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过去几年时间里,惠普的裁员规模一直都在不断加大。而在周四,这家公司称其将再度裁减1.1万到1.6万名员工。 据《华尔街日报》网络版报道,惠普第二财季净利润同比增长18%,但营收再次下降。截至4月30日的第二财季,惠普营收同比下降1%至273.1亿美元,不及汤森路透预计的274.1亿美元。惠普表示,本次裁员是重组计划的一部分。 去年12月份,惠普已经正式确认将裁减3.4万名员工,再加上周四新宣布的这项计划,其裁员总数已经达到了4.5万人到5万人。支持原创,鄙视抄袭,请访问《国际电子商情》网站www.esmchina.com

《国际电子商情》惠普首席执行官梅格·惠特曼(Meg Whitman)
惠普首席执行官梅格·惠特曼(Meg Whitman)

在公布2014财年第二季度财报以后,惠普首席执行官梅格·惠特曼(Meg Whitman)在随后召开的财报电话会议上表示,此次裁员活动将覆盖公司旗下的所有业务部门和所有地区。分析师在会上就这项修改后的计划提出了诸多问题,指出这家公司一直都在不停地调高裁员目标。有位分析师甚至向惠特曼施压,要求她承诺这是最终的裁员数字。 惠特曼对这位分析师作出的回应是:“随着上半财年的结束,我高兴地宣布惠普的转型计划依旧按部就班。在此之后,我预计不会再有额外的(裁员)计划。” 惠特曼坚持声称,不断扩大裁员规模的原因并非对惠普实现营收增长的能力缺乏信心,只是因为她总是会发现这家公司需要在更多的领域中进行精简。“我来到这里的时间越久,就越是能发现更多的机会。我们认为这是件好事。”她说道。惠特曼认为,通过裁减员工的方式,惠普能“更容易地”开展运营工作,同时还能削减成本。 惠普首席财务官凯茜·莱斯加克(Cathie Lesjak)向分析师表示,扩大后的裁员计划能让惠普多节省10亿美元资金。惠普此前预计,裁员3.4万人将可节省30亿美元到40亿美元资金。支持原创,鄙视抄袭,请访问《国际电子商情》网站www.esmchina.com 惠普就此发表声明称:“惠普在2012年5月份采取了一项多年期的重组计划,目标是简化业务流程、加快创新速度、降低成本和交付更好的业绩。惠普此前估测,在这项计划中需要裁减3.4万名员工。随着惠普继续调整劳动力以增强自身竞争能力和实现业绩目标,此前估测的裁员数字将会增加1.1万人到1.6万人。” 惠普在去年12月份正式宣布,将原计划的2.9万人裁员计划的规模扩大5000人。而根据惠普在2012年5月份公布的最初重组计划,该公司当时计划裁减2.7万名员工,这一消息是由Business Insider最早报道的。 2013年10月份,惠特曼曾表示,一旦这一波裁员计划完成,则该公司不会再度开展大规模的裁员活动。她在当时承诺称:“2014年以后我们不会再进行大规模的重组活动。” 惠普曾在2012年首次宣布裁员时表示,无论最终的裁员数字是多少,裁员计划预计都将在2014年10月份以前完成,也就是在惠普的2014财年底以前完成。 惠普表示,目前该公司的员工总数为33.1万人。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Luffy Liu 参考英文原文:HP Plans 16,000 More Layoffs,by Rick Merritt


{pagination} HP Plans 16,000 More Layoffs Rick Merritt SAN JOSE, Calif. — Hewlett-Packard will lay off another 16,000 workers on top of 34,000 layoffs it already announced. The move could save up to an additional billion dollars a year by 2016 on top of the maximum $4 billion savings previously anticipated. The layoffs will come across all HP's product divisions and geographical locations. About 7,000 of the new layoffs will come before the end of HP's 2014 fiscal year and the rest before the end of 2015. On a quarterly earnings call, HP chief executive Meg Whitman took a hammering from Wall Street analysts, clearly surprised by the magnitude of the numbers. Whitman announced her turnaround plan in May 2012 estimating layoffs of 27,000. The numbers were later boosted to 29,000, then 34,000 and now are estimated at a total 50,000 Analysts asked if Whitman had lost confidence in HP's ability to grow revenues. "This has nothing to do with our confidence in business, it's about opportunities to make this company better," Whitman said. "I've done a number of turnarounds -- not at this scale -- but you see more opportunities the deeper you get in," she said. Executives have been studying additional opportunities to streamline the company since last year, signaling along the way more layoffs could come, added HP's CFO. Whitman noted HP has had three quarters of flat revenues after several quarters of revenue declines of 6& to 9%. "That's encouraging to me because you have to stabilize before you grow," she said. Although HP's divisions might have their own layoff plans to deal with specific business issues in the future, "I do not anticipate another [corporate restructuring] program after this," Whitman said. Several analysts on the call asked about the layoffs. Although Whitman seemed slightly off balance at the first question, which took an unusually challenging tone, she quickly regained her footing and provided increasingly confident answers, including the following: This company has been through a lot -- the acquisitions of Compaq and EDS, the acquisitions of 11 to 20 software companies. Part of what we are doing is integrating, streamlining the system, automating processes which have not been done in a while No company likes to decrease the workforce. I think our employees live it every single day. Our employees know we can be more efficient. They are our biggest sources of ideas. I don't think anyone likes this, but I think we've done a good job of explaining where we are at. My outlook has actually not changed in where we are at in our turnaround and our return trajectory. I'm feeling more confident because we have seen a stabilization of revenues and I really like our product road maps. Many people said this is the best product line up we have had in a decade. We need to run this co more efficiently in terms of ease of doing business and being faster, nimbler in decision making. In its second quarter, HP reported GAAP net revenues of $27.3 billion up 1% from the same period last year. Profits were up 18% to $1.3 billion. Across its major business groups, HP reported: Personal Systems revenue was up 7% year-over-year with a 3.5% operating margin. Total units were up 10% with desktops units up 6% and notebooks units up 6%. Printing revenue was down 4% year-over-year with a 19.5% operating margin. Total hardware units were up 1%. Enterprise Group revenue was down 2% year-over-year with a 14.4% operating margin. X86 servers revenue was up 1%, storage revenue was down 6%, Itanium server revenue was down 14% and networking revenue was up 6%. Enterprise Services revenue was down 7% year-over-year with a 2.5% operating margin. Software revenue was flat year-over-year with a 19.2% operating margin.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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