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英特尔宣布称,它将在第四代酷睿处理器(代号Haswell)推出之后退出传统台式电脑主板业务,将重心转移至移动产品。 英特尔在对记者发布的声明中表示,“今天我们公司内部宣布英特尔台式主板业务将会在未来三年内逐步解体。我们拥有20年的主板业务经验,公司将会重新利用这些技术和经验开发新兴的移动产品。” 这意味着英特尔开始减少对传统电脑业务的投入,这些资源将重新分配到其它有前瞻性的产品团队,如最近开发英特尔NUC(Next Unit of Computing)超小型PC平台、超极本、一体机、平板电脑以及手机业务中。


这就是说,支持Haswell处理器的台式电脑主板将是英特尔的最后一批零售级的主板。当然,这并不意味着台式电脑的终结,因为其他主板制造商仍将会继续参与主板市场。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:华硕、技嘉、MSI以及其他制造商会继承英特尔的衣钵


{pagination} 英特尔台式电脑主板部门负责把零售级主板和主板工具推向市场,供DIY和小型PC系统制造商使用。虽然为最终用户提供的台式电脑主板在过去的20年里一直是英特尔的主要产品,但是,微星、华硕、蓝宝石(Sapphire)、华擎科技和技嘉等主板厂商在接口、形状和增加的功能等方面提供许多选择。 “华硕、技嘉、MSI以及其他制造商将会全力支撑英特尔不断发展的产品路线,满足全球消费群体对电脑主板的需求。”英特尔表示,这些主板制造商主要客户为组装机用户如游戏爱好者。英特尔将会继续为这些顶级系统提供高性能的电脑芯片。 然而,英特尔不会把DIY用户完全关在门外。用户还可以为自己的项目购买NUC部件和单独的NUC主板。“我们会充分利用英特尔的K SKU处理器和全新第三代英特尔酷睿顶级性能处理器,大力投资发烧友热衷的平台。”英特尔表示。 从关闭英特尔零售台式电脑主板业务的资源转换中受益的产品线包括FFRD(Form Factor Reference Design,外形参考设计)部门。这个团队负责英特尔的超极本和一体机。 英特尔发言人丹·施耐德(Dan Snyder)称,英特尔产品路线图包括34个不同价格点的227个台式电脑处理器,将为广泛的客户提供台式电脑解决方案。 英特尔此番官方宣布停止台式电脑主板业务引发外界猜测称英特尔将会停止生产台式电脑的主板连接器,即所谓的LGA插座。英特尔拒绝对此谣言置评。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Intel to discontinue desktop motherboards,by Dylan McGrath


{pagination} Intel to discontinue desktop motherboards Dylan McGrath SAN FRANCISCO—Intel Corp. plans to stop supplying PC motherboards, with plans to gradually ramp down the business over the next three years, the company said. "As Intel gradually ramps down its motherboard business we are ramping up critical areas of the desktop space including integration of innovative solutions for the PC ecosystem such as reference design development, NUC and other areas to be discussed later," a spokesman for the company said in an emailed statement. Intel will not develop any new Intel branded desktop motherboards after completion of Haswell-based fourth generation Core products launch in 2013. The company said it would continue to support all products sold through the warranty period included with the specific product. Intel has been supplying PC motherboards for more than 20 years. Until recently, Intel said, the business was largely focused on PC tower type designs. The company said the employees focused on PC motherboards would be redistributed to address emerging new form factors, including both desktop and mobile computers. Those engineers will also be refocused to expand Intel’s form factor reference design work and enable the company's partners to develop new computing solutions, Intel said. With PC sales contracting last year for the first time and 11 years, Intel and other chip vendors are scrambling to capture more market share in non PC businesses. Intel has for years been trying to increase its presence in smartphones and other mobile computing devices, as well as embedded systems. Intel (Santa Clara, Calif.) said the desktop PC segment continues to be a major focus for the company with hundreds of products across many subsegments and applications. Intel expects the broad and capable desktop motherboard ecosystem—including Asus, Gigabyte, MSI and others—to support Intel’s roadmap and worldwide customer base. The Intel spokesman declined to comment on the number of employees impacted by the decision to discontinue PC motherboards or the decision's anticipated impact on sales.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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