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5月29日消息,意法爱立信(ST-Ericsson)宣布将自己的GPS移动业务出售给英特尔。这是意法爱立信宣布拆分后的第一次业务出售行为。 意法爱立信公司专注于移动和无线芯片领域,由意法半导体(STMicroelectronics)和爱立信(Ericsson)合资成立。意法爱立信从成立之初就一直在赔钱,今年3月正式宣布解体,原因是芯片市场竞争激烈,且来自其最大客户诺基亚的订单量大幅下跌。这项业务出售是该公司第一次产生资产性收入。本周二该公司宣布出售GPS业务但没有公布买方。随后英特尔的一位发言人表示,他们购买了意法爱立信的资产。 两家公司都没有透露交易价格,但意法爱立信表示,出售所得款项将用来补贴重组费用和其它相关费用,这将为这家合资公司节省重组所需现金约9000万美元,这部分费用正好补足现金缺口。 意法半导体和爱立信今年3月宣布分拆意法爱立信。由于来自最大客户诺基亚的订单大幅下滑,与其他芯片制造商的竞争陷入艰难境地。收购完成后,意法爱立信的GPS相关知识产权和工程师将并入英特尔已有的GPS业务员。 英特尔发言人克里斯?克劳特(Chris Kraeuter)表示,英特尔收购意法爱立信GPS业务后,其GPS方面的知识产权和工程师将为英特尔本身的GPS业务带来积极影响。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Mystery buyer found for ST-Ericsson's connectivity business,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} Mystery buyer found for ST-Ericsson's connectivity business Peter Clarke LONDON – ST-Ericsson NV (Geneva, Switzerland), the failed joint venture in mobile phone chips, has sold off its connectivity and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) business but has not revealed the purchaser or the price. ST-Ericsson announced it had agreed to sell the assets and intellectual property rights (IPR) associated with its mobile connectivity Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) business to a "leading semiconductor company." Although no purchase price was given the company did say that the avoidance of employee restructuring charges and other related restructuring costs, would reduce the joint venture’s cash needs by approximately $90 million. In addition to the assets and IPR associated with this business, a team of 130 industry veterans located in Daventry, England, Bangalore, India and Singapore are expected to join the buyer at the closing of the transaction, which is subject to regulatory approvals and is close n August. "Today's transaction validates the leading innovation developed by ST-Ericsson in mobile navigation systems and marks a further important step towards the execution of our shareholders' decision to exit from ST-Ericsson," said Carlo Ferro, CEO of ST-Ericsson, in a statement. "I am pleased that this organization will continue to develop leading-edge technologies and delighted that the team found a new home at a leading player in the semiconductor industry."
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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