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Raspberry Pi迷你计算机实现更低功耗

Raspberry Pi日前针对欧洲地区推出一款仅信用卡般大小的 Model A 计算机,售价约为25美元。 Model A 是先前已上市一段时间的 Model B Raspberry Pi 的精简版,配备了一个 USB 埠以及256MB的 RAM ,但没有以太网络连接。

Raspberry Pi日前针对欧洲地区推出一款仅信用卡般大小的 Model A 计算机,售价约为25美元。 Model A 是先前已上市一段时间的 Model B Raspberry Pi 的精简版,配备了一个 USB 埠以及256MB的 RAM ,但没有以太网络连接。 精简版的 Model A 意味着成本可较 Model B 更低10美元,而且对于一些用户来说可能还更具有吸引力,因为它的功耗只有 Model B 的三分之一。 因此,对于电池或以太阳能供电的应用,如机器人、遍远地区的传感器平台、工业自动化、数据记录等, Model A 可说是更理想的选择。此外,开发人员也讨论透过重新编写软件以进一步降低功耗的可能性,或许可将使电流降低到目前的十分之一。 根据 Raspberry Pi 网站,欧洲以外的客户可经由线上订购 Model A Raspberry Pi 产品,但订单处理作业可能耽搁些产品交货时间。

《国际电子商情》Raspberry Pi Model A单板计算机由于少了以太网络PHY,也就没有RJ45连接器,但提供单一USB连接。
Raspberry Pi Model A单板计算机由于少了以太网络PHY,也就没有RJ45连接器,但提供单一USB连接。

本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Susan Hong 参考英文原文:Raspberry Pi goes low power,by Peter Clarke

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{pagination} Raspberry Pi goes low power Peter Clarke LONDON – The Model A version of the credit-card sized Raspberry Pi computer is becoming available in Europe for a price of about $25. The Model A is a stripped-down version of the Model B Raspberry Pi, which has been on sale for some time, but with no Ethernet, a single USB port and 256-Mbytes of RAM. Stripping down the Model A means it is $10 lower cost than the Model B but perhaps more interestingly for some users is that it consumes about one-third of the power of the Model B. So for battery- or solar-powered applications, such as robots, sensor platforms in remote locations, industrial automation, datalogging and so on the Model A is a better option. There is discussion of rewriting software to reduce power consumpion yet further to perhaps a tenth of the current level on the Model B board. Customers outside Europe can order a Model A Raspberry Pi, but there will be a short delay in processing their order waiting on some paperwork, according to the Raspberry Pi website. Raspberry Pi Model A single board computer. Note the absence of Ethernet PHY, no RJ45 connector and the single USB connection.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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