for return, NPD Group said.
The NPD Group said the results of the study indicate that new features like touchscreens, sensors, and Internet connectivity have made electronics devices more complicated to set up and use for some, thus creating the perception of product defect.
"The high incidence of returns and the consumers' desire to get help with their products presents a unique opportunity for retailers to intervene," said Ben Arnold, director of industry analysis at NPD. "Making sure the consumer knows how to use their new device, whether it be a smartphone or a PC, and knowing how to use it before they leave the store helps increase product and retailer satisfaction."
An earlier study by NPD Group found a majority of consumers used tech support for troubleshooting and how-to-support, not for product repair, Arnold said. He added that this was more evidence that these devices are working but that consumers are having trouble operating them.
"Retailers have an opportunity with exchanges to show consumers they can provide quality and value," Arnold said. "As technology devices become more complex and connected, pre-and post-sales support becomes more important in keeping returns low and consumer satisfaction for brands and retailers high."
The study found that flat-panel TVs had the lowest incidence of return among consumer electronics products, roughly 4 percent, NPD Group said.