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德州仪器在一个多月以前宣布其OMAP产品线将重新把重点放在嵌入市场,现在另一只鞋终于落地。德州仪器周三(11月14日)表示,将在全球裁减约1700个岗位,这属于其先前披露的业务调整范围。该公司此前宣布,计划把OMAP产品线研发重点重新放在嵌入式系统市场,不再专注于智能手机与平板电脑。 德州仪器高管9月份曾表示,将把OMAP应用上面的研发投资集中在嵌入市场。他们表示,该产品线在嵌入市场有机会夺得更大的市场份额。德州仪器估计,嵌入市场规模达180亿美元。 德州仪器调整OMAP业务重点让许多人感到意外,因为该产品已经获得许多令人瞩目的设计订单。但分析师,尤其是市场调研公司Forward Concepts的分析师Will Strauss,认为智能手机的趋势是把应用处理器与基带处理器集成起来,由于德州仪器几年前就已开始逐步停止开发基带技术,所以难以跟上这种趋势。 当时,德州仪器还注意到,主导智能手机与平板电脑市场的苹果与三星,都是自己设计应用处理器,从而压缩了OMAP的有效市场。 Strauss在德州仪器周三宣布了相关计划后接受采访,他表示,预期德州仪器在调整OMAP发展方向后将会裁员。 “我们当时就知道,裁员的斧子就要落下。这是必然的,” Strauss表示,“他们的市场萎缩,但其业务规模却相当膨胀。” 但Strauss表示,对于裁员之多感到意外。他在德州仪器周三宣布相关计划之前就表示,确信德州仪器会考虑把OMAP部门整个卖掉或者部分出售。“德州仪器行事风格通常比较细腻,”Stauss表示,“然而,毕竟他们的总体市场目前每况愈下。” 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:找不到买家怎么办?


{pagination} 没有买家 尽管有传言称亚马逊正在进行磋商,准备收购该部门,但Strauss认为,没有一家厂商有购买OMAP的动机。亚马逊在其Kindle Fire与Kindle Fire HD平板电脑中使用OMAP。 Strauss 表示:“德州仪器能提供其它厂商不能提供的东西吗?OMAP只是多个应用处理器解决方案之一而已。还有其它替代方案。”尽管他还表示,OMAP在智能手机与平板电脑领域的市场份额大于竞争对手。 德州仪器没有披露裁员计划的细节。该公司表示,预计这次裁员从2013年底开始可以每年为公司节省大约4.5亿美元。该公司表示,将在第四财季提列3.25亿美元的裁员费用。 “我们对于裁员感到非常难过,因为这会影响到我们所关心的人,”德州仪器负责嵌入处理业务的高级副总裁Greg Delagi在声明中表示,“德州仪器将向涉及到的员工提供与补偿、福利及求职相关的一系列帮助。” Delagi还重申,德州仪器调整其OMAP处理器与无线连接产品线,使之专注于嵌入市场,时机相当不错。他说:“新的嵌入应用浮现,存在广泛的客户群,发展势头已经在增强,我们在这些领域的行动正在加快。” 编译:Luffy Liu 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:TI cuts 1,700 jobs in OMAP shift, by Dylan McGrath


{pagination} TI cuts 1,700 jobs in OMAP shift Dylan McGrath SAN FRANCISCO—Texas Instruments Inc. said Wednesday (Nov. 14) it will cut about 1,700 jobs worldwide as part of a previously disclosed plan to re-target R&D for its OMAP product line at the embedded systems market, away from smartphones and tablets. Executives from TI (Dallas) said in September that the company would shift its R&D investment on the OMAP applications processor to focus on the embedded market, where they said the product line has an opportunity to capture a greater share of what it estimates to be an $18 billion market. The announcement that TI would refocus OMAP caught many off guard because the product had notched a number of high-profile design wins. But analysts, particularly Will Strauss of Forward Concepts, said the trend in smartphones is toward integration of the applications processor and baseband processor—a trend TI can't keep up with because it began phasing out its baseband technology years ago. At the time, TI also noted that Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.—which together dominate the smartphone and tablet markets—design their own applications processors, leaving less of an available market for OMAP to compete in. In an interview following TI's announcement Wednesday, Strauss said he was expecting TI to cut jobs after changing course with OMAP. "We knew the hatchet was coming down. It had to," Strauss said. "They had a bloated operation there for the reduced market that they were facing." But Strauss—who said he was certain TI explored the possibility of selling all or part of the OMAP division prior to Wednesday's announcement—said he but he was surprised by the number of jobs eliminated. "TI's way is usually more subtle," Stauss said. "But then again, we've got an overall market that is headed down right now." No buyers Though rumors had surfaced that Amazon—which uses OMAP in its Kindle Fire and Kindle Fire HD tablets—was in discussions to acquire the division, Strauss said the motivation for any vendor to buy OMAP just wasn't there. "What could TI offer that others don't have? OMAP is just one of several solutions for applications processsors. There are other alternatives," Strauss said. Though he added that OMAP had a bigger slice of the market than competitors in smartphones and tablets. TI did not provide a specific breakdown of the job cuts. The company said it expects the cuts to save the company about $450 million per year, beginning at the end of 2013. The company said it expects to take charges as the result of the cuts of about $325 million in the fourth quarter. "These job reductions are something we do with a heavy heart because they impact people we care deeply about," said Greg Delagi, senior vice president of embedded processing at TI, in a statement. Delagi said TI would provide the affected employees with a range of assistance related to compensation, benefits and job search." Delagi also reiterated that TI has a great opportunity to reshape its OMAP processor and wireless connectivity product lines to concentrate on embedded markets. "Momentum is already building with new embedded applications and a broad set of customers, and we are accelerating our efforts in these areas," he said.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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