根据ReadWrite网站报导,惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard Co.)正准备推出一系列基于Google公司 Android操作系统的平板电脑。对于惠普来说,这可说是该公司发展方向的一大转变。
TouchPad平板电脑采用惠普收购 Palm 取得的 webOS 操作系统。在惠普决定放弃 TouchPad 时,该公司宣布仍会持续开发 webOS 为一款开放原始码的平台,同时也将会在平板电脑中继续使用该操作系统。
然而,从那时候开始,市场上不断地出现一些更具吸引力的新款Android平板电脑,而且也普偏地受到消费者的喜爱。同时,Android平板电脑还开始威胁到苹果公司一向强势的平板电脑市场地位。因此,如果这一报导属实的话,那么就表示惠普公司认为采用基于 webOS 的产品将难以与 Android 平板电脑相抗衡。
许多开发人员也曾一度相当看好基于 webOS 的平板电脑。而今,大部份的开发人员都转向了 Android 系统。
根据ReadWrite网站的报导,惠普公司正开发中的 Android 平板电脑将是一款配备Nvidia公司 Tegra 4 应用处理器的高阶产品,据称这将会是市场上首款采用 Tegra 4 的平板电脑。同时,该消息来源也透露惠普的首款 Android 平板电脑即将发布。不过,针对这项开发 Android 平板电脑的传闻,惠普公司拒绝评论。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Susan Hong
参考英文原文:Is HP developing Android tablets?,by Dylan McGrath
• PC厂商向平板厂商“不耻下问”,欲重获消费者青睐
• 联想夺冠无望,惠普仍执PC市场牛耳
• 去年已裁1.78万,惠普今明两年将再裁1万人fPGesmc
Is HP developing Android tablets?
Dylan McGrath
Hewlett-Packard Co. is reportedly preparing to launch a series of tablets based on Google Inc.’s Android operating system.
The development, reported by tech blog site ReadWrite, would be a major course change for HP. The firm scrapped its TouchPad tablet in August 2011, 48 days after its high-profile launch, despite positive reviews.
TouchPad ran ran the webOS operating system HP acquired when it bought Palm. At the time it discontinued the TouchPad, HP announced that it would continue to develop webOS as an open-source platform and would continue to use the OS in tablets.
Since then, though, a number of compelling new Android tablets have hit stores and proven to be popular. For the first time, Android tablets are collectively threatening Apple’s stronghold on the tablet market. The report, if accurate, could signal that HP has concluded it can’t compete with Android tablets with products based on webOS.
Many developers had at one time clamored for webOS tablets. But, by now, developers as a group are getting pretty comfortable with Android.
According to the ReadWrite report, the first HP Android tablet will be a high-end tablet featuring Nvidia Corp.’s Tegra 4 applications processor. The report, which cites anonymous sources, indicates that this first Android tablet could be announced soon. The report also indicates that it could be one of the first tablets on the market to feature Tegra 4.