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有不少精明的半导体业者积极寻求具经验的日本专业工程师人才,晶圆代工新秀GlobalFoundries也是其中之一,而且该公司正密切关注从瑞萨(Renesas)出走的人员。 景况不佳的瑞萨继去年秋天针对总数为7,446人的40岁以上员工提出提早退休计划后,又在上个月宣布将进一步裁员3,000人;通常人们会认为,那些丢饭碗的成千上万瑞萨员工恐怕无法再找到下一个全职工作,尽管他们是将一生奉献给公司──而且那是发生在日本。 不过可能有数百位经验老到的提早退休瑞萨工程师,有机会前往日本以外的芯片厂商开启事业第二春──根据日本当地业界传言,GlobalFoundries正锁定这些人才。 GlobalFoundries 位于美国纽约州Saratoga的新厂甫于 2月8日动土,该公司在纽约州当地雇用的人力已经超过2,000人,并预计在2014年底增加至3,000人;GlobalFoundries纽约州据点的人力配置,有九成是技术与营运职位。 在被问到是否有雇用日本籍工程师的计划时,GlobalFoundries发言人表示:“我们确实雇用了一些具经验的日本专业人才,但我们无法提供详细数字或是所占员工数比例。” 而根据一位日本产业界匿名消息人士指出,GlobalFoundries的日本办公室已经聘雇了35名日本工程师,这些工程师已经准备好成为前往该公司美国纽约州据点任职的先遣部队,未来还会有100~200名工程师陆续前往。 尽管目前并没有官方统计数字,但据了解已经有许多日本半导体工程师离开前东家,前往位于韩国、台湾或中国的非日商企业任职;而这些日本工程师的半导体制程专业技能都是在原本任职的日本公司学到的。 于是GlobalFoundries 的纽约州Fab 8晶圆厂计划如今看来时机正好,虽然该公司一开始根本没想到可以借重前瑞萨工程师的专业能力。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:瑞萨员工自己唱衰公司前景


{pagination} 在此同时,瑞萨员工对公司与主管的期望跌到史上最低;据统计,已有超过7,511位瑞萨员工在去年9月提出了提早退休申请,而该公司起初仅预计有5,000人左右提出申请。无预警的庞大提早退休申请数字被日本当地媒体大幅报导,并被视为是瑞萨员工出走潮的预兆。 根据一份以瑞萨现职与离职员工为对象、针对公司前景的“非官方”调查,有46%的受访者认为“瑞萨将在几年之后倒闭”,有32%的受访者则认为“瑞萨将逐渐走下坡”,仅有6%的受访者认为公司有机会缓慢复苏。 至于被问到瑞萨翻身的关键条件为何,有39%的受访者受访者都认为是“更好的管理团队”;然而一位瑞萨的发言人表示,这份调查的回复受访者总共只有75人。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Judith Cheng 参考英文原文:Yoshida in Japan: Renesas' cuts are GloFo's gain,by Junko Yoshida


{pagination} Yoshida in Japan: Renesas' cuts are GloFo's gain Junko Yoshida GlobalFoundries turns out to be one of several astute companies aggressively pursuing skilled Japanese engineering professionals. They’re keeping a close eye on the Renesas exodus. Word of layoffs is depressing and heart-wrenching, especially so when it takes place on the massive scale that hit workers at Renesas Electronics. Last fall, close to 7,500 employees (7,446 to be exact) --aged 40 and above–took the early retirement package. The ailing Japanese chipmaker last month announced further cuts, with plans to eliminate another 3,000 jobs. Conventional wisdom dictates that many of those thousands of people may not be able to find another full-time job ever again, despite their lifetime dedication to the company. Think again. The key word missing in the sentence above is, “in Japan.” At least hundreds, if not thousands, of skilled semiconductor engineers who are retiring early from Renesas will end up working for chip companies outside Japan. As word on the street in Tokyo goes, GlobalFoundries turns out to be one of several astute companies aggressively pursuing skilled Japanese engineering professionals. They’re keeping a close eye on the Renesas exodus. Since breaking ground on Fab 8 in Saratoga, NY., GlobalFoundries has hired just over 2,000 people in New York state. The company expects that to increase to about 3,000 by the end of 2014. About 90 percent of the company’s New York workforce is composed of people in technical and operations roles. Asked about hiring Japanese engineers, a company spokesman noted, “We definitely hired some skilled professionals from Japan, but I can’t provide details of numbers or percentages.” Thirty-five Japanese engineers have already been hired by GlobalFoundries’ regional office in Japan, according to an industry source based in Tokyo, who spoke on condition of anonymity. These engineers are getting prepped to be sent to New York as an initial batch, with as many as another 100 to 200 to follow, the source said. Renesas employee's expectations No official data has been released about how many Japanese semiconductor engineers have already left their employers and are currently working at non-Japanese companies in South Korea, Taiwan or in China. Some suspect that there are many. These are Japanese engineers who cut their teeth and honed their skills in semiconductor manufacturing processes at their Japanese employers. GlobalFoundries’ Fab 8 initiative is looking particularly timely today, even though counting on ex-Renesas engineers probably wasn’t the foundry’s original intention. Meanwhile, Renesas employees’ expectations for the company and its management have sunk to all-time low. More than 7,511 employees last September applied to the early retirement program, for which Renesas had originally expected around 5,000 applicants. The unexpectedly high number was widely reported in Japan then as an early warning sign of an exodus at Renesas. According to a survey about the company’s future, conducted by Renesas’ "unofficial" group consisting of the company's current and former employees, 46 percent of the group responded: “Renesas will collapse within the next few years.” Thirty-two percent said, “Renesas will gradually deteriorate.” Those who predicted a slow recovery of the company was limited to 6 percent. When asked what is most needed for Renesas’ recovery, the answer that got the most responses – 39 percent – was: “Better management.” However, the survey sample had only 75 responses, according to a Renesas spokesman.
Junko Yoshida
ASPENCORE全球联席总编辑,首席国际特派记者。曾任把口记者(beat reporter)和EE Times主编的Junko Yoshida现在把更多时间用来报道全球电子行业,尤其关注中国。 她的关注重点一直是新兴技术和商业模式,新一代消费电子产品往往诞生于此。 她现在正在增加对中国半导体制造商的报道,撰写关于晶圆厂和无晶圆厂制造商的规划。 此外,她还为EE Times的Designlines栏目提供汽车、物联网和无线/网络服务相关内容。 自1990年以来,她一直在为EE Times提供内容。
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