日本各界试图拯救瑞萨电子(Renesas Electronics)的举动并不令人惊讶,一个明显的措施就是维持让瑞萨的芯片稳定供应日本国内产品,特别是车厂丰田(Toyota)与日产(Nissan)的汽车。但令人惊讶的是,市场传言瑞萨的新老板打算找一位海外来的管理高层领导这家公司。
瑞萨现在的最大股东是一个由日本官方与私人企业组成的联盟 Innovation Network Corp. of Japan (INCJ);根据一份日前公布的协议,INCJ将支付1,380亿日圆(约1.675亿美元)收购69%的瑞萨股权。而其中有8家瑞萨的客户,包括丰田、日产、Canon与松下(Panasonic),将共同出资约120亿日圆(1,460万美元),取得6%的瑞萨股权。
这意味着瑞萨原本的大股东──也就是NEC、日立(Hitachi)与三菱(Mitsubishi)──手中持股,将由90%减少至23%;这三家公司将各 自面临亏损的芯片业务结合起来成立了瑞萨,但现在已经没兴趣再持有多数股权。他们同意裁撤部分瑞萨员工,并提供贷款让公司重组,不过显然不会再做更多。
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• 任天堂Wii U能否拯救瑞萨电子?
• 夏普瑞萨分获数十亿美元贷款,援手该不该伸?
• 东芝与瑞萨纾困之计:调整重组及扩大委外代工yW3esmc
有些愤世嫉俗者也许会说,日本是想找个外国来的“代罪羔羊”,因为瑞萨还是可能会倒;要不然就是日本政府官员实在太天真,相信会有个像是拯救了日产的外籍首席执行官Carlos Ghosn那样的人,奇迹般地从国际芯片产业界冒出来、拯救瑞萨。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Judith Cheng
参考英文原文:Renesas eyes foreign CEO, nominations welcome,by Junko Yoshida
• 任天堂Wii U能否拯救瑞萨电子?
• 夏普瑞萨分获数十亿美元贷款,援手该不该伸?
• 东芝与瑞萨纾困之计:调整重组及扩大委外代工yW3esmc
Renesas eyes foreign CEO, nominations welcome
Junko Yoshida
There’s nothing surprising about Japan Inc. bailing out Renesas. Rumors are now swirling about the desire for a foreign CEO. Who would you pick?
NEW YORK – There’s nothing surprising about Japan Inc. going out of its way to bail out Renesas Electronics. The obvious objective is to maintain a steady flow of Renesas chips into domestic products, especially Toyota and Nissan automobiles.
Surprising, however, are rumors that the new owners of Renesas are looking for a foreign executive to head up the company.
Under the deal announced Monday (Dec. 10), the Innovation Network Corp. of Japan (INCJ), a public-private partnership, will pay 138 billion yen ($1,675 million) to acquire a 69 percent stake in Renesas. Eight major Renesas customers, including Toyota, Nissan, Canon and Panasonic, will pay almost 12 billion yen ($146 million) for a 6 percent stake.
That means the chip maker's former majority shareholders – NEC, Hitachi and Mitsubishi – will see their share drop from 90 to 23 percent. The trio joined forces to form Renesas by combining their loss-making chip operations, but are showing no interest in a majority stake in Renesas. The three companies agreed to accept some laid-off Renesas employees, and to provide loans for restructuring. But it’s clear. They aren’t committed to doing anything beyond that.
(Source: Nikkei.com)
Why a foreign CEO?
Nikkei, Japan’s economic journal, quoted an unnamed senior INCJ official, as saying it is looking for "a foreign executive, well-versed in the semiconductor industry to serve as the new CEO of Renesas." INCJ is also seeking a leader "with a shining track record in managing a global semiconductor maker who can reinvent the firm."
That's a tall order.
All in the family?
On one hand, Japan wants to keep this affair in the family by using government money and funding from domestic customers and investors, thus shutting out a potential foreign buyer. On the other hand, Japan wants a non-Japanese CEO to pull off a miracle.
Cynics might say that Japan is already looking to hire a “foreign” scapegoat, in case Renesas collapses. Either that, or Japanese officials may be na?ve enough to believe that someone like Carlos Ghosn, who saved troubled Nissan, will miraculously emerge from the global chip industry to save the day.
Who would you nominate as the savior of Renesas? Let us know in the comments box below.