“通过定位于低阶手机,英特尔可在未来几年内尝试满足智能手机领域中最具成长潜力的市场,”IHS iSuppli公司负责无线通信业务的资深分析师Francis Sideco在一份报告中表示,“尽管目前英特尔在全球智能手机应用处理器的市占率几乎微不足道,但该公司必须正采取必要步骤,以扩展在这一领域的机 会。”

英特尔公司移动与通信部门副总裁兼总经理Mike Bell展示一款智能手机的参考设计。该参考设计采用英特尔瞄准新兴市场的全新Atom平台。
根据IHS表示,这款新的Atom平台先前的研发代号为 Lexington ,有机会发展成为市场的重大趋势之一。在发展中国家,固定式有线电话基础设施往往十分匮乏,消费者渴望能够提供高性能和更多功能的低成本智能手机。
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• CES2013:微软禅位高通,各大厂商秀绝活
• 股价破百,台积电挑战英特尔市值
• 英特尔CEO提前退休,继任者肩负向移动领域转型重任83sesmc

Source:IHS iSuppli Research, 2013年1月83sesmc
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• CES2013:微软禅位高通,各大厂商秀绝活
• 股价破百,台积电挑战英特尔市值
• 英特尔CEO提前退休,继任者肩负向移动领域转型重任83sesmc

Source:IHS iSuppli Research, 2013年1月83sesmc
IHS 预计,中国仍将是各种手机成长最快的市场,2011年至2016年的出货量预计将有8%的CAGR。同一时期,其它亚太地区的手机出货量预计将有6%的 CAGR,欧洲、中东和非洲(EMEA)等地区的成长率为5%,排名第三;同期,北美地区则有4%的CAGR。很显然地,未来的成长力道来自新兴地区。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Susan Hong
参考英文原文:Intel pins hopes to low-end smartphones,by Dylan McGrath
• CES2013:微软禅位高通,各大厂商秀绝活
• 股价破百,台积电挑战英特尔市值
• 英特尔CEO提前退休,继任者肩负向移动领域转型重任83sesmc
Intel pins hopes to low-end smartphones
Dylan McGrath
With its new Atom processor platform, launched last week at CES, Intel Corp. is aiming directly at the rapidly growing market for low-end smartphones in developing countries.
Targeting the low end of anything seems a decidedly un-Intel thing to do. But Intel has been trying to expand its minimal presence in the smartphone world for several years. Gotta start somewhere.
"By targeting the low end, Intel can attempt to address the market with the greatest opportunity for growth in the smartphone business during the next few years," said Francis Sideco, senior principal analyst for wireless communications at IHS iSuppli, in a report circulated Wednesday (Jan. 16). "With Intel now holding a negligible share of the global smartphone applications processor market, the company appears to be taking the steps it needs to in order to have a chance at expanding its presence in this segment."
Mike Bell, vice president and general manager of Intel's Mobile and Communications Group, shows off a smartphone reference design at a media event prior to the opening of CES. The reference design, based on Intel's new Atom platform, is aimed at emerging markets.
According to IHS (El Segundo, Calif.), the new Atom platform, formerly codenamed Lexington, has an opportunity to tap into a major trend. In developing nations, where there is often a scarcity of wireline phone infrastructure, consumers are hungry for low-cost smartphones that offer high performance and a full feature set.
In most of the world, a smartphone remains a relatively pricey item. Even so, total smartphone shipments in 2012 probably ended up at somewhere between 600 million and 700 million units. When you consider the number of people living in developing nations that could benefit greatly from a low end smartphone with a pretty robust feature set, it's pretty clear that the volumes involved could get pretty enormous pretty quickly if the right price point is hit.
According to IHS, shipments of low-end smartphones—the fastest growing segment of the smartphone market—doubled between 2012 and 2016. The firm expects low-end smartphone shipments to rise to 559 million by 2016, up from just 206 million in 2012.
Intel outside looking in
IHS expects shipments of low-end smartphones to rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 51 percent from 2011 to 2016. The firm expects shipments of high-end smart smartphoens to grow at a CAGR of only 12 percent during the same period.
"In the emerging markets, optimizing the cost/performance balance will be critical for success," Sideco said. Intel will also need to leverage its 2011 acquisition of Infineon's wireless chip unit to ensure that it offers the best solution for low-end smarphones, incorporating both the applications processor and the modem on the same chip, Sideco said.
To date, Intel has made minimal progress in cracking the smartphone applications processor market, which is dominated by Qualcomm.
In basebands, Intel ranks third in market share, according to IHS, generating just 8 percent of baseband revenue in the third quarter of 2012, well behind both Qualcomm and Taiwan's MediaTek, according to IHS.
"While Intel dominates the PC microprocessor market, in the smartphone semiconductor business the company has no place to go but up," Sideco said. “And while Intel certainly faces major challenges in achieving the kind of leadership position in mobile handsets it now has in PC semiconductors, the company appears to be serious about building its competitive positioning in the smartphone chip market."
For what it's worth, IHS expects China to remain the fastest growing market for all cell phones, with shipments expected to grow at an 8 percent CAGR from 2011 to 2016. The rest of the Asia-Pacific region is predicted to have a 6 percent CAGR in cell phone shipment growth over the same period, with the EMEA region coming in third at 5 percent, and North America at 4 percent. Clearly, future growth is coming from the emerging regions.