中国移动(China Mobile)可能还要再过几年才会全面部署TD-LTE网络,但众家相关科技业者已经开始竞相吸引这家全球最大移动通信业者的注意力。在此,建立“伙伴关系”是一个关键,那些深陷“妄自尊大(not-invented-here)”症候群的厂商恐怕会被排除在外。
我这么说的原因是,那些为AT&T、NTT Docomo等业者开发LTE调制解调器芯片的业者,恐怕很难自己作主,他们的调制解调器芯片得完全支持中国的TD-SCDMA与TD-LTE标准。但从另一方面来说,那些今日“拥有” TD-SCDMA市场并正在开发TD-LTE技术的,却不一定能在未来保证进驻中国移动的手机。
中国移动设定了高门槛,要求手机调制解调器能支持全球的无线通信标准。我认为,在这场即将开打的战争中,高通(Qualcomm)无疑已经准备就绪;此外展讯通信(Spreadtrum Communications)与Marvell也是强劲对手。
最近展讯发表了多模TD- LTE调制解调器单芯片SC9610(以40纳米制程生产、采用CEVA的DSP核心),该芯片将进驻海信(Hisense)已赢得中国移动部分4G招标案的数据卡(data card)采用。结合展讯的RF收发器芯片SR3500,该数据卡能支持TD-LTE、TD-SCDMA与GSM标准。
展讯并表示,该装置还支持UE category 3格式以及ZUC加密算法,这些都是进入中国市场的必备条件。许多市场分析师预期,展讯会在未来几年的中国移动TD-LTE计划中扮演重要角色,甚至有人预言,展讯“不会让高通为所欲为”。
但是,不会那么快发生。展讯到现在还没推出支持TD-LTE、SCD-LTE、TD-SCDMA、WCDMA与EDGE所有标准的 LTE 调制解调器单芯片,我们得等到2013年才能见识到那种芯片的威力。此外,一个标准的调制解调器技术开发仅意味着它在实验室可行,其实地测试表现如何,以及是否准备好通过严苛的认证程序,都还有待观察。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
• 想成为LTE市场王者,得看中国移动脸色行事
• LTE终端市场上扬,测试设备面临新需求
• TD终端明年销量超1亿,Marvell公布多模芯片演进路线dkUesmc
最近有一家来自法国巴黎的业者Sequans Communications引起我的注意,这家公司一开始锁定WiMax市场,后来重新自我定位为4G芯片供货商,也可能成为竞逐中国TD-LTE市场的一个有力对手。Sequans最近宣布其产品进驻了在中国进行的大规模 TD-LTE实验网络设备,其客户国民技术(Nationz)与中启创(Primemobi)两家厂商,已经获得了中国移动的合约。
目前Sequans的技术大多应用在USB转接器(dongles)、移动路由器(mobile router)以及客户端设备(CPE),并未进驻手机;该公司的芯片解决方案同时支持TDD与FDD-LTE,在今年稍早与具备RF与TD-SCDMA解决方案的国民技术合作。Sequans的另一家合作伙伴中启创则是中国的云端运算服务供货商,并开发包括3G路由器、网关器与其它无线网关器系统。
Sequans是自2010年起就与中国移动合作,并在 2011年参与了大规模的商用网络实验。中国移动将在第四季到2013年中展开第四阶段的网络试验,布署2万个TD-LTE基地台,并扩展在中国13个城市的网络。
目前Sequans有两套LTE平台,其中Mont Blanc是针对无主机的USB调制解调器、CPE或移动路由器、热点设备应用进行最佳化设计;Andromeda 则是针对手机与平板装置应用。Sequans表示,该公司的LTE芯片体积小、功能强,内建SDRAM,能在10x10mm的面积尺寸提供4信道的 150Mbps速率吞吐量。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Judith Cheng
参考英文原文:Yoshida in China: How to win the TD-LTE market,by Junko Yoshida
• 想成为LTE市场王者,得看中国移动脸色行事
• LTE终端市场上扬,测试设备面临新需求
• TD终端明年销量超1亿,Marvell公布多模芯片演进路线dkUesmc
Yoshida in China: How to win the TD-LTE market
Junko Yoshida
NEW YORK – China Mobile’s full-blown TD-LTE rollout may still be a few years away, but the race is already on among technology companies jockeying to get attention from the world’s largest mobile operator.
