苹果公司最新发表的 iPhone 5S即将上市。苹果为这款新版iPhone 手机采用了64位元的处理器架构,使其成为首款64位元的智能手机。但问题是,智能手机搭载64位元的存储器定址能力究竟能带来多大的性能进展?我怀疑这个问题的答案可能是:差别不大。
根据The Linley Group公司分析师Kevin Krewell以及Real World Tech公司分析师David Kanter表示,他们并不看好iPhone 5S中采用64位元A7处理器能为用户带来什么价值。它纯粹就是抢先为未来的生态系统揭开序幕罢了。不过,Kanter指出,移动设备采用Gb级以上的主存储器,能够在简化虚拟存储器作业方面带来一些性能方面的优势。
苹果在为其新款M7传感控制器的传感器融合API开启一扇门时,也应该试着解决这个问题。三星先前为其最新款的Galaxy S采用了英特尔的芯片以及具备各种附加功能的传感器。而今,苹果也必须为其 iPhone认真思考能提供什么样的差异化与先进性能。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Susan Hong
参考原文:Apple Begs the 64-Bit Question,by Rick Merritt, SiliconValley Bureau Chief
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Apple's iPhone 5S, arriving within days, begs the question of what can you do with 64-bit memory addressability in a smartphone. I suspect the answer is, "Not much."
When ARM announced its V8 architecture for a 64-bit core the handwriting was on the wall. This was all about servers where the software stack is pretty much entirely based on 64-bit address spaces.
ARM and as many as a dozen of its SoC partners are gearing up an interesting initiative here that will bear its first fruits in 2014. So far, Intel still has the lead in low-power servers.
But mobile? There is no 64-bit software here yet. We are not approaching the 4 Gbyte main memory limit of today's 32-bit systems.
Analysts I talked to, such as Kevin Krewell of The Linley Group and David Kanter of Real World Tech, said they don't expect to see any user value in a 64-bit A7 chip in the iPhone 5S. This is all about plowing the field for a future ecosystem. However Kanter noted there could be some performance advantages for simplifying virtual memory operations in devices at or above a Gbyte of main memory.
Far be it from me to be the Luddite who says smartphones will never need more than 4 GBytes of memory. A better question is: What could they do with that much memory?
Apple took a stab at that question when it also opened the door to a sensor fusion API riding on top of its new M7 sensor controller. Samsung had a jump on Intel with all the sensor bells and whistles in its latest Galaxy S phones. Now, Apple is calling the iPhone faithful to think different about what it could deliver.
I stopped wearing watches years ago and have no interest in the new health and fitness devices popping up. But I don't doubt something interesting could emerge there someday.
I suspect no one really knows what to do -- that's compelling -- with a smartphone that sports 64-bit memory spaces and biometrics, including Apple. The Cupertino company is just opening a door and seeing what passes through it. Like the iPhone maker, I'm curious to hear your thoughts, too.
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