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同样是首席执行官寻找接棒人选的问题,ARM与竞争对手英特尔(Intel)的处理方法上就是不一样。英特尔在 2012年11月宣布首席执行官Paul Otellini 将于隔年5月退休,将寻找接棒人选;这让该公司的态度看起来有点鬼鬼祟祟,而ARM则在相同的议题上态度谨慎得多……

同样是首席执行官寻找接棒人选的问题,就像很多其它事情, ARM 与竞争对手英特尔(Intel)的处理方法上就是不一样。 英特尔在 2012年11月宣布首席执行官Paul Otellini 将于隔年5月退休,将寻找接棒人选;这让该公司的态度看起来有点鬼鬼祟祟,业界也猜测英特尔可能会首度向公司外部寻觅首席执行官。而 ARM 则在相同的议题上态度谨慎得多,在宣布现任首席执行官Warren East将于今年7月1号离职同时,也表示已经透过尽职调查选定内部接班人Simon Segars。 Segars在ARM工作22年,担任过工程师、参与过该公司早期几款处理器和新的设计,也担任过工程与业务部门的主管职位,有ARM英国总部与海外据点的经验。Segars在ARM的资历甚至比East长,而年纪则是小了5~6岁...一切条件都很完美不是吗? 而East在宣布退休消息的电话会议上透露,他在2013年6月30日上完最后一天班之后,不会继续担任ARM包括董事会在内的任何职务,将完全与老东家 “划清界线”;他表示:“我正在期待一些新挑战,可能来一场小旅行之类的。” 当被问到他所提到的挑战会是哪些,以及他是否会考虑离开英国时,East的回答是:“我对科技十分热衷,我应该会以某种方式与科技世界保持连结;我希望能做一些与ARM互补的工作,也许是在英国。”接着他也解释了为何他现在就做出离开ARM的决定。 East 表示,ARM对于公司的长期发展规划已经到2020年之后,而对于首席执行官来说,很重要的是得看着那些计划有所成。“到那个时候,我已经担任这个职位超过 20年,时间实在太长。”他在电话会议上表示:“如果你想做一些改变,就得趁着公司状况良好的时候做;而现在正是ARM状况很好的时候。” 毋庸质疑,Segars在延续前两位首席执行官(Robin Saxby与Warren East)建立一个共同合作的生态系统策略上,显然是一个安全且合格的接班人选。在同一场电话会议中,Segars表示该公司的策略将不会有什么大幅度的 改变;他的接棒意味着并不会有新文化的注入,以协助ARM因应势必与上一世代大不相同的新世代使用者喜好。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:Segars时代,如何让ARM站上运算领域的终极舞台?

ARM CEO将退休,集团总裁接任

{pagination} 在ARM第一任首席执行官Robin Saxby当家的1990年代,标志着ARM在手机领域的崛起;而East在位的2000年代,他率领ARM核心更进一步深入更多嵌入式应用,伴随而来的是该公司在智能手机与平板装置领域的耀眼成就。 而在Segars的时代,他的挑战会是如何让ARM站上运算领域的终极舞台──服务器与超级计算机,以及所谓的物联网(IoT)中,那些微小、各自独立的“叶节点(leaf-node)”系统。 未来Segars接任ARM首席执行官,预期应该不会有公司文化、展望或是策略方面的改变,而这也许就是重点所在。ARM的业务模式运作顺利,也不需要向外寻找首席执行官,这或许也是该公司与英特尔最显著的不同之处。 Segars 将面临的另一个挑战,会是比较跟个人特质有关的。East以一种稳定可靠的形象,从热情奔放的、业务员风格的第一任首席执行官Saxby手中接下ARM,并将 公司推向ARM核心芯片(2012)年出货量87亿颗的规模,如何接下East手上的棒子,对Segars来说并非简单任务。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Judith Cheng 参考英文原文:London Calling: ARM's Segars is safe CEO choice,by Peter Clarke

ARM CEO将退休,集团总裁接任

{pagination} London Calling: ARM's Segars is safe CEO choice Peter Clarke On the issue of CEO succession – as in many things – ARM has acted in stark contrast to rival semiconductor company Intel. On the issue of CEO succession – as in many things – ARM has acted in contrast to rival semiconductor company Intel. Intel Corp. (Santa Clara, Calif.) announced back in November 2012 that CEO Paul Otellini would be retiring in May 2103, aged 62, and then set off on a headhunting exercise, which seemed to show signs that the company is spooked. It would also seem likely that Intel is going to go outside the company for the first time in its existence. In contrast processor IP licensor ARM Holdings plc (Cambridge, England) has played its cards close to its chest and has been doing its own CEO due diligence in private and concluded that an internal candidate, Simon Segars – effectively number two to CEO Warren East for quite a while – is the best person to replace East when he steps down on July 1. It's hard to argue with the logic. Segars is coming up to 22 years at ARM and worked as an IC engineer on some the company's early processor core designs as well holding many senior executive positions in engineering and sales and he has worked for ARM in the U.K. and overseas. He has been at ARM longer than East and is five or six years younger – what's not to like? East is not going to retain a seat on the board or have any position at ARM after June 30, 2013. It will be a "clean break" he told analysts on a conference call on March 19 immediately after his retirement from ARM was announced. "I am now looking forward to some new challenges and maybe travelling a little less," he said. When asked about what those challenges are and whether he would contemplate leaving the U.K., East said: "I am passionate about technology. I am almost bound to stay connected to the tech world in some way. I hope to do things that will be complementary to ARM, maybe in the U.K." ARM planning for the 2020s East also explained why the decision for him to leave ARM has been made now. ARM takes a long-term business view with the company planning for 2020 and beyond, he said, and it is important that the CEO is around to see those plans through to fruition. "I would have been in the job 20 years or more by then and that would be too long," East told the conference call. "If you're going to make a change, let's do it when the business is healthy. And ARM is very healthy right now," he said. There's no doubt Segars is the obvious and safe choice qualified to continue the collaborative, ecosystem-building approach of ARM's first two CEOs, Sir Robin Saxby and Warren East. On the same conference call Segars said there would be no dramatic changes of strategy at the company. But Segars' appointment does mean that there is no influx of different culture to help ARM address the next decade, which is bound to be different to the last one. Sir Robin's time – the 1990s – was marked by the emergence of ARM in mobile phones. In the 2000s Warren East has presided over the deeper penetration of ARM cores into more embedded applications but accompanied by meteoric success in smartphones and tablet computers. The challenges for Segars' period of tenure will be how well ARM can penetrate into computing at the performance end of the market – servers and supercomputers – and into the tiny, autonomous "leaf-node" systems labeled the Internet of Things. So no change of culture, outlook or execution is expected from Simon Segars but maybe that's the point. ARM's business model is working well and there was no need to go outside to find a CEO. And perhaps that is the starkest contrast to Intel. The other challenge for Segars will be a more personal one. East has been a safe pair of hands to carry ARM forward after the ebullient, salesy approach of Sir Robin Saxby. When you look at numbers like 8.7 billion ARM-based chips delivered in 2012 it is clear that East will be hard act for Segars to follow.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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