还记得之前我们提过的一个中国版的Ubuntu系统吗?工信部与Linux系统开发商Canonical日前联合宣布,工信部旗下的软件与集成电路促进中心(CSIP)将以Canonical Ubuntu为基础,制定属于中国的操作系统参考架构。
CCN实验室的第一步是开发一款为中国市场定制功能的增强版Ubuntu桌面系统,并起名为“Ubuntu Kylin”(麒麟),首个版本将在4月份发布,也就是和Ubuntu 13.04同步登场。未来将会从桌面拓展到其他平台,包括云端、服务器、平板机、智能手机。
Canonical公司和Ubuntu创始人马克·沙德沃思说:“Ubuntu麒麟的发布将把中国的开源社区带入全球的Ubuntu社区。Ubuntu麒麟为中国提供了一个属于自己的安全、稳定的台式机操作系统。Ubuntu将现有技术、成熟的生态体系和强劲的原始设备制造商与独立软件开发商综合在一起,使"联合实验室"将这些优势应用在台式机、服务器、云、平板电脑和移动电话等一整套平台上。” 海耶
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从操作体验来看,Ubuntu移动操作系统与iOS、安卓和Windows Phone各有不同,拥有许多颇具特色的设计和功能,让使用者又多了一种选择,然而在竞争激烈的移动行业里,消费者对这种新颖的设计早已见怪不怪了。而Canonical此时扎根中国市场不得不给人以丰富的联想空间:中国不仅能借此机会开发独立的操作系统,掌握目前最火爆行业的核心技术,为这个市场做出自身贡献;而且根据市场统计机构Flurry Analytics今年2月发布的数据,中国在当月“逆袭”美国,跃升为世界最大移动设备市场,这将为Canonical公司的移动设备市场提供广阔的发展空间况且该公司的合作开发领域还包括台式机和 服务器操作系统。Ubuntu麒麟是否能取得成功还要接受中国消费者的检阅,希望它的开发团队在研发过程中能始终秉持“我的存在是因为大家的存在”的精神。
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参考英文原文:China to build standard OS around Ubuntu,by Peter Clarke
• 被Android制约要反抗?国产OS应胸怀天下
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• 少了WebOS,多了Firefox,手机界会不会不同?PHoesmc
China to build standard OS around Ubuntu
Peter Clarke
LONDON – China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MII) has selected Ubuntu from British software company Canonical Ltd. as the basis for standard operating systems in China.
Canonical is joining in with China Software and Integrated Chip Promotions Centre (CSIP) and the National University of Defense Technology (Changsha, China) to form the CNN Open Source Innovations Joint Lab in Beijing. The CCN Joint Lab will produce Ubuntu Kylin, with the first release expected in conjunction with Ubuntu 13.04 in April 2013.
CSIP, which is a part of the MII, has selected Ubuntu to provide a flexible, open, widely-used and standardized operating system, Canonical said.
The CNN Open Source Innovation Lab hosts engineers from each of the founding organizations who will work on China-focused versions of Ubuntu for personal devices and data centers.
Ubuntu Kylin goes beyond language localization and the 13.04 release includes features and applications that cater for the Chinese market, said Canonical. These include support for Chinese input methods and the Chinese calendar, and integration with Baidu maps and the Taobao shopping service, payment processing for Chinese banks, and Chinese transportation information.
"The release of Ubuntu Kylin brings the Chinese open source community into the global Ubuntu community," said Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Ubuntu and Canonical, in a statement.
"CSIP, Canonical and NUDT share the goal of widespread adoption of high quality Linux on personal devices and in the cloud," said Jane Silber, CEO of Canonical, in the same statement. "This collaboration will bring local investment and participation to ensure that the platform is relevant for the Chinese market, and close coordination with the global Ubuntu project ensures that it is familiar to software and hardware vendors, and useful for export products made by Chinese companies as well."