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在媒体报导预测诺基亚(Nokia)可能成为中国电信巨擘华为(Huawei)的收购目标后,这家长期陷于困境的芬兰手机制造商的股价开始急剧上升。不过,华为目前已经否认了这项报导。 根据《金融时报》(Financial Times)先前的报导,华为终端董事长余承东表示该公司有兴趣收购诺基亚。《金融时报》指出,余承东说,华为正“考虑这方面的收购行动”,但主要还是“取决于诺基亚公司的意愿。” 此外,《彭博新闻社》( )报导,华为发言人在一封电子邮件中声明中,该公司并没有计划收购诺基亚。该公司发言人表示,华为过去仅有几次小规模的收购,而不曾收购过像诺基亚这样规模的公司。 有趣的是,《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)报导,微软(Microsoft)还与诺基亚进行协商,讨论收购该公司部分业务,不过据说这次的协商并未形成共识。 ABI Research资深营运总监Nick Spencer甚至还对于华为可能收购逽基亚的想法泼了一桶冷水。Spencer说,“基诺亚这个品牌已经是过去式了。” 但Spencer也指出,诺基亚的IP组合极具价值,且可能对于华为的成本带来影响,但由于华为缺乏过去的收购经验,更进一步证明这项收购行动不太可能发生。Spencer认为,余承东做出这样的评论只是为了拉抬华为 Ascend P6 智能手机上市的一种行销策略。 我同意这样的看法。华为似乎不大可能对于收购诺基亚感兴趣。在我看来,这似乎只是一位高阶主管对于媒体表达较夸大的个人看法。或者,余承东只是想强调在全球手机市场上积极追逐更大市占率之际,华为将会考虑任何可能性。 无论如何,我估计这些报导并不会对于诺基亚持续走下坡的命运带来长期影响。不过,它的确为诺基亚的股价带来短暂的好转。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Susan Hong 参考英文原文:Does Huawei have its eye on Nokia?,by Dylan McGrath


{pagination} Does Huawei have its eye on Nokia? Dylan McGrath Nokia's stock surged after reports speculating that the struggling Finnish handset maker would be an acquisition target of Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei. Huawei has since refuted the reports. The Financial Times reported earlier this week that Richard Yu, chairman of Huawei’s consumer business group, said his firm could be interested in acquiring Nokia. The FT reported that Yu said Huawei is "considering these sorts of acquisitions" but that it "depends on the willingness of Nokia." The news service reported on Thursday (June 20) that a spokesman for Huawei said in in an emailed statement that the company has no plans to acquire Nokia. The spokesman went on to tell that Huawei has in its history only made a few small acquisitions, nothing along the lines of a company the size of Nokia. And just to make it even more interesting, the Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that Microsoft also was in talks with Nokia to acquire parts of the company, but that those talks fell apart. In a blog on the subject posted Wednesday, Nick Spencer, a senior practice director at ABI Research, also threw cold water on the idea that Huawei would acquire Nokia. Among other things, Spencer declared that "Nokia's brand is yesterday's brand." Spencer went on: "Nokia’s IP portfolio is valuable and would have an impact on Huawei’s cost to build, but I am unconvinced. Huawei’s lack of past acquisitions is further evidence to suggest this is an unlikely scenario." Spencer believes that the comment by Yu was simply Yu's way of trying to drum up some PR for the launch of Huawei's Ascend 6 smartphone, or Yu simply talking out of school and creating headaches for his PR team. I would tend to agree. It seems unlikely that Huawei would have any interest in acquiring Nokia. It seems to me a case where an executive may have gotten a little too cozy with a journalist and exaggerated, if nothing else. Or maybe Yu just wanted to make the point that Huawei was willing to consider anything in its quest to grab a bigger slice of the global handset market. At any rate, I don't expect this will have a long term impact on Nokia's sagging fortunes. But it did give Nokia's stock a nice bump, at least for a day.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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