Partnership is the key here. Those deeply mired in the “not-invented-here” syndrome need not apply.
I say this because chip vendors developing LTE modems for AT&T or NTT Docomo, for example, aren’t likely to rule. Their modems need to be fully versed in China’s TD-SCDMA and TD-LTE.
Conversely, those who “own” the TD-SCDMA market today and who have also made progress in developing TD-LTE technologies aren’t necessarily guaranteed to plug into China Mobile’s upcoming handset sockets, either. China Mobile has set the bar high, requiring handset modems to be compatible with all the world’s wireless communications standards.
There’s no doubt in my mind that Qualcomm is well positioned in this upcoming battle. Spreadtrum Communications and Marvell Technology are also strong contenders.
Indeed, Spreadtrum recently announced that its single-chip multi-mode TD-LTE modem, the SC9610, will be shipping in a Hisense data card that was awarded a portion of China Mobile's recent 4G procurement tender. Hisense's data card is designed with Spreadtrum's 40-nm single-chip TD-LTE modem, based on CEVA’s DSP.
When combined with Spreadtrum’s SR3500 RF transceiver, the data card operates in TD-LTE, TD-SCDMA and GSM mode. The device supports UE category 3 as well as the ZUC encryption algorithm, a requirement for devices shipping in China, according to Spreadtrum.
Many analysts expect Spreadtrum to play a big role for TD-LTE at China Mobile in the coming years. Some even suggest that Spreadtrum “won’t let Qualcomm have it their own way.”
Well, not so fast.
Spreadtrum hasn’t yet launched a single-chip LTE modem supporting TD-LTE, SCD-LTE, TD-SCDMA, WCDMA and EDGE. We’ll wait ‘til 2013 to see how strong that chip is going to be.
Moreover, the development of a modem technology for one standard only means that it works in labs. Has it worked well in field trials? Is it ready for a stringent certification process?
As much as I am keen to find out who’s best positioned to get the coveted contract for China Mobile’s multi-frequency, multi-standard LTE modem, I’m more interested to know who in the West might prove smart and nimble enough to partner with Chinese companies for the best multi-standard LTE modem.
A company that caught my eye recently is Paris-based Sequans Communications. The French company, which had originally bet the farm on WiMax, has re-invented itself as a 4G chip company and is emerging as a credible contender for China’s TD-LTE market.
French connection
Sequans this week announced that it’s powering devices for a large-scale trial of TD-LTE technology in China. According to the company, Nationz and Primemobi, two of Sequans’ device manufacturer partners, were “awarded portions of the contract as recently announced by China Mobile.”
For now, Sequans’ technology is in devices such as USB dongles, mobile routers and CPE, not in handsets.
Sequans, which owns chip solutions supporting both TDD and FDD, has worked since earlier this year with Nationz, which has RF and TD-SCDMA solutions. Meanwhile, Primemobi, Sequans’ other partner, is China’s cloud-computing service provider and an advanced integrator that has developed systems including 3G router, 3G gateway and other wireless gateways.
Finding the right Chinese partners is half the battle. Working with them well is the rest of the battle. Sequans’ move makes me wonder why other Western chip companies haven’t made a similar move.
Before winning the contracts with China Mobile, Sequans participated “in a lengthy qualification process whereby numerous leading local and international chip and device makers endured a deep technical evaluation conducted by China Mobile and China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,” according to the French company. Sequans has been engaged with China Mobile since 2010 and has also participated in a large-scale commercial trial that began in 2011.
In the next phase of the trial, beginning in Q4 and continuing through mid-2013, China Mobile will deploy 20,000 TD-LTE base stations and extend its network to 13 cities in China.
Currently, Sequans offers two LTE platforms: Mont Blanc, optimized for the design of host-less USB modems, CPE, and mobile routers or hotspots; and Andromeda, optimized for handsets and tablets. Sequans’ LTE chips are “compact and powerful, delivering category 4 throughput of up to 150 Mbps in a very small 10×10 mm package that includes SDRAM,” according to the company.
Of course, we should note that it’s far from clear how Sequans might actually get its chips inside China Mobile’s LTE handsets.
Gentlemen, start your modems.