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EDA公司Cadence Design Systems日前宣布与半导体IP授权公司ARM Holdings达成一项收购协议,Cadence同意出售并转让其Panta显示控制器核心给ARM。尽管Cadence公司一直致力于发展其IP核心位置──最明显的就是年初收购Tensilica公司的行动──但仍决定出售Panta产品线给ARM。该收购交易金额暂未发布。 根据双方共同发布的新闻稿,该Panta显示处理器核心系列以及相关的协同处理器核心是由Cadence与ARM共同开发的。Panta系列核心主要针对手机等移动设备提供高解析显示的多媒体应用,因而也能纳入主应用处理器中。同时,该高功效的IP核心还可为应用带来低功耗的优势。 ARM公司媒体处理部门总经理Pete Hutton表示:“ARM的产品组合在加入Panta系列显示器核心后,将有助于使ARM的合作伙伴生态系统更快推出与Mali绘图核心、视频解决方案与ARM TrustZone安全保护技术完全整合的高阶显示器。” 参考英文原文:ARM Buys Display IP From Cadence,by Peter Clarke

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{pagination} ARM Buys Display IP From Cadence Peter Clarke The EDA company Cadence Design Systems Inc. has agreed to sell and transfer its Panta display controller cores to the semiconductor IP licensor ARM Holdings plc. Though Cadence has been developing its IP core position -- significantly with the recent acquisition of Tensilica Inc. -- it has agreed to let the Panta range go to ARM. No price was given for the deal. The Panta range of display processor cores and scaling coprocessor cores was co-developed by Cadence and ARM, the companies said in a joint press release. The cores are targeted at multimedia applications for mobile devices and would therefore be appropriate for inclusion in main application processors. This also makes power efficiency a focus of the IP cores. Panta is a family of IP cores that was jointly developed by Evatronix SA SKA of Bielsko-Biala, Poland and ARM. The ownership of the Panta display controller cores passed to Cadence when it acquited Evatronix in May 2013 (see Cadence buying Evatronix to boost IP pool). "The addition of the Panta family of display cores to the ARM product portfolio will help our ecosystem of partners get to market quickly with high-end displays that are fully integrated with ARM's leading Mali graphics and video solutions and protected with ARM TrustZone security," Pete Hutton, general manager of ARM's media processing division, said in the release.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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