日本大厂富士通(Fujitsu)与松下(Panasonic)已经正式宣布,双方原则上同意了将各自系统芯片业务合并为一家独立无晶圆厂芯片公司的计划;日本开发银行(The Development Bank of Japan)已经被要求为上述计划提供投资与融资的协助,富士通与松下并表示,两家公司正在针对最终协议以及新公司的成立时间点进行讨论。

本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
• 富士通半导体获海思半导体策略ASIC合作伙伴荣誉
• 2012年,无晶圆厂业绩增长再次超越IDM
• 2012年电子产业十大收并购案例XpNesmc
在 2012年9月就有传言指出富士通打算摆脱半导体业务,而最新的进展是该公司已经正式宣布将与松下合并系统芯片业务部门、成立无晶圆厂芯片公司;至于富士通其它半导体业务将何去何从,就需要拟定策略性的解决方案。
富士通也表示打算出售该公司位于日本三重的12寸晶圆厂,并特别提及台湾晶圆代工大厂台积电(TSMC)是潜在买主;但事实上,台积电在 2012年才拒绝了一桩来自瑞萨电子(Renesas Electronics)的晶圆厂出售提议。而富士通最近也宣布将其半导体封测生产线转手给另一家公司J-Devices。
在 系统芯片部门与松下整合,以及出售12寸晶圆厂之后,富士通半导体业务就只剩下位于日本会津若松(Aizu-Wakamatus)的一座8寸、一座6寸晶圆厂,以及属于子公司FSET (Fujitsu Semiconductor Technology)的8寸晶圆生产线。富士通表示,将“合理化”改善上述这几座工厂的产能利用率;而该公司也表示,其半导体业务组织重整将影响约 2,000员工职位。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
参考英文原文:Fujitsu, Panasonic to form fabless chip firm,Fujitsu chip business faces radical restructure, by Peter Clarke
• 富士通半导体获海思半导体策略ASIC合作伙伴荣誉
• 2012年,无晶圆厂业绩增长再次超越IDM
• 2012年电子产业十大收并购案例XpNesmc
Fujitsu, Panasonic to form fabless chip firm
Peter Clarke
LONDON – Japan's Fujitsu Ltd. and Panasonic Corp. have announced that they have agreed in principle to merge their system LSI businesses to create an independent fabless chip company.
The Development Bank of Japan Inc. has been asked to assist with investment and financing of the plan and Fujitsu and Panasonic said they are in discussions to finalize a contract and timetable for the creation of the company.
A radical step was expected from the companies (see Fujitsu, Panasonic reportedly close to merging chip units). However, by opting to go fabless in merger a number of business disposals and job losses are expected at the parent companies.
The companies said the as yet unnamed company will be independent of Fujitsu and Panasonic and would focus on offering chips that address high performance computing such as chips for servers and high-speed networking, visual processing and image recognition, mobile and low-power wireless connectivity.
In a joint-statement the two companies said that each of them owns advanced technology and intellectual property but that they overseas semiconductor manufacturers have risen in prominence in recent years. The statement added that by focusing on the design and marketing of chips under a fabless model Fujitsu and Panasonic aim to achieve growth in the chip business.
Fujitsu chip business faces radical restructure
Peter Clarke
LONDON – Japan's Fujitsu Ltd. has announced a radical restructuring of its semiconductor business that is likely to include major disposals and put 2,000 employees at risk of losing their jobs. The announcement came as Fujitsu reported a net loss of 79.0 billion yen (about $900 million) on fiscal third-quarter consolidated net sales of 1,048.2 billion yen (about $12 billion).
In September of 2012 Fujitsu was reportedly trying to get out of the semiconductor business (see Fujitsu said to want out of chip business). A key part of the latest announcement is the merger of its system LSI business with that of Panasonic Corp. in the creation of a fabless chip company (see Fujitsu, Panasonic to form fabless chip firm).
However, that leaves numerous parts of Fujitsu's semiconductor business for which strategic solutions need to be found.
The fate of the Fujitsu's microcontroller and analog device business is uncertain as the company announced it is looking at an "entire range of possibilities" for the business. Such language is usually taken to mean a range from continued investment through to a sale or even closure. Fujitsu said it aims to offer a stable supply to customers and develop the business.
Fujitsu also said it is looking to sell its 300-mm wafer fab at Mie to a foundry. Fujitsu specifically mentions Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Hsinchu, Taiwan) as a potential purchaser despite the fact that the Taiwanese foundry rejected a similar wafer fab related offer from fellow Japanese strugglers Renesas Electronics Corp. in 2012 (see TSMC's Chang says no to buying Renesas fab).
Fujitsu recently announced the transfer of assembly and test lines to J-Devices Corp.
After the integration of the system LSI business with that of Panasonic and the disposal of the 300-mm wafer fab at Mie, Fujitsu Semiconductor will be left with a 200-mm wafer fab and a 150-mm wafer fab in Aizu-Wakamatus and the 200-mm line of Fujitsu Semiconductor Technology (FSET). Fujitsu said employees would be "rationalized" to improve capacity utilization at these facilities.
Fujitsu added that as a result of the decision to restructure these operations, approximately 2,000 people in the semiconductor group would "come under the scope of rationalization."