据韩联社消息,三星电子表示已开始量产超高速内存——20纳米级16GB DDR4模块,并计划加快进军企业服务器市场的步伐。
20纳米级16GB DDR4 DRAM产品体积世界最小,最高处理速度可达2667Mb/s,和DDR3 DRAM相比,耗电量减少30%以上,速度提高1.25倍。三星预计,随着DDR4的量产,市场上的企业服务器也将迅速由DDR3替换成低耗电高性能的DDR4。
参考英文原文:Samsung Starts Volume Production of DDR4 Memory,Peter Clarke
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Samsung Starts Volume Production of DDR4 Memory
Peter Clarke
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. has started volume production of DDR4 format memory, for use in enterprise servers in datacenters.
Samsung is offering 4 Gbit DRAMs made using a nm-class manufacturing process. Samsung uses 20 nm-class to denote a gate length of between 20 and 29 nm. These 4 Gbit DRAM ICs are assembled into 16 Gbyte and 32 Gbyte memory modules.
These will replace 8 Gbyte memory modules based on 30 nm DRAMs and 16 Gbyte DDR3 memory modules, Samsung said. The 4 Gbit-based DDR4 has a data transmission rate of 2.667 Gbit/s, a 25 percent increase over 20 nm-class DDR3, while lowering power consumption by more than 30 percent, Samsung said.
DDR4 is the latest version of the double data-rate interface standard for synchronous DRAM as mandated by JEDEC, which was the Joint Electron Device Engineering Council but is now the JEDEC Solid State Technology Association.
"After providing cutting-edge performance with our timely supply of 16Gbyte DDR3 earlier this year, we are continuing to extend the premium server market in 2013 and will now focus on higher density and added performance with 32GB DDR4," said Young-Hyun Jun, executive vice president of memory sales and marketing at Samsung, in a press release.