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• 日企偏恶海外投资,消费电子三巨头未来希望渺茫
• 夏普瑞萨分获数十亿美元贷款,援手该不该伸?
• 夏普大减薪,惠普裁员数增至2.9万人WA0esmc
夏普的技术包括IGZO (氧化铟镓锌)和in-cell技术,可以把触控传感器直接集成到液晶面板里面。苹果的新款iPad和iPhone 5采用了这些面板技术。苹果去年向夏普提供金融支持,帮助其改造了一家原来生产大尺寸电视面板的工厂,使其转产用于移动设备的面板。
夏普新型IGZO面板出货时间比计划延后了将近半年。这些面板原计划用于3月推出的苹果新款iPad之中。夏普龟山工厂在苹果9月宣布计划推出新款iPhone的同一天,开始为iPhone 5量产in-cell面板。
编译:Luffy Liu
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参考英文原文:Sharp said to be in talks with Intel, Qualcomm, by Junko Yoshida
• 日企偏恶海外投资,消费电子三巨头未来希望渺茫
• 夏普瑞萨分获数十亿美元贷款,援手该不该伸?
• 夏普大减薪,惠普裁员数增至2.9万人WA0esmc
Sharp said to be in talks with Intel, Qualcomm
Junko Yoshida
TOKYO – Japan’s cash-strapped Sharp Corp. is reportedly in detailed talks with both Intel Corp. and Qualcomm Inc. for an investment of up to $500 million, the Kyodo News agency reported Tuesday (Nov. 14).
Reuters also reported Wednesday that the joint investment in Sharp would total about $378 million. The news agency cited two unnamed sources allegedly familiar with the talks.
None of the companies has confirmed the talks.
The investment by the world’s largest CPU vendor and the leading mobile chip supplier is badly needed by Sharp, which is weighted down by an expected annual loss estimated at $5.6 billion. Sharp warned earlier this month that it may not be able to survive as an independent company. After announcing a massive quarterly loss on Nov. 1, the company acknowledged "serious negative operating cash flow."
Intel is said to be interested in Sharp’s power-saving IGZO displays for its Ultrabook line.
Reuters reported that Sharp may reach an agreement as early as the end of November with Qualcomm, while "talks with Intel are less concrete amid the chip maker's unclear financial picture."
Other investors?
Sharp has been negotiating with Taiwan EMS behemoth Hon Hai for over a year. Those talks reached an impasse in August over what price Hon Hai would pay for acquiring a 9.9 percent stake in Sharp. Earlier this month, Sharp president Takashi Okuda signaled that the company is also "considering other alliances."
Beyond Intel or Qualcomm, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Dell and Hewlett-Packard were reportedly approached by Sharp for financial help in exchange for access to Sharp’s LCD technology.
Sharp’s mounting problems stem from it massive investment on large-screen LCD panels for TVs. In hopes of catching Samsung, Sharp's top management sought to achieve economies of scale in its panel production. But TV market dropped just as the investments were made, especially in Japan.
Sharp's technologies include its IGZO (indium-gallium-zinc oxide) and in-cell technologies, which integrate touch sensors directly into LCD panels. The panel technologies were adopted by Apple in the new iPad and iPhone 5. Apple extended financial support to Sharp last year in remodeling a fab originally built to produce large-screen TV displays to produce screens for mobile devices.
Sharp missed the delivery date of new IGZO panels by nearly half a year. They were supposed to be designed into Apple’s new iPad unveiled in March. Volume production of in-cell panels for Apple's iPhone 5 commenced at Sharp's Kameyama plant on the same day that Apple announced plans in September to release a new iPhone.
Sharp has lost three quarters of its value so far in 2012. It received a guarantee for 360 billion yen in loans from its two main lenders, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ and Mizuho Corporate Bank, in September.The loans should sustain the company through its next financial year in March 2014.