小屏幕真的退流行了?手机大厂诺基亚(Nokia)也加入了大屏幕智能手机──也就是所谓的“phablet”──供货商行列,在日前发表搭载6寸屏幕的 Lumia 1520 / 1320;同时该公司也推出了第一款平板装置,是搭载10寸屏幕的Lumia 2520。
诺基亚新推出的平板装置与大尺寸智能手机,据说是该公司决定将手机部门出售给微软(Microsoft)之前,准备用以与竞争对手苹果(Apple)、三星(Samsung)最后一搏的武器。新款大屏幕手机采用 Windows Phone 操作系统,能容纳更多的“动态砖(live tiles)”;此外诺基亚也期望以其摄影机技术强项与鲜明的亮色调来为新产品创造差异化。
搭载6寸屏幕的 Lumia 1520
要让美国的消费者接受拥有大屏幕的智能手机可能还需要一段时间,但在亚洲市场,大尺寸已经蔚为主流。根据市场研究机构 IDC 在8月底发布的最新统计数据,亚太区市场(日本除外)配备5~7寸屏幕的智能手机(也就是“phablet”)出货量,已经超越第二季可携式PC与平板装置产品出货。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
• [拆拆看]三星Note 3利润空间大,成本初估仅237.5美元
• 在沉默中爆发,Phablet 亚太地区出货量超平板
• [图文报道]诺基亚发布巨屏手机Lumia 1520以及平板86Desmc
IDC当时指出,供货商在2013年第二季于亚太区市场的“phablet”产品出货量达到2,525万支, 同时间平板装置出货量为1,260万台,可携式PC出货量则为1,270万台:“当季“phablet”产品的出货量季成长率超过100%,并较2012 年同期暴增620%。”
Lumia 1520与能作为基座的外盖
笔者在18个月前造访中国时,对于许多中国业者高层都拿着三星的 Galaxy Note颇感惊讶(虽然他们有的还有另一支正常尺寸手机用来通话);而从那时候起,“phablet”就在中国与印度市场逐渐风行,而且不只是三星那样的大品牌,许多区域小厂也推出类似产品,包括中国当地许多白牌手机供货商也推出价格更低的大尺寸手机。
在诺基亚推出最新产品的同时,苹果最新一代iPad Air/iPad mini 2也问世,对于到底是选购“phablet”好、还是平板电脑比较好,消费者现在有更多选择。而如果像是美国这样的成熟市场,也开始有“phablet”逐渐蚕食平板装置市场的现象,将会是件大事…你的观察是?
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Judith Cheng
参考英文原文:Nokia Guns for 6-Inch Phablets,by Junko Yoshida
• [拆拆看]三星Note 3利润空间大,成本初估仅237.5美元
• 在沉默中爆发,Phablet 亚太地区出货量超平板
• [图文报道]诺基亚发布巨屏手机Lumia 1520以及平板86Desmc
Nokia Guns for 6-Inch Phablets
Junko Yoshida
MADISON, Wis. — Forget puny displays of smartphones. Nokia is going after big screens.
The Finnish company showed off Tuesday (October 22) its first tablet (10-inch screen) and two six-inch screen "phablets" at its annual Nokia World event in Abu Dhabi.
The Lumia 2520 tablet, along with the Lumia 1520 and 1320 phablets, are reportedly among the last products Nokia developed to compete with Apple and Samsung before deciding to sell its handset business to Microsoft, according to Reuters.
Nokia is using the larger screen size of its phablet, based on Windows Phone operating system, for an extra column of live tiles that can be added to the phone. The company is also leveraging its strong camera technology and its signature bright colors to differentiate its new products from the competition.
Nokia's 6-inch HD phablet Lumia 1520 (Source: Nokia)
One could argue the bigger screen size of Nokia's phablets won't be the answer for the Finnish company struggling to make a dent in the US smartphone market.
Perhaps that's true.
Blurring lines
But I contend that the screen size could matter as the line between tablets, phablets, and smartphones start to blur. Nokia's competition includes large-screen smartphones from Samsung and Apple, the latter scheduled to unveil slimmer, faster iPads on Tuesday.
While it may still take more time for US consumers to warm up to the idea of smartphones with a gigantic screen, it has already become all the rage in Asia.
Market researcher International Data Corporation (IDC) reported late August in its Asia/Pacific quarterly mobile phone tracker:
Smartphones with screen sizes of 5 to just under 7 inches, colloquially known as "phablets", overtook shipments of each of the portable PC and tablet device categories in Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) in the second quarter of 2013.
IDC at that time said that device vendors shipped 25.2 million phablets in the second quarter of 2013, compared with 12.6 million tablets, and 12.7 million portable PCs. "Phablets made a significant jump, up by 100% quarter on quarter, and up 620% for the same quarter in 2012," the market research company said.
When I was visiting China more than 18 months ago, I was shocked to find more executives in China carrying Samsung's Galaxy Note (in addition to their regular smartphone for voice calls).
What has become clear since then is that the phablets are picking up in China and India, and those available in such regions are no longer limited to products from big-name suppliers such as Samsung. Instead, the low-cost local players in China have aggressively moved into the segment to offer big screens for less money.
With the launch of Apple's new iPad expected later today in addition to Nokia's latest tablet/phablets announcement, consumers will have an opportunity to rethink if what they want is a tablet or a phablet.
Any hint of cannibalization of tablets by phablets, if it ever happens in more mature markets such as the US, would be a big deal. It will be closely watched by many in the mobile device market.
Nokia's Lumia 1520 with accessory cover (Source: Nokia)