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华为关闭爱尔兰RF IC设计中心

中国电信设备制造商华为技术有限公司,日前宣布关闭在爱尔兰科克(Cork)的RF IC设计中心。

中国电信设备制造商华为技术有限公司,日前宣布关闭在爱尔兰科克(Cork)的RF IC设计中心。 这个10人的RF设计团队是华为在2010年收购Option NV公司(位于比利时鲁汶)子公司M4S中的一部分,这项收购标志着华为拥有了基于40nm制程CMOS多模软件定义无线电技术。一位知情人士表示,RF IC设计小组目前正在寻求其他机会。 华为科克负责人吉姆·康纳利(Jim Connelly)确认了关闭消息,但同时表示,不影响华为在当地的其他工程活动继续进行。 2006年,M4S从IMEC中脱离出来,让软件定义无线电中使用的Scaldio可伸缩无线电收发器实现商业化。随后,M4S试图提高风险资本,以便独立成一家公司,但在困难的融资环境下,最终成为一个USB加密狗和数据卡供应商Option NV的附属子公司。 2010年12月,华为整体收购M4S公司,以在欧洲研发移动宽带技术。此次收购的价格为800万欧元(约合1050万美元)。 编译:Luffy Liu 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Huawei closing Irish RF design center, by Peter Clarke

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{pagination} Huawei closing Irish RF design center Peter Clarke MUNICH, Germany – Chinese telecom equipment maker Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. is closing down its RF IC design center in Cork, Ireland. The 10-person RF design team was acquired by Huawei in 2010 as part of the purchase of M4S from Option NV (Leuven, Belgium), which gave Huawei access to a 40-nm CMOS multimode software-defined radio, originally developed at the IMEC research institute. A source said the RF IC design team is now seeking other opportunities. Jim Connelly, Cork site manager for Huawei, confirmed the closure. Other engineering activities continue at the site, he said. M4S was spun off from IMEC (Leuven, Belgium) in 2006 to commercialize the Scaldio scalable radio transceiver for use in software-defined radio. M4S (Leuven, Belgium) subsequently tried to raise venture capital as an independent startup but in a difficult funding climate eventually became a subsidiary of USB dongle and data card supplier Option NV (Leuven, Belgium). In December 2010 Huawei announced it was acquiring all of M4S as part of a cooperation agreement with Option to develop mobile broadband technology for Europe. The purchase price was reported to be 8 million euro (about $10.5 million).
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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